Monday, September 20, 2010

Hot summer season were rare sunny day for a Long

 Take a ride early in the morning her husband units, a pedestrian tour of Fuyang City has two major attractions - Ecological Park and West Lake. Across from the sitting to return the car, summer chill wind blowing, unforgettable experience of the day, feeling just a word - cool!

an ecological park

see less than eight cars went to the Fuyang city. My husband and his colleagues to participate in the fifth floor of City Board of Education to the World Trade Organization's new training materials will be, My son and I were chosen to play Ecological Park.

ecological garden in the front door, startled to see a garden on the giant banners inside the main entrance, Son anxious to see the Ice,cheap UGG boots, but I do not know the specific location. Jingzhi Wang Li Chong! Ample time for the morning, they charged with this matter up.

our subconscious is taking the north of the cement road leading to the zoo. Over a small bridge and see the clear water in a swimming fish Happy, one side has a special fishing pond. But his son was interested in the captive animals. He gave peacock pictures, played out with the monkeys, and zebras on the TV, call brown bear waking up, hearing shouts and lions. An ostrich hurdle fled, he helped it to go home keeper. Glimpse of a few flamingos gentleman, he was anxious to capture ... ... son not feel close to nature, animals infected with me! Liu Yin

We sat on the stone bench under the rest, immediate rendering of a bird's paradise! Called on the name, not by name in one case in the nets up and down inside a tweet, rippling in a grand old time! But we are concerned at the moment across the pond of a few black swans. Plagued the summer pond plants, water lilies are blooming quietly, a few black swans floating one, leisurely. Their feet freely in the water paddling, a huge body firmly teal with, exactly like water on a rollercoaster! Swan and sometimes nodded water, a beautiful long neck bent in an arc; from time to time water break, the long ramp into the side of head and neck is under the wings, leisurely float on the water. This picture really makes people memories!

At this time, his son read out the pond next to the wooden plaque on the introductory text: Swan, Anseriformes ducks, migratory birds, the national key protected animals II. To plant seeds for food, hi wetland lakes. Of moderate and rare birds in the world.

looked elegant swan body and text description, I do not know why, I think the Danish fairy tale master Hans Christian Andersen. Maybe it was one day in history is already a reputation in the Hans Christian Andersen is seen in front of me in general, such as grace and elegance of swans, thus germinal wonderful imagination, written as .

out of the zoo, green lawn to the south there are two paved launch a nearly vertical path. We take the easterly direction of the path. (Later, wooden sign at the gate on the tourist map reading to know, west of the road that people would bring tropical botanical gardens, leisure centers, amusement parks and other large wonderful place. But we missed it.) < br>
but my son is still a good selection of the road! In agricultural science and technology garden close by, we saw Liu Yin under a blooming lotus, white lotus of Outang. Outang the other side, above the green leaves are covered with vegetation blossoming flowers, white, red, yellow, crimson and other colorful, premium color streamer, Yuan Wang to the touch of rosy clouds, like the horizon as gorgeous! Left-hand side of a pond onto the Rainbow Bridge and see a small bridge there is also a shop expanded chapter of this brocade!

are happy.

down the Rainbow Bridge, we also entered the garden of a monument - will grow old together. Housing repair the appearance of a new look, the old Church of the plaque will be very eye-catching. Went so has, we can see there are two stone garden statue is neutral: two motherly looking old man what is being talked cordially. Into being together, to see the inside furnishings and simple! Desks Jian, the other thing little. From the wall inscriptions know, this era will Xiu old Church was built in Ancestor Xining five years (AD 1072), is the current generation master of literature and Friends Chao Xiu takes place meet feast.

will read the old church, I felt the doubts: Ouyang Xiu's will is not the old Church of Crescent Lake in the ancient Yingzhou City What? If there is a real history would be where the old church, then the Song dynasty Yingzhou City of West Lake also will be trapping and present in an ecological park! Or that it will be inclusive in the current ecological garden?

relevant information on hindsight, to confirm my guess was right. According to Ming, keep Yingzhou City, it is the poets of poetry and painting resort. Starting from the Song Dynasty, there Shu, Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi, Lu seven public with such celebrities know Yingzhou City, West Lake, the ancient Yingzhou City building immortal feats, and left a 113-known poems, plus 71 ancient and modern A total of 259 poets of the Psalms. But as the Yellow River flooding, Lake sediment gradually being filled, the former beauty, no longer exist. Is

and today covers an area of as much ecological landscape area 1107 acres, of which 110 acres of water, soil Hill 11, Park grow trees more than 82,000 trees, laying two species in more than 40 million square meters, construction of new unique size of the bridge 15, the cultural landscape for viewing up to 150 multiple! It seems that it is indeed the site of ancient Yingzhou City of West Lake, by the transformation, expansion of treatment Quan depression formed. We can say that it is the city of Fuyang generous garden planning!

My son and I will be out of the old Church, will wantonly lay out around the old Church of bamboo Mau Tso, Hang the gardenia, swaying willow, tranquil pond as if people met again to the ancient Yingzhou City West Lake's charm to! As Ouyang Xiu, artistic conception is not reproduced in today's What?

Then, after a mao bamboo, my son saw the karting track. Naturally be rented for a ride in! Finished just 23 minutes and ran away bamboo ring, the son is not wonderful time to go out!

we go along the road east, through an orchard, saw the show in front of roadside billboards on the Ice. See

We quickly identified the target - billboard diagonally across the lawn of a large building. At the door, 10 yuan rented two large jacket. Through the body, with the crowd from the entrance into, find jade puzzle which is really a world of ice! Sculpture of a Tiananmen Square, Chinese table, monuments, the Great Wall, Mi Le Fozu, Fuyang Trade City, Wenfeng Ta, Ouyang Xiu and Friends Chao almost so, one by one over here, that vivid! Delves walked, also found that carving a bar of counters on beer, lamps, glass ranging, it is really a curious tourists sit inside ice-stool to chat too!

If you are interested, you can from the side of Tiananmen Square car down the walls to sit on ice; or in a bar in front of the platform, skiing, snowball fights, that snow could still color it! But the chilly room, blowing cold lump in the skin from invasive single step. We snap a few pictures, then go with the flow of people out!

out Ji Shibu away, his head has been able to feel the summer heat, the cold lump foot has not cleared it. Cried his son, the space inside is not big enough, but only a few minutes to read it!

tours of the ice art exhibition, we still go back to main road. After a stack of rockery, listening to the sound of water gurgling, knew it back on the scenic main entrance! Saw the door Youshou guide icon, know just see Ice Pavilion, but two or three hundred meters from the entrance, and we walked nearly a full three hours to see! Son complained: Why not have a look at the main entrance of the guide map? There are several interesting places do not see it! Why not rent a travel bike? Were worked to death!

me smile: What is wrong too! tourist bus and a leisurely walk to see will see the same feeling? Of course next time, you can choose to ride son! riding child's nothing wrong! Ecological Park is too great, views can be enough to see it. Apparently, he accepted me.

2, Lake Walden

often heard it addressed in his hometown of West Lake, or see the television picture displayed on West Lake in Hangzhou, the total was a little disappointed heart: so close, it actually did not go to Ta Fang Guo . It is laziness matter to! But if he can drive an interactive obsession: Once when any scholar Su Yingzhou City prefect, he had fascinated by the enchanting scenery of West Lake, then have written starting off Yichen, the male and female who did not feel Ying Hang, Can imagine, life informed the Su Xueshi cited Yingzhou City of West Lake as a confidant, and it and the world-famous West Lake in Hangzhou par, then Yingzhou City of West Lake scenery must be good!

afternoon is complete, we intend to visit West Lake. I could have one wish was - that glimpse of graceful West Lake, the natural spirits are high.

car fled in the direction to the west, about twenty minutes into the West Lake. It is said the road south of the main attractions. The car stopped in front of the grand western Hunan, inquiry that is being trimmed within the scenic area, temporarily open. We are a bit disappointed that go west, and soon came to the Lake line 8 other sites: stele forest park. Found that the door's no one ticket! Later, cruise ticket, a left-hand side door Sister symbolic collection of ten dollars.

into the stone tablet, but saw lush grassland, winding paths on both sides of the green branch Cuiye no one prune; Song Images and zodiac stone figures confrontation with awe, at the end to uphold the vigil with a tower ; meta-known painter of contemporary authentic awe-inspiring monument standing nearly a thousand pieces,UGG boots clearanc, fitted to gossip battle, between shrubs in the Mau Tso Passes a desolate pathos of flavors. Due to scorching sun was shining, and we look at the rough. Then to a face under water,UGG boots clearanc, open space corridor.

did not think the shade under the promenade is actually a good place for fishing! Accompanied by a distant uncle opened a folding fishing rod, sitting in the Lang Yanxia. Two afternoon sun still has power, under the willow gallery child Yan Yan, and such like hazy drowsiness. The lake is not calm. Everyone's laughing it does not seem to scare the fish in the lake, the shallow water near the shore from time to time to see them play play cheerful figure, Yang Kai layers of turbulent waves.

but seems a very smart fish, the fish float for a long time have not seen movement. At this time I do not know who suggested the Grasshopper also can go fishing. So between the two companions to the grass to catch grasshoppers, grasshopper uncle to use live bait, the fish actually eat really hook up! Slender pole to almost bent the arc-shaped, deal with a pass, a pound of multiple fish hook will come up. Happy to go we busy with pure water to keep it in the food bag. Son Xiaoqi gave it sprinkled crumbs.

but not a moment, Cruise Department elder sister who would come to warn that the ban on fishing the West Lake, visit the soon to come, see to be fine! You better stop rowing!

uncle smiled and responded: We only catch a play, not take away the fish! Yuehua Jian, another one is not a small fish bite!

hey! West Lake fish is really lovely stay! A small grasshopper will be able to coax the bait, but also in shallow water where people look nice hooked! Fishing there is such a pleasure, which I previously did not know.

see sun Xi Zhao, sun glare is not, and everyone will be ready to row. 8 into Liangbo. Uncle and we took a boat with. Xiao Qi is very excited and volunteered to contribute to tread ship requirements. Mindful of the fact that he has grown into teenagers, young man, dig the exertion too tired miss it! My husband and I will be happy to sit on the side of their respective points.

Kengkeng the stampede chirp sound accompanied the boat washed Kaiping, such as mirror of the lake, stirred clear to the boat through the waves on both sides of Pitt dispersed. Gentle hand touched the water and feel refreshed. Fish in the boat, cruising around in groups with access team! Sometimes dive deep underwater, dial Lachu layers of Bi mark; sometimes jumps out of the water, churn out the glistening water droplets people fully appreciate the vitality of life itself issued Bo and fun!

catch a few fish to be uncle again put back the water, watching them swim off to gay, we all feel happy!

then, uncle with interest, said: Early one morning in late autumn the year, Su Xueshi walking in the lake, he saw a large lake east of pond water will dry up,UGG shoes, and duckweed are sticking to the fish body, fish diving, struggling. he was too harsh, immediate command fisherman casting a net into the fish people moved to the western side of the big pond. He followed busy for a half a day until the evening, watching the fish swim in the merry of Datang, Su Xueshi very happy, happily drinking, Sheng Xing also wrote

Our boat has been designated to the other side knew little sandbar next to the sandbar on the towering five-story pavilion of the antique building to attract our eye. Anxious to see what happens, then tied firmly around the tree along the banks of the boat, on shore. Xiao Qi excellent vision, he reported to us that he saw the distant lake, the other board a few uncles are around twain bath in the lake too! I know that Xiao Qi also love water, but because of shyness, it seems he left out the only covert.

we go to the front of the pavilion, and she saw Hopes of finding the entrance door cabinet actually nobody cares. Genei facilities covered with dust, such as from lack of cleaning too. Such a moment, we simply went up the stairs. Each layer in turn to see the positive wall murals and building inscriptions and Couplets. Thin materials read, as if played out scenes in front of the bank of West Lake occurred in the history of stories -

such as Shi, 36, 9, AD 1071 in Hangzhou in mid and late en route via the Yingzhou City, and paid respects to teacher came with his brother Su Che. Teachers and students gathered with travel more than a month. Daily wine Rinpu, boating on the lake above the text of wine, Huan, poetry, and happy!

as we gradually board to the highest level of pedestrian vistas of vision very open! Near the lake, winding bridges, pavilions, rocks, flowers, distant buildings, towers, roads, rivers, cars, trees and other panoramic view. Under oblique Hui, all covered with a thin layer of smoke-like, it is sprouted out of nostalgia! Billion NT inevitable, Cui Hao, or Or the Audio

Then I heard the side of his uncle to ask: Who you know, life official, traveled to many great mountains and rivers of Ouyang Xiu old age, why is the Yingzhou City made their own remaining years of the election, the second home then?

Xiaoqi language quickly made quickly replied: It may be here because we treasure it Feng Shui. Mild climate, fertile land, rich resources, the people are easily accessible ... ...

uncle said with appreciation: Xiaoqi said good! High school students to see that is unusual! To me, there is an important factor, see below to know!

setting sun, we have it open again overlooking the tranquil lake! But I saw daylight clouds were hovering above the lake, a few number of cruise ships can be arbitrary Yang Zhao, occasional birds fly above the lake, like fish and the water phase play.

means we will smile. Uncle went on: on another! Ouyang Xiu in his later years as partners in the West Lake, has written one after another, Remember I read a poem he has this sentence: Slender West Lake to favorably too! As he said himself,

uncle's words compelling. Looking at his face somewhat vicissitudes, I even think that in him is also quite Ouyang Ying water lay in the legacy of their ancestors too!

term summer breeze blows, we in the balcony of the shelf on top of a pedestrian stuck for a long time, indulge in the millennium away from the West Lake scenery in the Song Dynasty, long before they agree to leave.

ripple down the Qing Court, through the circuitous zigzag bridge, about to enter the dam encountered an administrator thirties look like a woman, she asked: you have several people in the floor on the rock and more will be the bar, I do not know to buy tickets already? Just have to wait here asked! - Shows a scenic spot management oversight.

covering the Qing Lian Pavilion tickets, we, a pedestrian walking in the deep and long Sudi above, as if from distant lakes and mountains in the Northern Song out! Sudi shore, Yang Liu Yiyi, Maolin tall bamboo flowers from time to time between the flash, Birds chirp prevalent, cool breezes blowing, feeling heat subsided a lot!

rush to say that the West Lake on the home side the impression, in my view, almost can be compared to a charm still exist, less than carving the ancient beauty - is sometimes difficult to give people a sense of desolation and fade! To tell the truth, profound culture of the West Lake scenery natural charm with the value of visiting! Just a little follow-up development and management of lag.

course, this is the summer vacation rush to visit West Lake, the mark after the superficial, the gold today in the tourist season, wanted to come to some other views that are right!

, after all, home of the West Lake, and we eagerly look forward to it once again brilliant! The same as the Song dynasty. What will the day away?

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