Monday, May 30, 2011

Something , some situation

Recalling the life of one year of college , I remember when a kid from a small city to a big city. It was like the world came to a second , language, environment, lifestyle changes in the sun. Talk really, really good at a loss . Fortunately, parents in Guangzhou. More exciting was a lot of good friends in class consciousness , a Girl , the Department of I am most grateful that you have been good to me , left behind many things to do for me , I know planes, the Air I have eyes , you could not say I have five known Cashmere silly , so not to scold me later , more systems will be more call me stupid . I admit I used to wild shocking Luanjiang my intention to avoid you , in fact, think back , his own excess , the body is a soft pillow , afraid of people speaking more than willing to Zuomie . After all five would , I would like to tell you the sound of five live. Heavy rains had passed, and he is now in the appearance of the rainbow .

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