Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hummer China Diary 5 Miles march test

 Hummer march thousands of miles of China Diary 5
--- test turned out the dead Jieshan Daban to ditch into the South on August 20 Qiemo
soil after Sodom Tai tamarisk Beach Township, Clay Daban (5024 m), Jieshan Daban (5248 m, the armed police detachment in eight traffic July 1, 2005 calibration), iron Long Beach (dead groove), Qitai Daban (5022 m) 488 km journey from the day early in the morning
soil together is a big eye days. seven forty departure, the equivalent of five forty mainland, restaurants and shops are not open early, a day before the vehicles are assigned to be a good baked buns and steamed bread. the sky is still black, seven Xiaolong combat vehicles will hit the road. Today is the market hard battle, when it comes to the Shiquanhe Ali has completed the first phase of battle, then to Xinjiang from Shiquanhe Yecheng the second stage, is the new possession of the most difficult part of the road. Ali area of fuel and other supplies come through Tibet Highway, so life habits, place names, it is called are very close in Xinjiang, such as the Pass of Xinjiang called Daban is called the law, but in all this, it is called Ali area, especially west Shiquanhe.
whole Tibet Highway elevation of 4,000 meters above the road there are 914 km, and from Daban to Yecheng Jieshan direction more than 5,000 meters above sea level line 130 km, is the world's highest road. hundreds of kilometers along the deserted wasteland remote, combined with bad weather, thin air, the trip is quite difficult. But the rolling snow-capped mountains, densely covered lake group, you can see a large number of wild animals, making it a paradise for explorers and a super crazy people traveling by car heaven. but the climate is very violent, sunny day, no set number of rain and snow, walking in the mountains or the blue skies here, after a Kong is the big wind and rain, and then again out of ten kilometers of flying snow, August and September, under the snow, said, this is Ali, which is widely praised in the land has a population of less than eighty Ali.
Yecheng soil to the road at the 963 km milestone, but can not be reached within a day, unless modified using a special car, in turn, a special traveling by car to drive crazy. because about five kilometers through several Daban, our team would also like to pause for the plateau test, then the ideal thing is to walk this road Yecheng two days, and if something unexpected way, then this trip to make what is no need to estimate in advance. As for today, not too good to be able to go where the estimated ideal can expect to be ten miles to 600 kilometers away in the barracks, where there will be cell phone signals. By the way here, will have to go to Ali and the heroes who-Tibet Highway , the Ali region of China Unicom phone is able to get through, and in the soil from the date of the long lines to Yecheng, only a few points on the machine stops moving, so once the vehicle problem, only the satellite phone or a military telephone can help.
was at a hundred kilometers of Earth, passing the last of this section a more lively town - Sodom village, gradually rising terrain in this paragraph, passed away in a small town in the last five thousand to pull the Songxi meters, entered a no man's land more than five hundred kilometers. Daban by 5024 m of red clay, the teams engaged in more than three hours here, the plateau test, although the sun is high, but wind bone puncture, the first of the three vehicles had done the first step and find food and shelter to the front, the other four cars in the cold to continue fighting. I go ahead with the first three vehicles, and is still bright in the sky when to capture and grasping point shot scenery and wildlife.
Daban out from the clay for about ten kilometers away, hidden on a new line to the most horrible gates of hell legend: Jieshan Daban. In the original legend The new line's highest possession Jieshan Daban, the height of 6700 meters, 5500 meters, and other claims, in an uncertain guess, we have inadvertently on the vehicle arrived. an eight by the armed police detachment Traffic on July 1, 2005 calibration, Jieshan Daban 5248 m of black stone that suddenly. I immediately won the shot with a camera to a high degree of Jieshan Daban traveling by car crazy people skeptical confirmed The exact height of 5248 meters!!! over this pass, there was no response to what the legendary and discomfort, as flat, Daban also easily than others through! I advise going to challenge you heroes-Tibet line: Do not repeated the baseless assertion -Tibet section of the road is not really scary in this!
Jieshan Daban passed, the following is a blue-green and white highland lakes, beautiful, pleasant, and the distant snow-capped mountains each other. armed police detachment established eight traffic declaration of the Tibetan section of the two arch is over, the great officers and men of the armed transport detachment with their flesh and blood, maintaining the life of the restricted area of this road open. The next trip, there are several such lakes, and see the Tibetan bell sheep, Tibetan wild ass, especially exciting to see the two take the lead in possession of a Tibetan wild ass bell sheep running and I quickly won this lens. Before we knew it, the sky became dark, station, as narrow, but over Jieshan Daban, the board of the altimeter display has been about five thousand meters, while the temperature outside the car show has long been below freezing.
night fell, the clouds in the sky, A sudden cold Among the wind, this time we really experienced the fate of cars and people at this time is completely linked, and once the car can not move, the next thing is cold and oxygen, were completely unable to contact with the outside world, in the cold and hunger be frozen into popsicles. so there is no absolute guarantee vehicle condition, and more than two vehicles with each other help, certainly not to the new line to the possession of your life, because it will not be a place to play a decisive role!!! us The chariot Xiaolong billowing black smoke caused by the oxygen in, but also turned over a five-kilometer Qitai Daban, came to a place called the big tamarisk Beach, where about 4,000 meters above sea level. tamarisk beach its name implies, when Yi Shi is the side of a tamarisk everywhere, but in fact beach tamarisk tamarisk tree has gone, the only depot is just a row of tamarisk beach house and an easy care section. tamarisk beach-Tibet Highway on the way once more a place of terror because legend had a row all the soldiers died overnight due to altitude sickness short-Tibet line here because not many people go through all kinds of horror stories filled with people, but today the situation has greatly improved the road to here has been No old horror.
turn it out of the industry Sakamoto Alexander Ali region of Tibet, Xinjiang into the boundary, but here the feeling is still in Ali. In tamarisk beach, and now no longer outside the depot, and only a few Sichuanese open house accommodation shop, ate with live. We stayed in a small fang called Tianfu food shop. Sichuan are similar throughout China, twice-cooked pork, fried peanuts, bean curd, etc., but lived in no windows, and six in a row of twelve plus one Taikang Chase cabin, without any of the wash conditions, the Kunlun mountains ten miles barracks, Mazar and other places are much the same. come here, what stress? fill a full stomach, have a warm nest is already good, then test the other team members are still two hundred kilometers away in the wind in the cold and hunger of the struggle, one after another in the snoring of six to be spent this way to enter the first night of Xinjiang.
August 21 after a large tamarisk beach camp ten miles Kangxiwar Daban to travel 118 km
early in the morning to know the other 4 of 9 brothers car After midnight, the car repaired and open to the sleepy not want to leave a place, and to rest in the car. Results feet to the frozen timber and then wake up, see the lights in front of a store, is a big truck tire repair shop, a asked to ditch the name of the dead, sleepy suddenly gave Xiaxing it! then struggling to arrive at 4:00 or so large tamarisk beach, wearing a military cloak room and board shop in Church Zaidao house. There are a chariot in Xiaolong more than 50 meters away from the shops outside the dry out the oil, the car to throw in the middle of the road, people fell asleep. In the morning half-eaten food half Sichuan Xinjiang's water, do not want to rinse the mouth, on the scenic toilets, they began a new journey.
out from the big tamarisk beach more than an hour, just before the Kangxiwar Daban, cold wind blowing in the open mountain , a gravel dirt road in no man's land of silence to start with. Suddenly a blue road sign pointing right, to a cold and lonely valley in the Holy Land. to read a few episodes before the intermittently really have such a place. stretching hundreds of kilometers of no man's land, open the Valley in the cold, quietly rest with India since 1962 has been fighting back, in the Kunlun mountains the great martyrdom of 106 soldiers.
into martyrs cemetery, to see soldiers from different provinces in Tombstone, a sense of reverence for old, cold Linlie of people recalling the tragic, and tears. where the vehicles much, as long as the vehicles will come to pay homage to the past, no time to come, in the same ring a bell to report to the martyrs. martyrs before their tombstone bottled wine, cigarettes and all kinds of food. Kunlun mountain can not find the flowers, tombstones are lit with stones down by the cigarette butts, we can see, there are different types of people come here, and all whom tears! whom all emotional! Even those of us running around wild man, can not help tears rolling. see in this cold and oxygen , wind whistling no man's land, martyrs are with their own flesh and blood to defend the peace of the great motherland, with their young lives to protect the family for the country, as long as the conscience of a Chinese citizen who is not moved Pathetique?
no flowers, no incense, our martyrs cemetery in the tombstone on the biscuits and Lhasa before the beer festival, to comfort the memory of their martyrs! to comfort the families of their elders. We gravestone Changgui, we pray to the heavens to to the martyrs who pay tribute to the great Chinese soldiers! forefront of the new possession of the road, all the way to a detachment of armed police traffic eight soldiers, all the way there are forces in this depot rolling natural moat, and no man's land, the protection of transmission lines with the smooth flow of thousands of miles away unimpeded to protect the past, the safety of vehicles and passengers. In the life of the restricted area of medicine, but with the military masculine and amiable people, with their giant body in silence for the passing vehicles escort. Kangxiwar concerned the history of the martyrs cemetery, recommended a reporter witnessed by the soldiers, touching the tear-jerking for. in the .
and went nearly 3 hours to come to a huge military camp location: ten miles barracks. with large tamarisk, like beaches, there are also the depot, the original can also board and lodging, but the depot was not outside, but passing vehicles to stay still in this habit. Sichuanese so great, they always dismissive of it catch food, housing so that the most basic opportunities, outside the depot, opened in the large and small shops restaurants and accommodation , and ten miles a freestyle street outside the barracks, to become the most popular on-Tibet Highway, a board point.
ten miles altitude of the barracks has been reduced to three thousand eight hundred meters, there is also need to maintain vehicles , in addition to the four cars after last night are not too tired to move, so in a place called by car to the Taiwan motorcycle boys, Ali fought to continue traveling by car topics forum. The party flew to Beijing the first five people to buy a motorcycle, and then to Chengdu, the Sichuan-Tibet Southern line all the way down when the reservoir Two people were barely halfway out of the first, all the way to persist over the remaining three. In taking over a large tamarisk Qitai Daban beach road, there is a bad person because the car had to take our car. I remember that very dark night, in that no man's land in the street suddenly man, save the general really like to see a ghost, scared we quickly accelerated through, dare stop? came to the beach to see the large tamarisk two of their teammates, I discovered where the fire of his motorcycle, only meters at an altitude of five thousand tents to spend the night, so morning and then rushed to the beach to a large tamarisk.
these guys in Taiwan, and the way we encountered Yecheng from Lhasa to and from the few teams to Lhasa Yecheng cycling expedition Ali Mainland and New Line of young Tibetan men and women, to see them, really feel awe, over the past few years, the way to Everest also saw a foreigner riding a bike, walk, have the courage to see the Chinese people feel sorry for this action. Today's China Youth dare to ride a bicycle, riding a motorcycle to go the Sichuan-Tibet line, walk-Tibet line, these people will no doubt will become the future elite of Chinese society, the challenges in these areas because of the courage and perseverance of their ultimate strength of people in the community will be afraid of difficulties? to see cyclists on the road, we bring the car mineral water, dry food, milk donated to them, and there are restaurants, beaches and ten miles of large tamarisk barracks, we ask that the three were engaged in a diving instructor in Australia, Taiwan, industrial designers and technicians work in large motorcycle guy dinner, and talked about Sichuan-Tibet campaign, Ali, Zanda, Tibet line of new hardships along the way, all filled with emotion, feeling as comrades in arms!
camp ten miles outside of this street, also a cowboy pier, the free world, Land is not the money, there is no business tax, but fortunately had just staged a security point, the police, no security problems. to each household the night their own power, size, engine sound in the valley after another, unaware that a wave Sonata plateau wave. The same conditions for only a wash of terror is also a toilet on the landscape, there is no means of entertainment and leisure, and three friends ate Sichuan Taiwan motorcycles, drank a few to find what they brought, the taste is exactly like Dragon Alishan tea, return to each no windows, no lights, little more than three square meters of After a black card Daban City, Mazar Daban, libraries, travel 363 km to Daban
seven o'clock, you want your boss to do breakfast, the boss said here after a breakfast at half past eight in order to eat, because at that time time equivalent to half past four Beijing. So just another empty stomach on the road. Biscuits eat mineral water, which is routine for our team this test, and today will be the three meals and one meal to eat Yecheng ! Tell me what you pay attention, unable to withstand the cold, unable to withstand hunger, unable to withstand the torment of the people, be careful not to engage in such long-distance test of a chore to Oh! barracks from ten miles off, though only over one hundred kilometers After the Karakoram mountains to get to another camp in Mazar plus free world, but the black card over one thousand meters 4 Daban, than 5 more than one thousand meters of Jieshan Daban is much more steep and sharp bends only more dangerous. Chengdu hot pot shop owner said Mazar depot conditions than ten miles outside the camp shop might as well, seeing is believing today, the first day of camp or live a good ten miles.
out too Mazar, had to imagine the breath down access to two kilometers below the belt, then a circuit in the former, straight Yecheng. But there in front of Mazar, libraries, etc. 3 to 4 thousand meters of Osaka to the former , so you more they want to wait to see the ground, under the more they want to lower altitudes earlier to the more no way, had to bend in the steep slope and rapid, dusty dirt road slowly toss! a clear day all the way from Mazar Daban overlooking Chogori (the world's second peak) majestic. But under the urgency on the rapid, dust masterpiece of the mountain, people have no ornamental landscape Yaxing. especially the library in Osaka is the full range of the most difficult section of mountain road away from , then the dust in the chicane and into another masterpiece on the road over the possession of the new momentum of the most spectacular library in Osaka,, through the Sichuan-Tibet highway with a , a circuit in front of the plateau subsided, the ground representation. Uighur compatriots colorful clothing makes us feel that this is really to Xinjiang it! Yecheng from the soil to 963 kilometers on the road, we ran 3 days. Although it is down plateau, but also a time when the dust can be masterpiece of the season, the team turns to dust all the way to hit, but it has only a trivial matter it! for life away from the restricted area, because to have food to eat somewhere to live, to be washed, to place a communication conditions!
Shannan since starting to play, we've get the entire national highway 219 and Xinjiang, the team's seven tanks and 15 individuals without incident! Today we Yecheng living in Tibet Highway State Road 219, kilometer zero point of the road near the monument on the battle-Tibet Highway to victory come to an end! 7 car burst into a known over the past few days the whole body does not wash the dust, followed by a meal of lamb, enormous amounts of wine happy meal!-Tibet line did not block the pace of our campaign, but added a taste of the magnificent mountains and rivers all the way, the sentiment of another human outer The vicissitudes of things.
August 23 to Freeman 500 km Yecheng
early in the morning, in front of the hotel, if a large triangle, find a new milestone in Tibet Highway 0 km, and then in the dust masterpiece among the marching of the Hotan. came to Xinjiang, it is unlikely to see Ali as the blue sky, replaced by a small Uighur leisurely donkey cart, and the beautiful clouds in the southern style. in the town of Hotan jade, a folk customs Uighur restaurant for a meal Cong Bao lamb, yogurt, mutton, Taipan Ji and other food, Bianxiang Yutian moving. to Yutian, met Chairman Mao and Uncle Kurban took a giant statue of the former a few photos, a brother went to Wuhan to see our car Uygur LOGO, asked her to go home, when used in Wuhan, photos, and I used half Han half-dimensional voice chat also Nanfennanshe, posed for pictures, the team continued to advance Youxiang Freeman.
Xiaolong on the asphalt road vehicles, people lose their sense of the heroic spirit of the mountain, just out of the Yutian soon, that is, road sections, in the main Road and construction of access roads between the twists and turns turn on the turn into the next, people also think back to Ali. in the dust masterpiece among the ten o'clock in the evening we entered the public Fengcheng minutes.'s eleven o'clock at night, the day we time of a meal, drink like a fish out of a pedestrian meal of mutton soup, and then he fell down a return to lower altitude to sleep soundly the world.
August 24 Qiemo Freeman to 300 km
As today only ran three hundred kilometers, and all oil, then finally get to sleep Lanjue, ten to get up, starting eleven, but also eat breakfast, this is how enjoyable the day Oh! the way sand is not large, see also to Populus, the sand in the light of life, the life of the desert in the hymn! live a thousand years, a thousand years after the death of immortality, to see that in the vast desert in Populus, like to see the light of life, to see the students hope. In the view among Qiemo to a quiet little city, well-organized, we find at the airport next to a government guest house, to take off fruitful information.
August 25 and prepared to challenge the rest Qiemo Altun
rest in place, because then there is still a no man's land nearly a thousand kilometers, a large nature reserve through our time in nearly four days because of being fed the wolf lost. This is something , not to mention the first press.
Altun order to prepare the team members are busy with other maintenance vehicles. I put together pictures and diary of a morning, afternoon redundant due to oxygen from the plateau down, lost consciousness may also wish to sleep a , which Daoye Hao, the next day on the Altun after they no good sleep to sleep, and live down the hill a narrow escape as it is the great fortune! please their adventures next weekend, march wind Then watch diary.
test march thousands of miles of Chinese diary Hummer (g)
test march thousands of miles of Chinese diary Hummer (f)
test march thousands of miles of Chinese diary Hummer (d)
Hummer China Miles test march diary (c)
test march thousands of miles of Chinese diary Hummer (b)
test march thousands of miles of Chinese diary Hummer (a)
plateau cold hero
Jieshan scare up of protective Osaka is not so terrorist
Jieshan Daban Here is a beautiful lake
and detachment of armed police officers and eight traffic in this one do not
Tibet Tibetan wild ass of a Tibetan antelope with two
large tamarisk beach luxury hotels
Taiwan by car with two riders a photo
��������ʿ signs
cemetery cemetery
Kunlun Mountain of ��������ʿ icy road Mazar daban < br> Kunlun mountains there is no lack of curiosity
wild camels beside the library to Daban mountain
the road over the library to Daban Rebel
cycling hero in China-Tibet line
finally return to earth the
This is the starting point-Tibet Highway Monument
and leave a permanent shadow
Le Zai leisurely small donkey cart on the road to Hotan
a dust bath to wash side of the road Uighur
a Uighur restaurant girl, a Uighur restaurant
old man
edge of the town of Hotan, a farmers market a few small praises
you seen this man
stations you?
Yutian huge sculpture of the street: Chairman Mao met with Gurbanguly Uncle
Populus: Life's hymn

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Men's family work to earn money girl suffering from leukemia treatment (Figure)

 Tang Creek County, 22-year-old woman suffering from leukemia two years ago, Zhang Yanping, Yang Jinyong've always loved never betray her boyfriend, while working to earn money, while in the care of sick girlfriend; boyfriend's family to know, the standard treatment of migrant workers earning daughter. Yesterday, the First People's Hospital in Nanyang City, Yangjin Yong told reporters that he and Zhang Yanping scheduled for Jan. 29 wedding.

from today, Yanping is our family's daughter

the same year in May, can not wait for the return of Yang Jinyong girlfriend does not feel right, leave to Tanghe. When he learned that his girlfriend is suffering from terminal illness when he grabbed his girlfriend's hand and said: Zhang Yanping admitted to Nanyang City with the First People's Hospital.

10 am yesterday, the reporter first people in Nanyang City Hospital Hematology ward met Zhang Yanping, Yang feed her little boyfriend to take medicine (see chart).

treatment to help Zhang Yanping, Yang Jinyong decided to resign. Arrangements for the hospital's parents and younger brother Zhang Yanping Zhang Yanping done with bone marrow matching, unfortunately, have failed matching, the matching is inconsistent Yang Jinyong, had to choose chemotherapy.

core Tips


you live one day,

□ Korean correspondent, chief reporter Guo Qi Wang Jianfeng Wen Figure

I accompany you a day

money, persuaded by his parents, sister exchange to 5,000 yuan, and older brother to get married with the 2 million are remitted to the Yang Jinyong's account. In order to raise money to Guangdong to work, to save money remitted to Yang Jinyong. ZHANG Yan-ping's father and brother also work to earn money. In this way, 2 million a month to import the hospital account. Up to now, people in order to treat prospective daughter-Yang Zhang Yanping, spent 27 million yuan. Subject-law boyfriend home run to treat all the villagers moved. The villagers have a helping hand, when the village head took the villagers take care of 1 million yuan to the hospital, the two men moved to tears.

2009 年 4 months, Zhang Yanping was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. When the doctor told her that need bone marrow transplant to cure the disease, and spent several hundred thousand dollars, the poor family of her despair, she went behind her parents die without telling her boyfriend at home.

Zhang Yanping 22-year-old who is Longtan Town, Tanghe County, in June 2006, middle school, she went to Guangdong to work, met with workers at a factory in Hubei Province Zaoyang boy Yang Jinyong, and soon to establish a relationship. In the 3 years together, the two she saved 5 million yuan, plans to marry before the Spring Festival that year.

Zhang Yanping tears, told reporters after doing two courses, two people earn and the savings of her parents house all gone, Yang Jinyong Hubei Zaoyang's parents decided to help. Yang Jinyong home to explain the situation, the kneeling in front of his father: Shigeyoshi love of his wife, said: prospective mother to daughter rescue workers

Love her boyfriend: Your life is not your own, is my.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ma Tianyu GAY denial about sexual orientation, claiming the body is a soft pillow

 Ma Tianyu (data map)

Jinyang - January 25 New Express reported recently, the concept of martial arts is the new hit drama hot, Ma Tianyu subversive in the play Yesterday, the reporter interviewed Ma Tianyu, he said they did not agree with


In the Ma Tianyu this to grow delicate features, and when he put on women, based on the heavy makeup, coupled with the wavefront flow when speaking, hands Alice orchid fingers, looks Especially the mention of

this, He Xiaomei Ma Tianyu think first of the play is a sense of justice, the flower of youth. Four Vigilante In The Mask play different characters, different, He Xiaomei was then the largest and most active one, compared to laugh from the song (Wallace), a Bupleurum (Yu decorated release line), the more gentle scholar temperament. As for the gender playing a play, Ma Tianyu story and characters that are based on characteristics of shape needs. Seduction in Japan such as messengers, Yan Song stealing birthday tickets to that scene, because Yan San Niang's handsome features, not too early to let her wear the dress, and posing Mei Fu's fall played female roles, articulate speech of the He Xiaomei body.

Ma Tianyu play female roles are several stunning performances, director Li Guoli expressed as the scale of just the right place, specially invited for the Ma Tianyu guidance of professional teachers, but also repeated his observation Ma Tianyu Ma Tianyu that appeared in both the female roles, or gender playing a, is only the play within the play, does not endorse He Xiaomei is

They Women more than this time there appeared, Ma Tianyu, said: The good, nutritious, roles and challenges, do not mind playing a similar performance.

(This article Source: Jinyang - New Express)

Monday, January 24, 2011

China's Wang Shi Cai best to support education of female teachers love relay passed plus celery

 Ten children in Guizhou mountains October, to help complete the ten children of the the User-one help.

ten mountains baby's She is loving, she is smart, she is inspired: a beautiful dream of life, is to make it more beautiful photos from the network into reality.

2010   7 1 March, in the town of Qianxi naive to support education plus one year of Cai Qin in the leaves, made the Internet a paper entitled a branch of the confessions of female teachers to teach, Posts situation got quickly got the enthusiasm of users interact, making a donation proposal after another.

More than half of the children could not get lunch, go outside to look at the world is their biggest dream.

Thus, a Just one week, seemingly

1   support education teachers, 10 baby mountain, more than 30 caring owners, thousands of miles away, way from the five provinces of Guizhou Westen six cities and, after six days, 10 children through a network cable to see the Shanghai World Expo.

first subway, the first plane, the first movie, the first drink beverages with ice ... ... back to the children of the town despite the naive still a daily round-trip a few kilometers of the mountain, hungry at noon it for dinner only. But they say to study hard and have the opportunity to go out longer follow, and then see the outside world.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jinan, Qingdao will be the purchase of the property market this week that the introduction of the fastest

 Protect ordinary residential housing construction will be in proportion

 the purchase of an apartment each week  fastest implementation

upcoming Jinan Jinan restriction order is the policy of market regulation in 2011, one of the main contents of the file as of the date until December 31, 2011, Jinan city, the family unit in area 6, only New purchase a house.

6 District of Jinan City
18 Liaocheng held at the provincial housing and urban construction meeting, the Vice-Governor Guo Zhaoxin said that housing construction in 2011, the province's protection mandate 32.43 million units, in the general commercial district in the press a certain percentage allocated to build affordable housing. [More]

Related Links

18 housing and urban and rural development in our province, According to the draft, in 2015, the province of urbanization will reach 55% (65% of the city group), housing security of urban households in low-income households accounted for more than 20% share of the basic solution of urban low- income families, housing problems. [More]
newspaper Liaocheng January 18 (reporter Zhang Lu) from 18 journalists held in Liaocheng provincial housing and urban construction meeting was informed that in 2011 the province will continue to increase efforts to market regulation, Jinan, Qingdao the purchase of the property market is about to introduce the two cities that the earliest implementation of the week.

324,300 units will be built in Shandong
According to reports, in accordance with the deployment of national unity, the province between Jinan and Qingdao will be included in the scope of the prosecution in house prices, and the province will also curb the price is too high, or too fast to focus, to further increase and improve housing market regulation. At the meeting, including provincial Vice-Governor Guo Zhaoxin and Director of the Office of Housing and Urban Mouse Interleukin color mentioned, the state has proposed, Jinan and Qingdao in Shandong as soon as possible the purchase of two orders, the purchase of the two is being developed so that policy is in this week is expected to introduce the fastest.

The protection of housing construction in our province this year will have a larger breakthrough. Housing security in our province in 2010 aims to As of the end of November 2010, the province built housing 157,800 units of various types, including 1.7 million low-rent housing units, 51,000 units by the fitness room, 17,000 public rental units, 72,800 of squatter settlements and new low-cost subsidies 8000, early completion of the goals. [More]

Shandong Province this year plans to build all kinds of security spending 500 million yuan 32 million housing units

according to the provincial Department of Construction, Housing and Urban relevant staff, with the province, Jinan, Qingdao and two synchronized, the state recommended the introduction of the purchase of the near future so that there are 18 cities, the vast majority of capital cities and municipalities, which staff members said, with 16 cities had the country in this group after the introduction of restriction orders, This also means that, following the fall of 2010 in some cities, the restriction will make large-scale implementation in the country.

2015, Shandong urban per capita housing area of 35 square meters

in the meeting site, Qingdao City Land Resources and Housing Authority also confirmed that the relevant person in charge of the above information, the responsible person is currently under active study in Qingdao related to the purchase of that policy, the upcoming meeting of the Qingdao Municipal Government Office for the purchase of that research, the purchase of that has been introduced into the countdown.

Director of Jinan City Construction
Grange confirmed after the interview, the purchase of the property market in Jinan so forthcoming this news, Grange said the purchase of the upcoming Order of Jinan Jinan policy of market regulation in 2011, one of its main content from the file release until December 31, 2011, Jinan City area 6 to the new family unit can only buy a house. Order in accordance with the purchase of the Grange for a brief introduction, Jinan restriction order is not including purchase of housing, but did not mention the purchase of the Grange in the foreign population to make the purchase of the relevant provisions of the economy. I understand that the purchase of Jinan municipal relevant departments that have been approved by, the fastest implementation of the week.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Supreme Court to hear disputes futures provided a number of issues (b) Question and Answer

 Member Rating settlement system is the international practice most futures exchanges, market-risk management and resolve hierarchical, and promoting market Specialization and industry consolidation. Currently, the China Financial Futures Exchange membership classification has been used settlement system. Clearing system in the Member grade, the Futures Exchange Clearing Clearing Members only, non-clearing members need for the clearing members and exchanges on behalf of its settlement, market players increased between members and non-clearing members clearing the agency level between the legal relationship is more complex. To do this, Meanwhile, legislation is technically the scope and implementation of the provisions, expressed more clearly, the administration of justice for the people's court to provide a more specific basis.

the securities and futures markets with special properties and functions of the settlement funds to implement judicial protection, both with international practice, in line with people's court to maintain financial market stability and normal operation of judicial policy. In 2008, the Supreme People's Court issued an Securities minimum amount of self-settlement provisions and other special properties and functions of securities settlement and delivery of property preservation and enforcement carried out special provisions to special judicial protection. 2003's To meet the settlement guarantee fund system of innovation needs to ensure the functioning of the balance sheet guarantees and risk prevention capacity Futures, was not to freeze or transfer requirements.

that guarantee compliance with, the nature of risk control of funds can not be frozen, transfer, and only in compliance with the statutory conditions can only be executed. Specific to, the relevant laws applicable to the interface problems. In the provision of design, we try to be brief, clear, easy to understand and operate.

A: June 18, 2003, the Supreme Court issued a , provides a more comprehensive and systematic futures companies and customers, futures exchanges between the rights and obligations, as well as subject to civil liability, the futures market for preventing and resolving disputes between the relevant body, to protect investors and maintain the legitimate rights and interests of future order of the normal operation of the market played a positive role. Section II and XII, respectively, which provides for jurisdiction issues and the preservation and implementation issues. Only because at the time commodities futures market, it only provides part of the jurisdiction of the Commodity Futures Trading Jurisdiction disputes and level of jurisdiction. And implementation of security is only part of the commodity futures margin requirements, clearing other items of property, preservation of the reserve and implementation issues. In recent years, China's futures market to obtain the smooth operation of the rapid development of institutional infrastructure market, continuous improvement, institutional innovation and orderly manner. February 7, 2007, the State Council promulgated the Futures Exchange, the new risk management system to increase the settlement guarantee fund system (Article XI). Also two new settlement system, securities or used to offset the deposit system (the thirty-second) and the members under the clearing settlement system classification deposit system (第四十一条). April 2010 the introduction of stock index futures, Member rating guarantee payment clearing system and settlement of such innovative system is in operation. To meet the new developments in the futures market, the objective needs of the current In the judicial interpretation of the drafting process, we listen to the court system, regulators and the futures industry's views and recommendations, the NPC Law Committee has consulted the State Council Legislative Affairs Office and the China Securities Regulatory Commission's view, the basis of reasonable suggestions in the absorption on the system design.

Answer: 2003's requirements. 2007 amendments to the State Council issued the price of securities. To this end, the objective need for




Second, the Supreme Court of the people responsible to the Supreme

Court issued a Provisions on Several Issues Disputes In this connection, the Supreme Court is responsible for two people who answered questions from reporters.

1, does the development of Recommended Reading was in the fifth wave form of goods
· sugar fundamentals have reversed face style change in the domestic price of copper on the market more staggered walking upstream a reasonable price of sugar by 2011 under the 5800 yuan central support of a strong PTA to run high profile campaign Copper & adjourned to the New Year to see the million mark Jingchuang: strong metal will be adjusted upward again [the domestic futures market] [position analysis system]
cash. To this end, in the its preservation and implementation of justice apply the same principles.

Answer: 2003's Futures Exchange futures market as the organizer and first-line supervisors, the central position in the market, futures for the organization, control, market risk and maintaining market order to play a crucial role. Moreover, the Futures Exchange to develop the business rules generally applicable to members and investors across the country, performing duties once Futures Litigation, the respondent may face the situation of the country. More importantly, the duties involved in the case of futures and market influence sensitivity, much higher than ordinary futures disputes, with higher professional and technical, the trial difficult. Taking into account the development of China's futures market area differences, all over the court rules on the futures exchange regulations and the understanding may be quite different if the cases disposed of improperly, may lead to misleading effects of systemic risk caused by the futures market, thereby affecting the futures market security and stability. Earlier, the Supreme Court in 2005 and 2007 have been on the Stock Exchange and China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. for performing the functions specified in the relevant jurisdiction of court cases published a special judicial interpretation of the designated jurisdiction to determine the specific principles and received good results. Taking into account the status of the Futures Exchange, the nature, functions and stock exchanges, securities registration and settlement company is basically the same, so learn from securities markets and the principles of judicial interpretation of useful experience, specify the location of the Futures Exchange Intermediate People's Court's jurisdiction in such cases, application of the law to ensure uniformity and accuracy. Needs to be noted that the location specified by the Intermediate People's Court Futures Exchange under the jurisdiction of the case subject only futures exchange, the status of the proceedings is limited to the case of the defendant or a third person, limited to the types of cases caused by futures exchanges to perform their duties commercial litigation.

A: The development of suitable place in the the provisions of the problem and further improve the fit with the futures market, supporting environmental justice.

A: In order to protect the legitimate interests of creditors to avoid the futures exchanges, futures companies, the main futures market when the abuse of judicial protection for the debtor to avoid debt performance, interpretation of the court can legally freeze the funds allocated within the account or securities. In addition, to ensure that the Should assist the refusal of assistance, specifically in accordance with the

A: The 2007 revision of the Clearing members clearing guarantee fund is paid to the futures exchange clearing members default risk for the response to the common security funds. According to regulations, when a clearing member default, breach of contract exchange clearing members of the open positions to force the release of the deposit is still not enough after the performance, the Exchange will use the default clearing members to pay the settlement guarantee fund; when using the default settlement Member of the settlement guarantee fund is still insufficient after the performance, the Exchange will use the settlement of other clearing members to pay security deposit. The primary purpose of settlement guarantee fund is to ensure that clearing member compliance, the nature and function is similar to the clearing member to pay the reserve at any time may enter the settlement process. Therefore, if the settlement guarantee fund is judicial enforcement, which may affect the function of settlement guarantee fund to play against the futures market and exchange risks, and even affect the entire futures market, security and stability.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Microwave Remote Sensing disaster discrimination greatly improved the reliability of frozen (Figure)

 Recent years, the frequency of extreme weather, increasing social and economic development of China poses a serious threat. Following the South in 2008 after suffering a wide range of snow late last year until early this year, the South part of the provinces and one after another freezing weather, the temperature remains below freezing point, resulting in crop victims, traffic congestion, power and other facilities under threat, huge economic losses.

said frozen region shown in blue, yellow alternating freezing and thawing occurred in the area (usually for the night freezing, melting at noon), red means no freezing occurred. In addition, the need to explain that, in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, high-latitude regions of the red area is mainly desert, due to less water, even at low temperature, freezing does not occur; the data acquisition reasons, the figure the white areas and land and sea border the blue area should be considered invalid region identification.

the National Natural Science Foundation of
continued funding, Beijing Normal / Remote Sensing of the Chinese Academy of Sciences State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science Zhang Lixin research group carried out a lot of basic research, on the frozen surface characteristics of microwave radiation have a more in-depth understanding of On this basis, the formation of a judge to freeze the surface of passive microwave remote sensing algorithms, and after a preliminary test showed high reliability of identification.

Zhang Lixin pointed out that the performance of freezing weather in the main ground surface soil freezing, freezing rain, freezing plants wilt or death; this phenomenon occurs in southern China of large-scale climate context of large rare the event is highly dynamic, complex spatial distribution, the ground can not reflect the whole picture of the observation site; and passive microwave remote sensing of soil moisture as a sensitive, high time resolution, less affected by the characteristics of atmospheric conditions, is very suitable for monitoring of the water phase to the core surface freezing process.

Therefore, after the ice storms in the south, Lixin AQUA satellite research group at once by the United States carry the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR / E) data, produced thematic maps of the distribution of freeze-thaw areas, on the frozen disasters area were monitored. However, limited by the data source (data lag 4 to 5 days), they only do the current monitoring results on Jan. 6 (January 6, 2011 as shown on the monitoring results.) Monitoring results indicate that: most of southern provinces of China suffered frozen disasters, long duration, the expected loss is huge. The results of the analysis and disaster relief decisions have important reference value. Zhang Lixin, said: I hope that the monitoring results of their provinces in the southern part of the frost damage assessment help, he wants to have the opportunity to get the first satellite data in order to achieve timely monitoring of disaster.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Extreme weather caused by global commodity prices rise

 Recent outbreaks in eastern Australia, the worst flooding in half a century, the United Kingdom Meteorological experts said that La Nina is caused by the east coast of Australia, annual rainfall than the level of reason.

current climate anomaly trends have spread to China, despite the extreme weather this time showed the opposite of the flood - drought.

the World Bank has warned that coal iron ore prices

expected to soaring

Australia is the world's largest coal exporter, Queensland, Australia is owned 40% of the coal reserves. Energy analysts predict the flood of information the company can record coking coal prices pushed $ 400 per tonne.

China is Australia's major coal importer, it caused flooding in Australia coal prices could lead to China's declining coal imports from Australia. In addition, Colombia, South Africa, Russia and Indonesia, the weather also damaged and coal transport. Australian coking coal prices has not only developed countries to emerging economies had an impact on economic growth.

international investment bank Goldman Sachs recently raised its 2011 spot iron ore sold to China, the average price of 135 dollars per ton rose from $ 146, because .

substantially cut agricultural products or are food shortages

coal industry and iron ore that brought short-term impact compared to the food problem caused by flooding will be more severe. January and February are usually the Australian wheat harvest of the season, a lot of rain will result in reduced production of wheat in 2010, Australian wheat production is 22.5 million tonnes, of which 14.5 million tonnes for export, accounting for global market share of wheat exports to 11 %. It is predicted that floods will result in Australian wheat production by half. In addition to wheat, fruit and sugar production will decline.

Meanwhile, corn futures contract prices low in June last year rose 94%, soybean and wheat prices to increase by 51% and 80%. According to data published by FAO, global food price index in December 2010 reached 215, nearly the highest point in 20 years.

the recent rise in global food price index, mainly by the cooking oil, grain, sugar and meat prices led the prices of these products may continue to rise. The World Bank has warned that >

but temporarily constitute prices, but do not yet constitute a direct commodity prices in China's

speed. Industrial Bank report also predicted China's CPI this year will be 5% -6%. Wang Liang Ye Cass

Monday, January 17, 2011

Austin Phelps 200 mixed race two highest season-ending negative Rochette enemies Johnson

 YORK, January 17 report:

USA Swimming Award Series Saiaosiding stations compete for the last match day, Rochette in the men's 200 meters individual medley final against Phelps , two of the competition in the race in the five projects, two sub-Rochette won two crowns and a third, while Phelps won two crowns and a third, less performance compared Biluoqiete.

men's 200 meters individual medley and Phelps Rochette duel again, Rochette in his flagship projects to keep dominant position, leading the way with 1 minute 59 seconds, 26 won the championship. While Phelps was swimming the first two lead slip, but beyond the latter two strokes were Rochette, 2 minutes 01 seconds only 47 finished third, 2 minutes 01 seconds is still 13 Special Olympics came in third.

Rochette and Phelps to join the 100-meter freestyle, Phelps preliminary play in general, did not enter the A group final, the Canadian star Hayden in the final 49 seconds to 91 won the championship, Rochette 08 to 50 seconds, finished second.

the women's 200 meters individual medley yesterday, the 15-year-old sweep the two gold teenager Mei Lisi - Benjamin Franklin once again showed strength, with 2 minutes 14 seconds 68 won the championship. Women's 200 meter backstroke next game, Franklin persistent efforts, with 2 minutes 09 seconds won another 39 titles, the last in the women's 100 meters freestyle final, 55 seconds 48 Franklin Youyi results beat Hough, get the third day of the crown, this Competition sweep the metal tongue.

women's 800 meter freestyle, Ziegler and Hoff started again following the 400 freestyle duel, the result of 8 minutes and 32 seconds Ziegler won 76, with 8 minutes 35 seconds Hoff finished second 33 .

(This article Source: NEW YORK Author: edge of a new person)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Shao chapter to how students can locate the beggar

 Secretary for the Ministry of Education official said the students: Students should be defined as to participate in employment options and job competition. [1] This is the Ministry of Education, the latest statement.
what is ? Therefore, we can only think that the Government or to remind students to help make this definition, is working with in this classification specification is there a distinction between the confusion: for several cases of workers: low-tech occupations in the laborer; work at the grassroots level, or bottom line of workers, wages are not high as humble workers, fixed on the land for farming to industry, farmers and other workers. It can be said, according to more generous wages and other workers.
If my above analysis will not be completely or more completely overturned, then I would think that the Government will make students contrary. According to China said that this has been indirectly defined the legal nature of college students, that is, Yaoqiu or standards, as long as allowed to pass the examination graduate qualifications to obtain the corresponding diploma, we have not the capacity, quality and terms of substantive review to a conclusion before the obligation to comply with the above in any one of the conditions of the university graduates made Biye senior professionals. the ordinary workers, On the one hand, China's current interpretation and application of the law point of view, other professional staff, not the personnel, not all of the Act the definition of Labor Law, . do not understand is, why must you make such workers classified as absurd, and to as Although not seen China's current laws and regulations on the students define the nature of direct legislation, but from the Higher Education Law and Labor Law on the task of education and labor relations for the industry and the field of view, the nature of the government to students defined as ; ordinary workers all enterprises and organizations must abide by the Constitution and the law. all acts of violation of the Constitution and the law, must be investigated. No organization or individual shall have the privilege of being above the Constitution and the law. but at least starting from this provision, again without tampering with students some of the government control the behavior of nature, there are indeed unconstitutional suspect. not to mention the Constitution, even as a parent, nor for workers to ; non-regular workers, color, is to give students the spirit of the differing treatment; From the acts defined in terms of the objectives is to students as much as possible to break the seeking professional psychological, not to society of the simple view of college students with a strong sense of penetration and lethality. This practice reflects the government in the blind, after enrollment of graduates face tough job market and the end of their rope, when cornered motives of a self-denial, an attempt to shift the game by the concept that people's attention, the majority of graduates continue to mitigation.
However, with the emphasis on college students are ; play is not . why the Government stressed that they are for the community, to persuade college graduates make themselves as ;, and also a number of ministries also issued a circular saw, for the graduates to find jobs can apply for job seekers will have been fairly positive attitude to dispel, it is clear that improving the employment rate is not much help.
Second, from a practical point of view the situation, even if the mentality of college graduates have to be placed low, put too to open, asking too loose again, want to get another warning that this year's college students are not optimistic about the employment situation even more .2006, statistical regions (24 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and 15 sub-provincial cities and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps) of the estimated demand for college graduates 1665044, 2005 have been absorbed over a substantial reduction compared to 2,141,233, a decline of 22%; the same time, college graduates in 2006 reached 413 million people nationwide, compared with the previous year increased by 22%. In other words, supply increased by 22% , demand has declined by 22%! the survey sample huge error is small, reflecting the reality is: Graduate Employment severe than last year more than 4 percent employment rate of .80%, meaning that the number of unemployed was 20%. This was the society ; Health unemployment 4% in the proportion of ordinary workers see good quality but not every year, more and more jobs disappear every year, see, in addition to the structural imbalance in the job market, higher-tech jobs have been saturation point, but not high-tech jobs of the demand is not met , so the result is presumed to be phenomenon.
this cruel reality has been recognized as a basic community. a site dedicated to do a survey, as of this morning's data show, ; enlargement and employment difficulties are not necessarily linked? inevitable connection the answer is ; of the ratio of only 5.70%. This research though a network because of its own limitations and can not accurately reflect the overall employment problem, but this survey has with social survey methods, at least reflect on a range of people the issues of the above, this view has some way represented and is used to analyze the employment situation of people at this stage, issues such as enrollment policy views, but also to peek out from one side of the blind in the past few years, enrollment and Higher Education harm caused by the Great Leap Forward.
standing government position despite repeated remarks that hymn behind, we find that even the government and government officials including our Prime Minister, have publicly acknowledged the enrollment of the For example, on May 10 this year, Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council executive meeting, decided to control the growth of university enrollment .5 19, director of education at the State Department of State Councilor Chen Zhili to strengthen and improve the management of the college enrollment conference speech , said that colleges and universities this year, enrollment increased by 5%. Obviously, if the enrollment increases under control, easing the pressure on the employment effect will be shown in 4 years. Prime Minister and State Councilor in charge of education, take the lead in openly express their regular higher education political concerns.
but in my opinion, the Chinese government itself has acknowledged the harm caused by enrollment in recent years and have made a can not be denied this to enter higher education institutions of higher learning, to improve the quality is significant. We always have to improve the entire Chinese nation can not deny the ideological and moral quality and scientific and cultural quality, the more people receive higher education than to they do not have access to higher education is much better. However, this knowledge is only established in the absence of other constraints, or other support can satisfy the constraints on the construction of a theoretical analysis, this conclusion can only be from the ; general sense of ; Government Expansion active, .
for the the demand for college graduates. If these two conditions are not met, my point is in general higher education, enrollment is better or not blind. Even the quality of students is difficult to that ; the colleges and universities, campus politics more and more vulgar, more and more dirty love the campus, campus violence, more and more fierce, more and more popular on campus suicide hh [2] It is not difficult to understand the State Council issued an emergency on further improving and strengthening Ideological and political education views. Similarly, if there is not enough jobs, these graduates out after enrollment the situation, keep up the quality of education, employment can not be resolved, talk about up, the quality of higher education certainly can not expect to improve, not as self-taught it; improve the quality of education go up, and a graduate of unemployment, then, improve the national quality contribution to the country and where? just a vanity meet? or a recognition of the Government in the brains to find ways to reduce embarrassment, funny and ridiculous measures do not go hand in hand, has exposed the Chinese government on the issue of the work Health and employment issues has made reactive to all of them have become the players and mouse, Cherish, master, but did not catch enough mice to how to do? [3] is not still rely on comfort, preaching to achieve? such as face the reality, government introduced the so-called received higher education, but after it appeared in the ] so that these graduates at home and take the social development, and economic progress, and invigorate the job market, good. what the future policy of its own future. This is not a problem of short-and long to see.
blind general higher education, Now the fact is: As the vocational and technical education, both from the educational nature and creation of an engineering standpoint, there is approved the establishment of secondary vocational and technical schools as an independent university, vocational technical specialty was gone, and have on a number of and the like, to meet the applicants in the vanity area is actually very handy, but the actual demand is do? candidates are really suitable for these professional? the Government to develop vocational and technical education efforts to implement the file what? Since encourage the development of vocational and technical education, then why not those who work in law school is very grim, Faculty of Law, Economics, Management and professional faculties like compress or careful examination? Why do not these professionals selectively or the Department is set to Vocational and Technical College? Now the Government on this issue there is not any substantive action, on the contrary can only be brought to the defects of the two measures: one is the approval of the Professional Institute of the University as an independent set, set want to read a It should be said that college graduates are facing a serious employment situation and make a correct decision.
I do not oppose or endorse Yigai enrollment, only to see the Government in formulating and implementing policies, when enrollment is not the education At the same time the quality of follow-up, nor take into account the problem of full employment, or while taking into account the moment but in order to map the problem to solve without taking into account the employment of the future, this is the typical Why has not express my opposition to or endorsed the attitude of enrollment one of the reasons. I have repeatedly said that the Government is not impossible enrollment, not an expansion, the key to see how enrollment. does not hold any to the simple pursuit of performance, regardless students live or die. We must recognize the long-term problem, but can not ignore the real problem, from the perspective of each individual, each person on such a few years, have to consider the future generations of people in taking into account the interests of the interest of contemporary people, and the vital interests of the reality! future things to consider, but some specific such as enrollment, the Great Leap Forward is engaged in education. In fact, it does not recognize the shortcomings of enrollment will seem less and less, even the Government admitted that the past few years the enrollment has drawbacks led to the difficult employment problem. < br> It can be said in the last two weeks I have been concerned about the employment of college graduates in the total length of more than 60,000 words of seven series, the comment is always the problem of government responsibility, not to be and should not Enrollment Enrollment problems. [6] as was proposed, look at higher education and employment issues. relations. As for which one important, I think, very important. But there are two points to be emphasized: First, improve the quality of the people is a gradual process and can not be done overnight, overnight to complete, not to engage in surprise and engage in large leap forward. [7] In a general sense that we talk about , will have to take into account certain social realities and enrollment in the concrete practice of implementation of the policy. The Chinese government in these years of enrollment policies have already paid a heavy price. So in fact, no exaggeration, the main cost of the overall quality of education , the overall quality of graduates, the quality of the education process, education, industrialization process related issues, employment of students, and so on, these problems from a Marxist point of view, of course, is normal and things change the inevitable process of development, social development problems and contradictions are not unusual. but crucial point: The question how much, how deep contradictions. If the problem out big, deep trouble contradictions, and even people of education satisfaction rate is very pessimistic about the current sad state, Expansion of the I would rather advocate a gradual improve the quality, or not through enrollment to improve the quality of general higher education. This is one aspect.
other one is the reality of the employment of college graduates, this is a matter of contemporary people or specific This is to say related to the specific (specific) of college graduates in the survival and development interests, at least in the case. a general sense we can say that practical problems, we need to focus long-term, but to pay attention to reality. When the employment of college graduates facing such a severe problem, we can not fail to calm the original look of our government and non-enrollment policy is the problem. look directly determines the conclusions of the government policy formulation and implementation of its adjustment and reform. If at this time, ignoring the objective reality of these issues, difficult issues, and blindly to emphasize the so-called ;, I do not think this is a superior viewing angle and rational way of thinking.
what professional enrollment, the nature of education in the form of what students in the job market of today, must follow the laws of the market, follow the law of education . the previous survey mentioned above, the network, asked, dialectical view to be reasonable also need step by step, ; of only 6.83%. shows, half of the people agree to market-oriented employment. In fact, in establishing and improving the socialist market economic system, background, talent market, the job market, which is also the general trend is realistic portrayal. Therefore, even if the Government to , l Chikamasa r two possible reasons, there may be need for some utility, it may be out of a . whether a rational approach to problems, not to oppose or support the government whether as a criterion. For me personally, I have been supporting the Chinese government made the people all useful initiatives, I'm just this issue in higher education enrollment on enrollment to the government blindly brought the issue of liability of many of my own independent opinion, that was the result of many problems today, because even though showing a wide range, but the main responsibility is leading the government, because the Government had the enrollment a I did not stand, but did not escape the table does not mean I'm the provision of public services, and this grateful our government, but these can not be my favor in any case to accommodate the Government in the . In short, every one of us Chinese people should look forward to the goal, I believe it is the same, said the big point, which is to our country more beautiful, more harmonious, more and more powerful.
but , expected return expectations, we must act. in the and strategies, respect education law, market rules and social development, proceeding from reality and rational layout of the educational structure, the ground can not be blindly professional, the school, recruit students. At the same time, to effectively correct the structural imbalance in the areas of employment, scientific control the job market, and guide the orderly development. Otherwise, just naive to expect college students admit that they are , can not cure. If we allow such ideas and concepts about the government's employment guidance, rather than to find out from the source of the conflict, and to cure and prevention and control of the crux, then, I can not help but wonder: Even if the students defined as 22.
[2] suicide on campus, I have used , in responsibility for correcting the main re-search ; often only concerned about the employment rate and employment intentions signature rate, even those who are not intent only in internships or work of a unit are counted as graduates of the is in no way be considered. I am concerned about recent college graduates and college enrollment problem is difficult series of articles, first mentioned the work on the employment rate. See Tushengageng: bring temporary happiness, but without regard for his girlfriend to the women after pregnancy, the pain! government mm that is irresponsible! At this point, we can not just condemn the girl had not considered whether a good sexual relationship with her boyfriend, can not condemn the pregnancy after pregnancy, why do not girls face reality,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

American family TV and mobile phone report 59% refused to 3D TV

 Leading market research firm Nielsen, today (January 13) published a statistical report shows in January 2011 the U.S. TV households, and use of cell phones, and making of a rich state diagram.

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- Popularization of American Family TV

at least a number of TV households: 115,900,000

support the satellite TV households number: 104700000

have a DVD player's home number: 100200000

number of households with VCR: 70600000

compatible with the number of HDTV households: 65 million

with the number of digital cable households: 55.6 million

< p> a number of DVR households: 43.1 million

number of households with satellite television: 34700000

- TV ownership per household on average

American families: 2.5 units (HD 0.9 units, 1.6 SD units)

SD Family: 2.1 units

high definition home: 2.7 units (HD 1.5 units, 1.2 SD units)

- average weekly TV time

all Americans to 35.6 hours

; 2-11 year-olds 25.8 hours

65 years of age or older 48.9 hours

31% of the U.S. person has four or more TV

- Popularization of American family cell phone

13 mobile phone users over the age of total: 2.28 million

mobile Internet users total: 8320 million

smart mobile phone penetration: 31%

starting proportion of mobile phone users text messages: 66%

average smartphone software downloads: 27

- 3D stereoscopic television next year to purchase intentions

definitely going to buy: 3%

 likely to buy: 3%

uncertainty: 16%

; could not buy: 17%

absolutely do not buy: 59%

already have: 2% 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

TCM has the advantage of sub conditioning

 TCM has an advantage
sub conditioning the World Health Organization survey found that sub-health status accounted for 75% of the total population, Chinese experts said white-collar city of more concern in the sub-health problems, can regret that the current Western medicine on the sub- health is also not particularly good treatment. The Chinese have always been known to conditioning, conditioning sub has a unique advantage.
sub most typical expression of fatigue, and fatigue accompanied by psychological and physiological double discomfort, such as mental poor, depressed, unresponsive, insomnia or sleepiness drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, irritability, anxiety, easily frightened, shoulder pain, joint and muscle pain, dizziness, heavy head, chest tightness, fatigue and burnout, loss of appetite , heart palpitations, spontaneous perspiration, and by the cause of a series of social performance. sub, if long-term sustainability, it may develop into disease.
Professor Zhao Lei introduction, traditional Chinese medicine from the advocate preventive treatment before, early intervention, early treatment, to promote deviation from the normal state of health sub to change, to stop its direction to the disease. In the process of sub-health regulation, Chinese medicine treatment in the attention the same time, more attention health care approach to health in the promotion of sub role in the transformation process. Control sub pay attention to: adapt to climate change, seasons, Regulating Emotions, Festival food, careful living, physical training, pay attention to environmental hygiene to prevent infectious diseases. < br> love Traditional Chinese Medicine, Introduction:
Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years the Chinese people inherit a valuable clinical experience, permeated with a modern high-tech medical technology, forged into a set of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, health care as one integrated departments. Traditional Chinese Medicine, from within the rule, foreign rule series, TCM psychological counseling, health counseling philosophy, Chinese medicine health care, herbs and other therapeutic point of comprehensive treatment and counseling. internal, external, women, children all subjects acute and chronic diseases, Miscellaneous Diseases and other means of treatment has its unique, especially in liver disease, infertility, kidney disease, pain, rehabilitation and other aspects of treatment, methods, unique, effective reputation, well known for!
Pok Oi Hospital strong team of experts of traditional Chinese medicine from Chinese medicine clinical cure in more than 30 years of senior experts, Zhao Lei, director of fraternity Chinese, Wang Wei, director personally Zuozhen. They are engaged in Chinese teaching and clinical research have for 30 years, can be described as a ten mill sword, gather the world Code of doctors, study hard, absorb a valuable clinical experience. clinic diseases from the overall concept, that is, pay attention to dirty, organs, shape, awakened the link between the internal organs but also pay attention to the impact of each other; that attention because of the time, location, the person should also attach importance to differences between specimens of urgency. their capability in the diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine for many patients with difficult to create a miracle after another. They differentiation of accuracy, the fine drug, Kansas The model for the current Chinese medicine.
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Today, operating Teamsun Shandong Haihua Great Wall Computer Zhejiang Pharmaceutical Huntoon optical long-Electric Division ...

 A lot of news over the weekend, including the issuance of three partial stock funds, the U.S. stock market crash, the CPPCC focus on capital market, tax reform, peace 3.1 billion of shares in circulation and so on. And out of the heavy volume today, the trend is not a strong upside surprise. Early start stage of market was the effect of the stock market crash outside a period of decline. But after all, internal market rules is decisive, once their requirements rally started outside the main effect is at best give an hour of Jiancang time. now establish the rebound has already begun to do is choose a good stock, in this rally make more profit, after all, this year will not be more systematic opportunities! of course, to ask how strong the rebound in the end, to look at the management What kind of positive energy level of the amount already released, and now it is more practical step by step.
1, there is no other better choice Teamsun choice, after all, the broader market rose or a certain species oversold value. Today, buying, price 23.62, holding it, the results of earnings
2, Shandong Haihua go bad recently, more vulnerable, but still can play short. purchase price of 16.10, the results of earnings
3, Great Wall Computer recent performance can be, although not very strong compared to other technology stocks, is also short-term speculation. purchase price of 13.3, the results of earnings
4, Zhejiang Medicine I like, oscillating back and forth can make me fully to play a short-term feeling to open up space for today's break up, buying an average price of 23, the results of earnings
5, prosper photoelectric outstanding performance on Friday and Friday another three strong stock selection, not very good opportunity today . only the prosperous early to buy, price 26.61, the amount to be lacking, the results of earnings
6, Changjiang Electronics Technology Today, the general trend, the amount of energy is not enough, wait, the results of earnings
positions: 48%

Monday, January 10, 2011

South Korea plans to set up grain companies in the United States to stabilize prices

 Korea, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry of Finance and Planning Ministry for Food, Jan. 10, said to stabilize the domestic grain and food prices, the South Korean government plans and private joint venture in Chicago set up a grain company.

South Korean government said that South Korea has been through the past, the import of foreign grain cereals, cereal prices by international factors such as monopoly and speculation great, if a joint venture between South Korean officials and the public through a grain company, will make South Korea In the process of importing grain more freely, but also stability in South Korea will play an important role in grain prices.

years ago, part of the shares is expected to soar! Confidential! Market institutions will soon be reversed capital flows have changed dramatically! Main layout
money is plotting a new South Korean official figures show that last year imported 900 million tons of corn to the KMT , 370 tonnes of wheat, 150 tons of soybean, etc., for a total of 14.2 million tons of total grain imports. South Korean government said that South Korean companies in the United States after the establishment of cereal, not immediately successful entry into the international grain market, the Government has formulated the import of 50,000 tons of soybean and corn of the plan, then will gradually increase the amount purchased, and plans in the future 10 years, the total demand in Korea is responsible for solving 20-30%.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Culture of long-distance

 Participated in the classes again today at the improved. in the sports arena, see our shadows on the track 29 moves, so that we playground Division season a little more vigor.
I think a country and a city of its first well-managed culture. Culture is a national a city or even a school a class brand. and the movement of culture is a very important position, we not to proud civilization five thousand years ago living. important wake of our recent history against the shame of sharing exercise to reflect a nation's history, future and destiny of the rise and fall.
movement as small as a person's health, ranging from a country's national spirit, opened a modern history of it, a homes for those who retire one-third of the Western powers. There we are now Chen, Jet Li, Bruce Lee Gengrang people around the world know that China's effort. They feel that every one of us will be martial arts Chinese. This is perhaps our Chinese national spirit.
good business culture, business was good at sports, operating out of more Yao Ming, Liu Xiang, Ding Junhui, operating out of more spiritual character and spiritual leaders who leap to our nation, but also give us a full and happy life.
we should learn from the cultural advantages of other countries, do not believe in the inherent destiny of passion to the challenge of perseverance. to our own little self-confidence, to add some beauty to our lives, so we operate a wonderful Olympic Games. friends, live, in motion, is happy with, but also happy with. Let the passion of sport in our house it lit the Olympic flame in 2008.
A good

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sanya essential travel

 Sanya meals, lodging, travel options before
Raiders came back from Sanya, Sanya going to travel to friends, make a few small suggestions can be considered a summary of their right of tourism in Sanya! This is a very hard finishing out Do not forget to give me support Oh! hope to give you a pleasant trip of help and wish you a pleasant journey, leaving the easy romantic memories!
one, ready to articles - Sanya preparation before the trip
1. Item
essential items: The Raiders, sunscreen, after-sun repair cream, sunglasses, myopia, contact lenses (eg myopia), goggles, umbrellas, hats, brushes, towels, cell phone and charger , DV and charger, anti-allergy (such as allergies), diarrhea medicine, anti-stroke medicine cold medicine, pain medicine, essential balm, anti-inflammatory drugs, Bundy (large), water repellent, sandals, clothing (with a few more set of easy to dry), air tickets, identity cards, portable, said the cash (note belt change), sandals, bathing suits, towels, keys.
optional items: DV, cameras and chargers, toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving shavers, shaving device (part of the beauty and women), chargers, MP3 and cable, food, laptop computer (a computer with Internet access Horizon), the reader, a fruit knife (and hotels by or placed in checked baggage ), paper, pens, cotton swabs, nose clips, ear plugs, shampoo, hair conditioner.
note: contact lenses, many of my friends are not, but if you are short-sighted and want to see beautiful guy in the swimming hook person's body shape and colorful underwater scenery, the best buy one, do not recommend use of goggles with myopic lenses and sunglasses.
2. airfare, hotels, travel agents booking
2.1 Travel: After reading this article , do not choose, and ask for it, really to sleep on the train, get off to urinate, to the attraction is the photographs. that example, I like fishing, fishing in Sanya booked a show, starting at 2 pm, 4 half back, the boat, except me and two other individual, but is about a team of twenty tour, all the way to go for half an hour from the East China Sea, to the destination, start angling, each human hair had a fishing rod to catch their opening it, the results of the depressed hematemesis, first: not a coral reef where the ship stop area, the number and types of small fish; Second: Baoxiang engine boat, the fish are scared away , asked why not turn off, and the answers (with the cabin crew and tour guides in the following sleep to air conditioning, authorities launched, the air conditioner can not); the third, the ship stopped in the open sea, no wind, the wind turn the ship, fishing line to vote down the result for a winding course of nearly two hours, all people on the boat 3 / 4 does not open, there is also opening a small fish finger, two, all that BS-ing, and management turned a deaf ear, and later There is also a shameless and tour guides talk about rebate problems, appears to have been unanimous, the language a bit agitated (in Cantonese, did not really understand). feeling quite fooled.
ticket: Recommended on
Second, accommodation articles - the choice of hotel
many intermediary sites comparing prices, or the choice of Ctrip. You see if the economy on the recommendation of the Chinese economy hotel network, and similarly, the price of your weekend more than 20% . Sanya concentration of the three accommodation, Sanya Bay, the East China Sea, Bay, here are several characteristics of the hotel:
Yalong Bay:
mm day domain best hotel environment: a beautiful beach hotel, the hotel swimming pool rockery everywhere, beautiful environment, Horizon II is a newly developed, over the fourth floor of the room even better conditions, there is a feature of each room is equipped with 17-inch LCD monitor with audio and free broadband computer DVD drive, a also have free broadband and computers, but computers worse.
cost-effective mm Palme d'Or: Hotel facing the sea, on the back by the lake, the west side of the newly renovated house, good facilities, the disadvantage is the next to cross the road to the beach, it is recommended silver relatively tight, but still have friends to enjoy the environment near the beach.
mm Aegean comes with the hotel kitchen, Ho Hai:
hotel with a kitchen, you can own cooking for family travelers, but the price is high. The best sea view
mm Marriott Hotel: Deluxe Sea View Room is the best to see the sea, live A Building, room number, the second number is 0), sea view room, which by the Hilton Hotel there, Because both the front of the hotel swimming pool and overlooking the pool is very nice, room number, the bigger the better ending, recommended ending 36 and 38, floor 5, or more as long as they like.
Sheraton (smaller room than the Marriott, Garden is the best luxury hotel, but too commercial):
If children live with the Sheraton, then the first floor living room or circular atoll pool view room would be better off atoll pool room from the balcony can go directly to went to the swimming pool, while the first floor of the circular room view from the balcony to go directly to the garden. insisted on a Deluxe Sea View (more money and no place to use), we must live in the West Wing, Sheraton Ho sea is very general.
cheapest hotels mm Cactus: far from the beach, walking distance to 15 minutes, but the price is cheaper beach hotels for more than half the battery hotel shuttle bus to the beach.
most other hotels near the sea front line mm Gloria, Sheraton, Hilton: the feeling of a little business of the doctrinal, conditions are similar.
the East China Sea:
mm Intime old five-star hotel: adjacent to the beach, have a good garden, the evening featured self-service barbecue.
cost hotels mm southerly:
less than 200 a night, the relative price, the condition can be considered tolerable.
Sanya Bay:
the best choice to stay home apartment mm: < br> Sea View Sea Garden is the best conditions for you, the basic price of 200 yuan, for permanent friends on holiday there, the whole field of vision open sea, the rooms comfortable and clean, digital television, but the room toothbrush, toothpaste, mineral water what are the needs of consumption, the price is basically the market price. one room with a computer and broadband, the bed is a heart-shaped water bed, but only 3 months in advance to set. N much more attractive to other family hotel, basic Internet Search Search overwhelming, cheap 50 a day, conditions can in fact, is basically a big bed with air conditioning with digital TV separate bathroom and hot water, and some could see the point of the sea.
Wuzhizhou mm Concept Sea Loft: The most expensive 800 a night, have an early set Oh, another good repellent for water, personal advice for one night, because if the past is only during the day sightseeing, one so many people, and second, the sun had drugs, bad water , and by five o'clock on the outside of the tourists have gone, then this beautiful island is unique to your world, and the temperatures moderate.
insights and summary:
Beach quality: centipede support Chau Island: Bay: East China Sea: Yalong Bay, Sanya Bay = 10:8.5:6:4
half an hour away from the city, Sanya Bay, the East China Sea and adjacent close, all in urban areas, are very easy to go out.
sea view room for the Bay is, in fact, plenty of personal feeling, if not too much money, not much is necessary to choose, because lean on a railing overlooking the room a few minutes of time will then go out onto the balcony or to the beach to see is a kind, and most of the room is sleeping, watching TV. the first time to taste a fresh, live in a day can be the first time I went there for a four-day stay, and now think about it, Routong endless, it is better to live the whole family apartments, cost-effective, comfortable living, scenery, save money at the same time, what is more convenient.
Prudential Hotel booking in the need to carry credit cards, no credit card required to pay the money directly online does not work, people feel very unreasonable, get our hands on the money in advance, should it not be better for hotels and intermediaries?
sea view rooms and garden view room on the choice: if not more money to spend does not go out, if not there are special reasons, in fact, not necessary to choose the sea King room. in terms of room size, furniture, decoration style configuration compared to no sea view room, garden view room and the important difference, I hope we can be a reasonable consumer in this respect, the right choice. When you stand on the beach, strong winds hit with every part of your body, and finally see the sea in the room to understand how the error. ebb and flow, listen to its voice, approached it only you can feel close to it.
time on the hotel occupancy and check (CHECK OUT) Time:
Hotel Check-in time in accordance with the provisions set at 2 pm, check-out is at 12 noon.
because star hotel at least 45 minutes to clean the room / rooms. so the hotel needs allow time for cleaning. but usually, as long as the room discontent, not intentionally at the request of guests can stay at 2 pm, and you can also request LATE CHECK OUT to 2 pm, the hotel will not be much money, and Of course the premise or the room is not full.
three traffic articles:
1, Sanya, a taxi can be bargain prices, best not to their play table. Basically, all the city is 5m7 per Sanya, Yalong Bay each Hotel between 5 yuan, 40 yuan urban areas back to the Bay during the day, 45 per night, 40-50 (after 21 pm), Bay to downtown 35-40 yuan (usually 35 yuan, if just a private car also the line back to the urban 20-25 million), Airport - Bay 70-80 million (less if the bow, back to the airport, you can go to buy fruit 30 per city, and then to the airport from the city of 20-30 million). chartered If you go to Nanshan day, centipede of the islands, hot springs and the like 170. taxi drivers are mostly wild speculations, you have to boldly cut. Yalong Bay hotel taxi try not to hit the taxi car park (Boy and they are a group) generally much more expensive (unless he can go to the above prices), to go up the road shouting, a lot. Another car approached the driver will mess with you, do not ignore, whatever deal on the line, or wasting the money I did not say not to blame. believe sina, Do not listen to hotel staff and drivers of calumny. to the Spring Garden bring you the driver must be careful to leave the place (what the spring element, like Thai Garden ah), next to the driver that comes to Dragon Spring Garden Hotel ! another look at their maps to buy in advance.
2, Sanya is known for making the drivers kickbacks. to tell you the truth, such as to Wuzhizhou, ticket total is 123 yuan / person, but the driver can get one person to send rebate of up to 60 yuan, so you do not even the taxi fare is someone to drive you to, but they would still like to give you a decent bargain mode, you must resolutely expose the underlying profits. return when Since there is no rebate, and their asking price higher, if it does little for it, you can temporarily come back to find a few people carpool.
3, buses should be fully utilized. urban only one main street (Jiefang Road), north-south, to major attractions, shopping, dining destination, this way can be .202 for the axis is very convenient bus, frequency of many (all seats), conductor driver warm, cheap (no ticket 1 yuan / person). how to really feel a city bus to sit down now.
Sanya bus lines
1 Road (formerly 201 Road): Dan, the state quarters, new administrative, Zhuoda building, on River Primary School, Fort Yung-kan, transport quarters Pro Chunqiao, city gov, Chinese Medicine Hospital, Bus Terminal, City II, waterfront theater, the first market, port.
2 Road (formerly 202): Hainan University, the new, the home district, Intermediate, ATC station, West Point, agriculture, hospitals, friendship junction, on River Bridge, Guoxi Hotel, the secondary market, Danzhou Village, People's Hospital, Bus Terminal, City II, waterfront theater, the first market , Palace of Culture, City, Phoenix Plaza, Hawaii Hotel, City Hotel, the East China Sea, the city garrison, East Point.
3 Road (formerly 203 Road): Land Reclamation college, city timber mill, ditch water litchi, litchi Ditch the market, Land Reclamation retired cadres, the original horizon cement, home gardens, city Intermediate People's Court, West Point, agriculture, hospitals, friendship junction, on River Bridge, just south of the junction, Spring Garden Seafood Plaza, City Park, Chinese Medicine Hospital , Water Tower, terminal market, the Forestry Bureau, Pearl Garden, Hong Kong market, the Palace of Culture, City, Phoenix Square, the South China Sea Villa, City, sixth in the sea south of the market, rescue stations, Luhuitou village.
4 Way ( the original 204): Station, agriculture, hospitals, friendship junction, on River Bridge, Guoxi Hotel, the secondary market, Danzhou Village, People's Hospital, Water Tower, terminal market, Galaxy Building, Pearl Garden, Hong Kong market , Cultural Palace, three small city, the first market, the leap forward intersection, gov second run, the new air bridges, Lao Ganju, east of the river police station, prosecutors, City Experimental Middle School, Hong Kong Mun Village, City, Phoenix Plaza, Hawaii Hotel, City Hotel, East China Sea, Sanya Garrison, East Point.
5 Road (formerly 205 Road): HNA College, a city, the lights are, Lingbei Village, Dan states area, safely Bureau, Zheng Ji as traffic revenue, Accident Division, tobacco companies, Yuya salt residential district, City Fifth, transportation district, the hotel tomorrow, the city gov and one office, the new wind Road, River Road, the first market, the new Seaview Hotel, Sanya Bridge, City of Phoenix Square, under the foreign field, Pro Spring area.
6 Road (formerly 206): Sea slope (Kempinski Hotel), Wan Bo Hotel, HNA Hotel, Sanya Bay Road, Youyi Road, the liberation of four, months River bridge, on River neighborhood, city V, gov one office, hotel tomorrow, the Pro Spring Rd, City, City Fifth, gov one office, hotel tomorrow, the Pro Spring Rd, City, Cultural Palace, Hong Hong Kong market.
7 Road (formerly 207): Betterment of Hong Kong Road, Jiefang Road, auspicious Road, Sanya Bay Road, Jinjiling Street, Yuzhong sea line, Institute of Export Road Sanya, Sanya College.
8 Road : East Station, Yuya Road, Shiomi Bridge, Sanya Bridge, Jiefang Road, Guangming Road, Sanya Bay Road, Haihong Road, Airport Road to the Phoenix Airport
9 Road: Field independence (City National School), Welcome Avenue, Phoenix Road, Pro Chunqiao, Xinfeng Road, Victory Road, Guangming Road, Phoenix Islands.
10 Road (New Line): Egret Park, Phoenix Road, Yuya Road, Shiomi Bridge, Sanya Bridge, Liberation Road, Jinjiling Street, Jinjiling Bridge, First Ring Road extension of, the Sports Center by Phoenix Road to Egret Park.
11 Road (New Line): Conch Farm, Phoenix Road, Welcome Road, month River Bridge, the sea on Square, Sanya Bay Road, Guangming Road, Victory Road, Betterment of Hong Kong Road, Jiefang Road, Sanya Bridge, Yuya Road, Pro Spring Rd, Feng booming Bridge, Spring Road, conch farm.
12 Road (new line): City park, Sanya, Hexi Road, Jiefang Road, Jinjiling Street, Jinjiling Bridge, Sanya Bridge, Hexi Road, Sanya, urban park (two small ring).
13 Road: West Point , back to the Village, Phoenix Town, plastic water village, the peak station, South Island.
14 Road: West Point, Sea Yu West Line, West Line of Expressway, Yucai roads, Yucai.
15 Road (formerly 102 Road): West Point, agriculture, hospitals, Friendship Road,; four hundred twenty-five Hospital, Jingwei Hotel, Seaview Hotel wins Italy, Bank of China Training Centre and the Grand Hotel, the red sun restaurants, terminal markets, Water Tower , City Chinese Medicine Hospital, Central Hotel, the Thai star hotel, People's Insurance Company, City Experimental Middle School, Hong Kong Mun Village, the municipal fields under the ocean, the East efficiency Coconut Grove Hotel, East China Sea, East Station, the European homeland, red sand, Field independence, six villages, Yalong Bay Square, Underwater World Hotel, Yalong Bay.
16 Road (formerly 101 Road): Hong Kong market, the Civil Aviation Station, back to the new station, back to the Village, Phoenix Town, Phoenix airport road, Phoenix Village, barrel well neighborhood, west line high-speed intersection, Private Estate, West Island terminal junction, the junction area ends of the earth, a distant town, Nanshan Temple.
17 Road: Port Authority, to build Hong Kong Road, Sanya Bridge, municipal Shiomi Bridge, the East China Sea, Bayi Middle School, East Point, Lu Middle School, neighborhood red sand, red sand pier.
18 Road (formerly 302): Port Authority, to build Hong Kong Road, Sanya Bridge, municipal fields under the ocean, the East China Sea, Bayi Middle School, East Point, Lu Middle School, neighborhood red sand, red elm village, field independence.
19 Road (formerly 304 lines): Port Authority, to build Hong Kong Road, Sanya Bridge , the municipal fields under the ocean, the East China Sea, Bayi Middle School, East Point, Lu Middle School, neighborhood red sand, red elm village, field independence Town, An Luo village, army four thousand eight hundred and two factories, safety tour. < br> 20 Road: West Point, Jinjiling Road, Jinjiling water, city suburban courts, intermediate courts, a city, the division headquarters farm exports Road, South New Farm, litchi ditch, labor camps, the United Driving School training base , Welcome Road, teaching teams, field independence, the town, group force pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical companies enjoy through, Tongji Science and Technology Park, Wuzhishan City entrance road, in the Liao Village, Tai Mao.
four play articles:
Sanya is only suitable for Ziyou Ren, is not suitable with the group, all local scenery or less, the proposal only to the Bay and Wuzhizhou sufficient, and loved ones, life at the beach for some time, quietly, that is indeed a very enjoyable thing.
1, Yalong Bay beach and the hotels are good and worth a visit. do not buy a ticket, walk along the beach can be entered. Yalong Bay beach is beautiful. to Sanya, you are Where not to go on the beach every day to stay here, will not suffer. swimming, walking, sunbathing on the couch mm comfortable. see the hammock to play with it, very good.
If you like walking, proposed along the Yalong Bay beach, Yalong Bay Center Square, walk to from the Sheraton Hotel, came back to the hotel through the million cents, take the road. There were very few Italian share of quiet and ya, like walking in their own garden in.
2, centipede of the Island: The Island centipede to find out before the weather, wind and waves are not big on the island. Shuiqing, three Sea the most beautiful places on the ferry in the past, about 15 minutes, the ship open soon, a little windy encounter with the pirate ship-like ride, especially fun, motion sickness, seasickness serious friends, please note that 30 minutes before boarding eat seasickness medicine, or to the island and then basked in the sun, nausea and dizziness to ensure you uncomfortable, you count the day reimbursed. on the island to eat more expensive, ordinary noodles one night to 20, but go inside to 4,5 meters down the road there is a buffet, 50 yuan / place a cheap shrimp, Luorou, crabs and other seven or eight dishes, fruits are bananas and cherry tomatoes, orange juice beverage is the staple food for bread, rice, eat also, the price is quite rare in this place, and pay attention to is too early to go, the best 11:30.
other matters:
1. Island flushing (10 yuan / person) and chair (50 yuan / hour) had to ask for money;
2. not allowed to walk on the right side of the island by the past, can only sit around the island to go to car battery;
3. to bring towels and bathing suits. on the island, be sure to bring enough water before, be sure to bring enough sunscreen, be sure to 50sp +, otherwise set is the tan you Pikairouzhan.
4. If you want to be completed, it is better to spend the night on the island, more a good experience in this island style. and can avoid the noon peak flow.
5. The island has a wide variety of entertainment, the charges are a lot of money, most are not worth playing is the semi-submersible vessels, and have not seen floating underwater scenery and more potential charges as well. If physical conditions permit, or play with shore diving, remember that before the sea and coaches must make it clear, do not need to take pictures and do not need video, or coaches will sell to you again.
other entertainment items to does not matter, do not recommend you to burn.
everyone on the island after the island's attractions can be visited on foot, cars can also choose to take a sightseeing tour. take a sightseeing car price eighty-two kinds of thirty and thirty's no need to sit, do not see anything, mainly in the island turn, eighty of the week you can see all the beautiful island scenery.
6. Lover Bridge: Wuzhizhou the most beautiful scenery on Valentine's bridge, want to take pictures of this place enough.
7. Koon Yat Rock: sunrise: 6:30 start bright day, 7:10 or so will be out of the sun, watching the sunrise 6:30 to go out more appropriate. on the concept of rocks to climb on . Island Highway. only be allowed to have car batteries, can not walk. in the mountains after a rock island, the island is the best place to watch the sunrise. along the road to Sunrise rock climbing. about half an hour later, the front reached the end, Only a big, big stone. went to the Sunlight Rock, walk along the well marked road, and we do not like the subject written by the island, the island is not large, are very close, temples I had long wanted to climb Hill to get to, in fact, a few minutes to down the temple next to the (right) the road has been walking the right path on to the Sunlight Rock (15 minutes) is up, it's beautiful place. sit cable car around the island swim to go directly to the Sunrise Rock , car batteries are not to view on rocks, you can arrange with them so you can view at rock temples of people back then to help you call for a battery car to pick you continue to swim around the island.
8. pier fish, thousands of fish gather together most of the scenes must have not seen, lean on a railing at the pier can enjoy a bird's eye view, you can watch the way back so when the ship.
Nantian Spa: very simple, good contact, the car in the past bubble it is. what Valentine pool, dozens of large and small, traditional Chinese medicine pool, but are similar, not much difference, some pond water temperature high, pay attention to point it wants to focus on recommended fish spa pool, many people may not adaptation, should have a strong ability of anti-itching for the job who was coming in, 5 seconds without moving there will soon bite the fish swim around the outer skin of your skin, if you can adapt it, then cool, if for a long time without moving around will be surrounded by a layer of dense fish, soak my feet after the corn is good, thanks to fish them. If you want to stimulate the point, which point there are ten centimeters long fish (out of 2 ~ 3 cm), I only dare legs into it, pretty interesting to.
1. There are many hot springs around the meadow grass flies, very fierce, as long as a stick, half a second of time is enough (no exaggeration), then there will be a poison wrapped 2 to 3 cm in diameter, extremely itchy, can not be without is the elimination of half a month, usually thousands of students move mosquito careful. Here I will be worship those who dare to lie on the ground as early as the person hammock, actually afraid, I passed through the grass are tossed towels, dancing break dance in the past, but also bitten one. mm 囧 2, is said not to Paowan after spring shower, back to the hotel after wash, this will be effective.
outdoor free exercise: This is highly recommended, and I was the first time to play before the last day of the project comes to an end to the times before the real feeling of Sanya, a few days before hot springs, go to the Island centipede with this project than simply can not, feel at least take two days to play this. content is generally fishing, fishing for abalone, sea urchins, barbecue, snorkelling, diving (we going to pay) . The price is generally 200 ~ 300 / person, a good deal, playing so cool. My favorite is of course the fishing, the tropical coral zone, catch the fish on the strange, colorful flowers and the next moment you'll never guess What fish hook, a common grouper, Samui, tiger fish, hh, catch on to note that after the fish do not touch the tiger, so the boatman or team leader to help you solve this thing quills are nerve toxins, Although no danger on the thorn, but the pain should people killing (ME is one of the victims.) businesses according to different destinations, the line is also not different, basically the original ecology of the areas are not developed, probably the main area Jin mother angle, Bedford Bay, Valentine Bay, etc., is quite the free exercise there is a name, CCTV wealth did a feature story reported, .
five, Food
We must remember that those who send cards, or a free shuttle bus cheap food stalls do not eat, could not have even hesitated. do not believe it, you'll regret waiting it.
proposals are in the hotel to eat breakfast, lunch, random address, it is important dinner or to the city resolve. Sanya hotel's breakfast usually end until 10:30, we can safely asleep woke up. Meanwhile, the proposed hotel try to eat meals.
Sanya is an important line of activity is to eat seafood, now start your culinary journey into Sanya:
1. Spring Garden Plaza
pick Seafood Seafood: Eat, then go to Sanya definitely go and ran seafood, seafood in Sanya usually pick their own, and then to the processing of seafood stalls, personal recommendations, to Spring Garden seafood friends, do not know to pick seafood, you can find 6 ranked No. 8 wheat, they chose the seafood is very good, the crab is fat, yellow lot, conch meat is tender, craft is also good, so we go every time they eat seafood, where to buy seafood will help us when the bargain, want to affordable little friends can also go to the first market to buy, because we usually are eating seafood at night, during the day and play one day to the attractions, food would be more later, here we should pay attention, to catch the 5:00 to go, Otherwise, no good thing left. buy seafood attention to anti-cheating, remember that the point is not because they are cheap, I went to a bad back when, and happy to see a crab, a half a sheet of A4 paper more than a large, a question was 25 pound, hurry out and buy, and to let people stand for a process to end out of a pile of shells and meat, to realize that this just-for-finished shell crabs, looking like large, which are empty, So pick a crab must be spotted, if you really do not have this experience, in 6 rows 8 to Spring Garden find it, they will help you select a good seafood. recommend the following seafood:
humphead wrasse, grouper, Tsing Yi
(steamed), wild shrimp
(garlic), shrimp
(boiled), Phi shrimp
(mantis shrimps),
and Le Crab (stir-fried onion ginger ),
three crabs
(large steamed), Green Crab
(fried), mango Lo
(Do not burn too old boss, add pepper), small elephant trunk clam
, juice

mango coconut seafood stalls
choice: Seafood comes to Sanya stand, then it is everywhere and the most famous is the Spring Garden, and we eat is 6 row 8, I feel good (recommend), Note: ① Hainan, where the female attendants stand to call young girl, not a lady (or a Hotel and aircraft can be called Miss); ② Do not eat the food stalls near the beach seafood, they do not look specifically knock Raiders to go out and tour the place; ③ local taxi and tricycle to introduce you to the place do not go. who sent cards, or a free shuttle bus cheap food stalls do not go Otherwise, eat kill you top, to the regret can not run soon, unless you are Liu Xiang (pre-injury).
seafood seafood, the amount of drink white wine and vinegar, but eating Seafood should not drink beer.
after eating seafood, not to eat within an hour of cold drinks, watermelon and other foods, and do not immediately go swimming;
seafood rich in protein, easy to protein allergies Oh please do not bulimia.
the most important thing is to eat seafood, > Remember: Spring Garden Seafood Pearl Plaza Mall in the back door, after a direction from the East China Sea, Sanya Bridge, River Road has been extended north to go. proposed bus ride to the Pearl Plaza 202, the front door, back door and then to 100 meters forward can, or to Guoxi Hotel (Lucky Street), turn right down the auspicious Street, 500 meters. (drivers who want to take you off the Spring Garden)
Hotel features buffet:
cactus Self: to trip Sanya, always a little something back, mostly concentrated in three categories: Hainan specialty (snacks), seafood, fruit, shells. These can be bought in Sanya city, and shopping spots as far as possible not to buy.
specialty is best to buy a large supermarket to the urban area, the largest local supermarket and the supermarket million Fulong Wang Hao, near the bus station in Sanya, take the 202 bus to arrive, you can buy some snacks and specialties. feel coconut cake is still relatively good, there are specialty coconut candy, soft candy is more delicious, as well as coconut pancakes are delicious, Wang Hao supermarket carton packaging can also be free to use, very convenient.
Sanya is a place where most tropical fruits , cheap fruit here. In the street there are many fruit stalls, dinner, 198 / bit, to bring honesty PASS, the coupon tear them to 138 / bit, nothing too special features, there are large adult male crabs palm (not including legs), some of the common meat, Hainan characteristics fruits (rambutan, wax Han), the dessert. but the taste was okay, people like to eat that giant red tongue like mango Lo meat (raw), and the onion roll together, glued to the mouth of a mustard plug, scared! mouthful of chewy in his mouth delicious, sometimes with tears this interesting! no need to pay attention, it wants to eat.
Silver Taihai fresh BBQ Buffet: Dinner, 168 / bit, to bring honesty PASS price is 128 / bits of seafood is one of several species of snails, shrimp, other did not, and then the pork, beef, chicken, chicken wings gradually getting more of a ready-made dishes . Please Note: ① go early (5:30), Intime is located in the East China Sea, many people go for half an hour later, seafood and desserts to running out (the hotel does not Tim); ② Do not worry about taking a lot of vegetables, then began to eat, especially ready-made food, you are hot when you hold it, and so on the table, still misses the other side of the grill, side back, and consequently the cold; ③ here first barbecue here said that under the rules of the guests holding their own and take their food dishes, vegetables selected, take a plate with a number of clips to clip up into the left side of the desk attendant queue, discharged after the waiter take it grilled, baked, after the food onto the original plate, put his right on the stage, guests pick their own numbers by as barbecue a long time, some guests to do otherwise, and will be ready to take over, so many people of poor quality directly to the waiter to get the right food to others , and so you come home and find something you have long since been taken away, and then re-pick the things that did not left Han, and finally make do with a point easily found the team to a long row of N, the result is you eat the meal really breath
, also did not have to Gesha, to prevent this from happening, you point to involvement, the whole staring at it. In fact, there is a very simple, so that waiters are all baked into the back, When guests come get reported number, number on right away, do not die on a slap shot, or simply for a pair of clip on the Take.
Farm hospitals across the market as the third most expensive , the morning fruit prices slightly more expensive than the afternoon. If in the first market to buy, the price is, but should pay attention to weight,more delicious than that in Shanghai's more, there are also very delicious banana.
shopping gift articles and more expensive farmers market fruit. The main are: mango, banana, coconut, papaya, rambutan, Four Seasons watermelon, dragon fruit, Syzygium, avocado, capers, mangosteen, and so on. Sanya, the tropical fruit market, there are two locations, one is the first farmers in Sanya market; the other is the Hong Kong market, Victory Road, the two are wholesale markets, which the fruit is really very cheap, I packed a lot of home, spent a lot of fee, there is a string together with the line The tea tastes good, 2 dollar string, this is my 6 ranked No. 8 in the Spring Garden when the awareness of seafood as a tea, boss is under fire for herbal tea, really good drink, and then ...