Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hummer China Diary 5 Miles march test

 Hummer march thousands of miles of China Diary 5
--- test turned out the dead Jieshan Daban to ditch into the South on August 20 Qiemo
soil after Sodom Tai tamarisk Beach Township, Clay Daban (5024 m), Jieshan Daban (5248 m, the armed police detachment in eight traffic July 1, 2005 calibration), iron Long Beach (dead groove), Qitai Daban (5022 m) 488 km journey from the day early in the morning
soil together is a big eye days. seven forty departure, the equivalent of five forty mainland, restaurants and shops are not open early, a day before the vehicles are assigned to be a good baked buns and steamed bread. the sky is still black, seven Xiaolong combat vehicles will hit the road. Today is the market hard battle, when it comes to the Shiquanhe Ali has completed the first phase of battle, then to Xinjiang from Shiquanhe Yecheng the second stage, is the new possession of the most difficult part of the road. Ali area of fuel and other supplies come through Tibet Highway, so life habits, place names, it is called are very close in Xinjiang, such as the Pass of Xinjiang called Daban is called the law, but in all this, it is called Ali area, especially west Shiquanhe.
whole Tibet Highway elevation of 4,000 meters above the road there are 914 km, and from Daban to Yecheng Jieshan direction more than 5,000 meters above sea level line 130 km, is the world's highest road. hundreds of kilometers along the deserted wasteland remote, combined with bad weather, thin air, the trip is quite difficult. But the rolling snow-capped mountains, densely covered lake group, you can see a large number of wild animals, making it a paradise for explorers and a super crazy people traveling by car heaven. but the climate is very violent, sunny day, no set number of rain and snow, walking in the mountains or the blue skies here, after a Kong is the big wind and rain, and then again out of ten kilometers of flying snow, August and September, under the snow, said, this is Ali, which is widely praised in the land has a population of less than eighty Ali.
Yecheng soil to the road at the 963 km milestone, but can not be reached within a day, unless modified using a special car, in turn, a special traveling by car to drive crazy. because about five kilometers through several Daban, our team would also like to pause for the plateau test, then the ideal thing is to walk this road Yecheng two days, and if something unexpected way, then this trip to make what is no need to estimate in advance. As for today, not too good to be able to go where the estimated ideal can expect to be ten miles to 600 kilometers away in the barracks, where there will be cell phone signals. By the way here, will have to go to Ali and the heroes who-Tibet Highway , the Ali region of China Unicom phone is able to get through, and in the soil from the date of the long lines to Yecheng, only a few points on the machine stops moving, so once the vehicle problem, only the satellite phone or a military telephone can help.
was at a hundred kilometers of Earth, passing the last of this section a more lively town - Sodom village, gradually rising terrain in this paragraph, passed away in a small town in the last five thousand to pull the Songxi meters, entered a no man's land more than five hundred kilometers. Daban by 5024 m of red clay, the teams engaged in more than three hours here, the plateau test, although the sun is high, but wind bone puncture, the first of the three vehicles had done the first step and find food and shelter to the front, the other four cars in the cold to continue fighting. I go ahead with the first three vehicles, and is still bright in the sky when to capture and grasping point shot scenery and wildlife.
Daban out from the clay for about ten kilometers away, hidden on a new line to the most horrible gates of hell legend: Jieshan Daban. In the original legend The new line's highest possession Jieshan Daban, the height of 6700 meters, 5500 meters, and other claims, in an uncertain guess, we have inadvertently on the vehicle arrived. an eight by the armed police detachment Traffic on July 1, 2005 calibration, Jieshan Daban 5248 m of black stone that suddenly. I immediately won the shot with a camera to a high degree of Jieshan Daban traveling by car crazy people skeptical confirmed The exact height of 5248 meters!!! over this pass, there was no response to what the legendary and discomfort, as flat, Daban also easily than others through! I advise going to challenge you heroes-Tibet line: Do not repeated the baseless assertion -Tibet section of the road is not really scary in this!
Jieshan Daban passed, the following is a blue-green and white highland lakes, beautiful, pleasant, and the distant snow-capped mountains each other. armed police detachment established eight traffic declaration of the Tibetan section of the two arch is over, the great officers and men of the armed transport detachment with their flesh and blood, maintaining the life of the restricted area of this road open. The next trip, there are several such lakes, and see the Tibetan bell sheep, Tibetan wild ass, especially exciting to see the two take the lead in possession of a Tibetan wild ass bell sheep running and I quickly won this lens. Before we knew it, the sky became dark, station, as narrow, but over Jieshan Daban, the board of the altimeter display has been about five thousand meters, while the temperature outside the car show has long been below freezing.
night fell, the clouds in the sky, A sudden cold Among the wind, this time we really experienced the fate of cars and people at this time is completely linked, and once the car can not move, the next thing is cold and oxygen, were completely unable to contact with the outside world, in the cold and hunger be frozen into popsicles. so there is no absolute guarantee vehicle condition, and more than two vehicles with each other help, certainly not to the new line to the possession of your life, because it will not be a place to play a decisive role!!! us The chariot Xiaolong billowing black smoke caused by the oxygen in, but also turned over a five-kilometer Qitai Daban, came to a place called the big tamarisk Beach, where about 4,000 meters above sea level. tamarisk beach its name implies, when Yi Shi is the side of a tamarisk everywhere, but in fact beach tamarisk tamarisk tree has gone, the only depot is just a row of tamarisk beach house and an easy care section. tamarisk beach-Tibet Highway on the way once more a place of terror because legend had a row all the soldiers died overnight due to altitude sickness short-Tibet line here because not many people go through all kinds of horror stories filled with people, but today the situation has greatly improved the road to here has been No old horror.
turn it out of the industry Sakamoto Alexander Ali region of Tibet, Xinjiang into the boundary, but here the feeling is still in Ali. In tamarisk beach, and now no longer outside the depot, and only a few Sichuanese open house accommodation shop, ate with live. We stayed in a small fang called Tianfu food shop. Sichuan are similar throughout China, twice-cooked pork, fried peanuts, bean curd, etc., but lived in no windows, and six in a row of twelve plus one Taikang Chase cabin, without any of the wash conditions, the Kunlun mountains ten miles barracks, Mazar and other places are much the same. come here, what stress? fill a full stomach, have a warm nest is already good, then test the other team members are still two hundred kilometers away in the wind in the cold and hunger of the struggle, one after another in the snoring of six to be spent this way to enter the first night of Xinjiang.
August 21 after a large tamarisk beach camp ten miles Kangxiwar Daban to travel 118 km
early in the morning to know the other 4 of 9 brothers car After midnight, the car repaired and open to the sleepy not want to leave a place, and to rest in the car. Results feet to the frozen timber and then wake up, see the lights in front of a store, is a big truck tire repair shop, a asked to ditch the name of the dead, sleepy suddenly gave Xiaxing it! then struggling to arrive at 4:00 or so large tamarisk beach, wearing a military cloak room and board shop in Church Zaidao house. There are a chariot in Xiaolong more than 50 meters away from the shops outside the dry out the oil, the car to throw in the middle of the road, people fell asleep. In the morning half-eaten food half Sichuan Xinjiang's water, do not want to rinse the mouth, on the scenic toilets, they began a new journey.
out from the big tamarisk beach more than an hour, just before the Kangxiwar Daban, cold wind blowing in the open mountain , a gravel dirt road in no man's land of silence to start with. Suddenly a blue road sign pointing right, to a cold and lonely valley in the Holy Land. to read a few episodes before the intermittently really have such a place. stretching hundreds of kilometers of no man's land, open the Valley in the cold, quietly rest with India since 1962 has been fighting back, in the Kunlun mountains the great martyrdom of 106 soldiers.
into martyrs cemetery, to see soldiers from different provinces in Tombstone, a sense of reverence for old, cold Linlie of people recalling the tragic, and tears. where the vehicles much, as long as the vehicles will come to pay homage to the past, no time to come, in the same ring a bell to report to the martyrs. martyrs before their tombstone bottled wine, cigarettes and all kinds of food. Kunlun mountain can not find the flowers, tombstones are lit with stones down by the cigarette butts, we can see, there are different types of people come here, and all whom tears! whom all emotional! Even those of us running around wild man, can not help tears rolling. see in this cold and oxygen , wind whistling no man's land, martyrs are with their own flesh and blood to defend the peace of the great motherland, with their young lives to protect the family for the country, as long as the conscience of a Chinese citizen who is not moved Pathetique?
no flowers, no incense, our martyrs cemetery in the tombstone on the biscuits and Lhasa before the beer festival, to comfort the memory of their martyrs! to comfort the families of their elders. We gravestone Changgui, we pray to the heavens to to the martyrs who pay tribute to the great Chinese soldiers! forefront of the new possession of the road, all the way to a detachment of armed police traffic eight soldiers, all the way there are forces in this depot rolling natural moat, and no man's land, the protection of transmission lines with the smooth flow of thousands of miles away unimpeded to protect the past, the safety of vehicles and passengers. In the life of the restricted area of medicine, but with the military masculine and amiable people, with their giant body in silence for the passing vehicles escort. Kangxiwar concerned the history of the martyrs cemetery, recommended a reporter witnessed by the soldiers, touching the tear-jerking for. in the .
and went nearly 3 hours to come to a huge military camp location: ten miles barracks. with large tamarisk, like beaches, there are also the depot, the original can also board and lodging, but the depot was not outside, but passing vehicles to stay still in this habit. Sichuanese so great, they always dismissive of it catch food, housing so that the most basic opportunities, outside the depot, opened in the large and small shops restaurants and accommodation , and ten miles a freestyle street outside the barracks, to become the most popular on-Tibet Highway, a board point.
ten miles altitude of the barracks has been reduced to three thousand eight hundred meters, there is also need to maintain vehicles , in addition to the four cars after last night are not too tired to move, so in a place called by car to the Taiwan motorcycle boys, Ali fought to continue traveling by car topics forum. The party flew to Beijing the first five people to buy a motorcycle, and then to Chengdu, the Sichuan-Tibet Southern line all the way down when the reservoir Two people were barely halfway out of the first, all the way to persist over the remaining three. In taking over a large tamarisk Qitai Daban beach road, there is a bad person because the car had to take our car. I remember that very dark night, in that no man's land in the street suddenly man, save the general really like to see a ghost, scared we quickly accelerated through, dare stop? came to the beach to see the large tamarisk two of their teammates, I discovered where the fire of his motorcycle, only meters at an altitude of five thousand tents to spend the night, so morning and then rushed to the beach to a large tamarisk.
these guys in Taiwan, and the way we encountered Yecheng from Lhasa to and from the few teams to Lhasa Yecheng cycling expedition Ali Mainland and New Line of young Tibetan men and women, to see them, really feel awe, over the past few years, the way to Everest also saw a foreigner riding a bike, walk, have the courage to see the Chinese people feel sorry for this action. Today's China Youth dare to ride a bicycle, riding a motorcycle to go the Sichuan-Tibet line, walk-Tibet line, these people will no doubt will become the future elite of Chinese society, the challenges in these areas because of the courage and perseverance of their ultimate strength of people in the community will be afraid of difficulties? to see cyclists on the road, we bring the car mineral water, dry food, milk donated to them, and there are restaurants, beaches and ten miles of large tamarisk barracks, we ask that the three were engaged in a diving instructor in Australia, Taiwan, industrial designers and technicians work in large motorcycle guy dinner, and talked about Sichuan-Tibet campaign, Ali, Zanda, Tibet line of new hardships along the way, all filled with emotion, feeling as comrades in arms!
camp ten miles outside of this street, also a cowboy pier, the free world, Land is not the money, there is no business tax, but fortunately had just staged a security point, the police, no security problems. to each household the night their own power, size, engine sound in the valley after another, unaware that a wave Sonata plateau wave. The same conditions for only a wash of terror is also a toilet on the landscape, there is no means of entertainment and leisure, and three friends ate Sichuan Taiwan motorcycles, drank a few to find what they brought, the taste is exactly like Dragon Alishan tea, return to each no windows, no lights, little more than three square meters of After a black card Daban City, Mazar Daban, libraries, travel 363 km to Daban
seven o'clock, you want your boss to do breakfast, the boss said here after a breakfast at half past eight in order to eat, because at that time time equivalent to half past four Beijing. So just another empty stomach on the road. Biscuits eat mineral water, which is routine for our team this test, and today will be the three meals and one meal to eat Yecheng ! Tell me what you pay attention, unable to withstand the cold, unable to withstand hunger, unable to withstand the torment of the people, be careful not to engage in such long-distance test of a chore to Oh! barracks from ten miles off, though only over one hundred kilometers After the Karakoram mountains to get to another camp in Mazar plus free world, but the black card over one thousand meters 4 Daban, than 5 more than one thousand meters of Jieshan Daban is much more steep and sharp bends only more dangerous. Chengdu hot pot shop owner said Mazar depot conditions than ten miles outside the camp shop might as well, seeing is believing today, the first day of camp or live a good ten miles.
out too Mazar, had to imagine the breath down access to two kilometers below the belt, then a circuit in the former, straight Yecheng. But there in front of Mazar, libraries, etc. 3 to 4 thousand meters of Osaka to the former , so you more they want to wait to see the ground, under the more they want to lower altitudes earlier to the more no way, had to bend in the steep slope and rapid, dusty dirt road slowly toss! a clear day all the way from Mazar Daban overlooking Chogori (the world's second peak) majestic. But under the urgency on the rapid, dust masterpiece of the mountain, people have no ornamental landscape Yaxing. especially the library in Osaka is the full range of the most difficult section of mountain road away from , then the dust in the chicane and into another masterpiece on the road over the possession of the new momentum of the most spectacular library in Osaka,, through the Sichuan-Tibet highway with a , a circuit in front of the plateau subsided, the ground representation. Uighur compatriots colorful clothing makes us feel that this is really to Xinjiang it! Yecheng from the soil to 963 kilometers on the road, we ran 3 days. Although it is down plateau, but also a time when the dust can be masterpiece of the season, the team turns to dust all the way to hit, but it has only a trivial matter it! for life away from the restricted area, because to have food to eat somewhere to live, to be washed, to place a communication conditions!
Shannan since starting to play, we've get the entire national highway 219 and Xinjiang, the team's seven tanks and 15 individuals without incident! Today we Yecheng living in Tibet Highway State Road 219, kilometer zero point of the road near the monument on the battle-Tibet Highway to victory come to an end! 7 car burst into a known over the past few days the whole body does not wash the dust, followed by a meal of lamb, enormous amounts of wine happy meal!-Tibet line did not block the pace of our campaign, but added a taste of the magnificent mountains and rivers all the way, the sentiment of another human outer The vicissitudes of things.
August 23 to Freeman 500 km Yecheng
early in the morning, in front of the hotel, if a large triangle, find a new milestone in Tibet Highway 0 km, and then in the dust masterpiece among the marching of the Hotan. came to Xinjiang, it is unlikely to see Ali as the blue sky, replaced by a small Uighur leisurely donkey cart, and the beautiful clouds in the southern style. in the town of Hotan jade, a folk customs Uighur restaurant for a meal Cong Bao lamb, yogurt, mutton, Taipan Ji and other food, Bianxiang Yutian moving. to Yutian, met Chairman Mao and Uncle Kurban took a giant statue of the former a few photos, a brother went to Wuhan to see our car Uygur LOGO, asked her to go home, when used in Wuhan, photos, and I used half Han half-dimensional voice chat also Nanfennanshe, posed for pictures, the team continued to advance Youxiang Freeman.
Xiaolong on the asphalt road vehicles, people lose their sense of the heroic spirit of the mountain, just out of the Yutian soon, that is, road sections, in the main Road and construction of access roads between the twists and turns turn on the turn into the next, people also think back to Ali. in the dust masterpiece among the ten o'clock in the evening we entered the public Fengcheng minutes.'s eleven o'clock at night, the day we time of a meal, drink like a fish out of a pedestrian meal of mutton soup, and then he fell down a return to lower altitude to sleep soundly the world.
August 24 Qiemo Freeman to 300 km
As today only ran three hundred kilometers, and all oil, then finally get to sleep Lanjue, ten to get up, starting eleven, but also eat breakfast, this is how enjoyable the day Oh! the way sand is not large, see also to Populus, the sand in the light of life, the life of the desert in the hymn! live a thousand years, a thousand years after the death of immortality, to see that in the vast desert in Populus, like to see the light of life, to see the students hope. In the view among Qiemo to a quiet little city, well-organized, we find at the airport next to a government guest house, to take off fruitful information.
August 25 and prepared to challenge the rest Qiemo Altun
rest in place, because then there is still a no man's land nearly a thousand kilometers, a large nature reserve through our time in nearly four days because of being fed the wolf lost. This is something , not to mention the first press.
Altun order to prepare the team members are busy with other maintenance vehicles. I put together pictures and diary of a morning, afternoon redundant due to oxygen from the plateau down, lost consciousness may also wish to sleep a , which Daoye Hao, the next day on the Altun after they no good sleep to sleep, and live down the hill a narrow escape as it is the great fortune! please their adventures next weekend, march wind Then watch diary.
test march thousands of miles of Chinese diary Hummer (g)
test march thousands of miles of Chinese diary Hummer (f)
test march thousands of miles of Chinese diary Hummer (d)
Hummer China Miles test march diary (c)
test march thousands of miles of Chinese diary Hummer (b)
test march thousands of miles of Chinese diary Hummer (a)
plateau cold hero
Jieshan scare up of protective Osaka is not so terrorist
Jieshan Daban Here is a beautiful lake
and detachment of armed police officers and eight traffic in this one do not
Tibet Tibetan wild ass of a Tibetan antelope with two
large tamarisk beach luxury hotels
Taiwan by car with two riders a photo
��������ʿ signs
cemetery cemetery
Kunlun Mountain of ��������ʿ icy road Mazar daban < br> Kunlun mountains there is no lack of curiosity
wild camels beside the library to Daban mountain
the road over the library to Daban Rebel
cycling hero in China-Tibet line
finally return to earth the
This is the starting point-Tibet Highway Monument
and leave a permanent shadow
Le Zai leisurely small donkey cart on the road to Hotan
a dust bath to wash side of the road Uighur
a Uighur restaurant girl, a Uighur restaurant
old man
edge of the town of Hotan, a farmers market a few small praises
you seen this man
stations you?
Yutian huge sculpture of the street: Chairman Mao met with Gurbanguly Uncle
Populus: Life's hymn

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