Monday, January 10, 2011

South Korea plans to set up grain companies in the United States to stabilize prices

 Korea, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry of Finance and Planning Ministry for Food, Jan. 10, said to stabilize the domestic grain and food prices, the South Korean government plans and private joint venture in Chicago set up a grain company.

South Korean government said that South Korea has been through the past, the import of foreign grain cereals, cereal prices by international factors such as monopoly and speculation great, if a joint venture between South Korean officials and the public through a grain company, will make South Korea In the process of importing grain more freely, but also stability in South Korea will play an important role in grain prices.

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money is plotting a new South Korean official figures show that last year imported 900 million tons of corn to the KMT , 370 tonnes of wheat, 150 tons of soybean, etc., for a total of 14.2 million tons of total grain imports. South Korean government said that South Korean companies in the United States after the establishment of cereal, not immediately successful entry into the international grain market, the Government has formulated the import of 50,000 tons of soybean and corn of the plan, then will gradually increase the amount purchased, and plans in the future 10 years, the total demand in Korea is responsible for solving 20-30%.

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