Sunday, January 16, 2011

Shao chapter to how students can locate the beggar

 Secretary for the Ministry of Education official said the students: Students should be defined as to participate in employment options and job competition. [1] This is the Ministry of Education, the latest statement.
what is ? Therefore, we can only think that the Government or to remind students to help make this definition, is working with in this classification specification is there a distinction between the confusion: for several cases of workers: low-tech occupations in the laborer; work at the grassroots level, or bottom line of workers, wages are not high as humble workers, fixed on the land for farming to industry, farmers and other workers. It can be said, according to more generous wages and other workers.
If my above analysis will not be completely or more completely overturned, then I would think that the Government will make students contrary. According to China said that this has been indirectly defined the legal nature of college students, that is, Yaoqiu or standards, as long as allowed to pass the examination graduate qualifications to obtain the corresponding diploma, we have not the capacity, quality and terms of substantive review to a conclusion before the obligation to comply with the above in any one of the conditions of the university graduates made Biye senior professionals. the ordinary workers, On the one hand, China's current interpretation and application of the law point of view, other professional staff, not the personnel, not all of the Act the definition of Labor Law, . do not understand is, why must you make such workers classified as absurd, and to as Although not seen China's current laws and regulations on the students define the nature of direct legislation, but from the Higher Education Law and Labor Law on the task of education and labor relations for the industry and the field of view, the nature of the government to students defined as ; ordinary workers all enterprises and organizations must abide by the Constitution and the law. all acts of violation of the Constitution and the law, must be investigated. No organization or individual shall have the privilege of being above the Constitution and the law. but at least starting from this provision, again without tampering with students some of the government control the behavior of nature, there are indeed unconstitutional suspect. not to mention the Constitution, even as a parent, nor for workers to ; non-regular workers, color, is to give students the spirit of the differing treatment; From the acts defined in terms of the objectives is to students as much as possible to break the seeking professional psychological, not to society of the simple view of college students with a strong sense of penetration and lethality. This practice reflects the government in the blind, after enrollment of graduates face tough job market and the end of their rope, when cornered motives of a self-denial, an attempt to shift the game by the concept that people's attention, the majority of graduates continue to mitigation.
However, with the emphasis on college students are ; play is not . why the Government stressed that they are for the community, to persuade college graduates make themselves as ;, and also a number of ministries also issued a circular saw, for the graduates to find jobs can apply for job seekers will have been fairly positive attitude to dispel, it is clear that improving the employment rate is not much help.
Second, from a practical point of view the situation, even if the mentality of college graduates have to be placed low, put too to open, asking too loose again, want to get another warning that this year's college students are not optimistic about the employment situation even more .2006, statistical regions (24 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and 15 sub-provincial cities and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps) of the estimated demand for college graduates 1665044, 2005 have been absorbed over a substantial reduction compared to 2,141,233, a decline of 22%; the same time, college graduates in 2006 reached 413 million people nationwide, compared with the previous year increased by 22%. In other words, supply increased by 22% , demand has declined by 22%! the survey sample huge error is small, reflecting the reality is: Graduate Employment severe than last year more than 4 percent employment rate of .80%, meaning that the number of unemployed was 20%. This was the society ; Health unemployment 4% in the proportion of ordinary workers see good quality but not every year, more and more jobs disappear every year, see, in addition to the structural imbalance in the job market, higher-tech jobs have been saturation point, but not high-tech jobs of the demand is not met , so the result is presumed to be phenomenon.
this cruel reality has been recognized as a basic community. a site dedicated to do a survey, as of this morning's data show, ; enlargement and employment difficulties are not necessarily linked? inevitable connection the answer is ; of the ratio of only 5.70%. This research though a network because of its own limitations and can not accurately reflect the overall employment problem, but this survey has with social survey methods, at least reflect on a range of people the issues of the above, this view has some way represented and is used to analyze the employment situation of people at this stage, issues such as enrollment policy views, but also to peek out from one side of the blind in the past few years, enrollment and Higher Education harm caused by the Great Leap Forward.
standing government position despite repeated remarks that hymn behind, we find that even the government and government officials including our Prime Minister, have publicly acknowledged the enrollment of the For example, on May 10 this year, Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council executive meeting, decided to control the growth of university enrollment .5 19, director of education at the State Department of State Councilor Chen Zhili to strengthen and improve the management of the college enrollment conference speech , said that colleges and universities this year, enrollment increased by 5%. Obviously, if the enrollment increases under control, easing the pressure on the employment effect will be shown in 4 years. Prime Minister and State Councilor in charge of education, take the lead in openly express their regular higher education political concerns.
but in my opinion, the Chinese government itself has acknowledged the harm caused by enrollment in recent years and have made a can not be denied this to enter higher education institutions of higher learning, to improve the quality is significant. We always have to improve the entire Chinese nation can not deny the ideological and moral quality and scientific and cultural quality, the more people receive higher education than to they do not have access to higher education is much better. However, this knowledge is only established in the absence of other constraints, or other support can satisfy the constraints on the construction of a theoretical analysis, this conclusion can only be from the ; general sense of ; Government Expansion active, .
for the the demand for college graduates. If these two conditions are not met, my point is in general higher education, enrollment is better or not blind. Even the quality of students is difficult to that ; the colleges and universities, campus politics more and more vulgar, more and more dirty love the campus, campus violence, more and more fierce, more and more popular on campus suicide hh [2] It is not difficult to understand the State Council issued an emergency on further improving and strengthening Ideological and political education views. Similarly, if there is not enough jobs, these graduates out after enrollment the situation, keep up the quality of education, employment can not be resolved, talk about up, the quality of higher education certainly can not expect to improve, not as self-taught it; improve the quality of education go up, and a graduate of unemployment, then, improve the national quality contribution to the country and where? just a vanity meet? or a recognition of the Government in the brains to find ways to reduce embarrassment, funny and ridiculous measures do not go hand in hand, has exposed the Chinese government on the issue of the work Health and employment issues has made reactive to all of them have become the players and mouse, Cherish, master, but did not catch enough mice to how to do? [3] is not still rely on comfort, preaching to achieve? such as face the reality, government introduced the so-called received higher education, but after it appeared in the ] so that these graduates at home and take the social development, and economic progress, and invigorate the job market, good. what the future policy of its own future. This is not a problem of short-and long to see.
blind general higher education, Now the fact is: As the vocational and technical education, both from the educational nature and creation of an engineering standpoint, there is approved the establishment of secondary vocational and technical schools as an independent university, vocational technical specialty was gone, and have on a number of and the like, to meet the applicants in the vanity area is actually very handy, but the actual demand is do? candidates are really suitable for these professional? the Government to develop vocational and technical education efforts to implement the file what? Since encourage the development of vocational and technical education, then why not those who work in law school is very grim, Faculty of Law, Economics, Management and professional faculties like compress or careful examination? Why do not these professionals selectively or the Department is set to Vocational and Technical College? Now the Government on this issue there is not any substantive action, on the contrary can only be brought to the defects of the two measures: one is the approval of the Professional Institute of the University as an independent set, set want to read a It should be said that college graduates are facing a serious employment situation and make a correct decision.
I do not oppose or endorse Yigai enrollment, only to see the Government in formulating and implementing policies, when enrollment is not the education At the same time the quality of follow-up, nor take into account the problem of full employment, or while taking into account the moment but in order to map the problem to solve without taking into account the employment of the future, this is the typical Why has not express my opposition to or endorsed the attitude of enrollment one of the reasons. I have repeatedly said that the Government is not impossible enrollment, not an expansion, the key to see how enrollment. does not hold any to the simple pursuit of performance, regardless students live or die. We must recognize the long-term problem, but can not ignore the real problem, from the perspective of each individual, each person on such a few years, have to consider the future generations of people in taking into account the interests of the interest of contemporary people, and the vital interests of the reality! future things to consider, but some specific such as enrollment, the Great Leap Forward is engaged in education. In fact, it does not recognize the shortcomings of enrollment will seem less and less, even the Government admitted that the past few years the enrollment has drawbacks led to the difficult employment problem. < br> It can be said in the last two weeks I have been concerned about the employment of college graduates in the total length of more than 60,000 words of seven series, the comment is always the problem of government responsibility, not to be and should not Enrollment Enrollment problems. [6] as was proposed, look at higher education and employment issues. relations. As for which one important, I think, very important. But there are two points to be emphasized: First, improve the quality of the people is a gradual process and can not be done overnight, overnight to complete, not to engage in surprise and engage in large leap forward. [7] In a general sense that we talk about , will have to take into account certain social realities and enrollment in the concrete practice of implementation of the policy. The Chinese government in these years of enrollment policies have already paid a heavy price. So in fact, no exaggeration, the main cost of the overall quality of education , the overall quality of graduates, the quality of the education process, education, industrialization process related issues, employment of students, and so on, these problems from a Marxist point of view, of course, is normal and things change the inevitable process of development, social development problems and contradictions are not unusual. but crucial point: The question how much, how deep contradictions. If the problem out big, deep trouble contradictions, and even people of education satisfaction rate is very pessimistic about the current sad state, Expansion of the I would rather advocate a gradual improve the quality, or not through enrollment to improve the quality of general higher education. This is one aspect.
other one is the reality of the employment of college graduates, this is a matter of contemporary people or specific This is to say related to the specific (specific) of college graduates in the survival and development interests, at least in the case. a general sense we can say that practical problems, we need to focus long-term, but to pay attention to reality. When the employment of college graduates facing such a severe problem, we can not fail to calm the original look of our government and non-enrollment policy is the problem. look directly determines the conclusions of the government policy formulation and implementation of its adjustment and reform. If at this time, ignoring the objective reality of these issues, difficult issues, and blindly to emphasize the so-called ;, I do not think this is a superior viewing angle and rational way of thinking.
what professional enrollment, the nature of education in the form of what students in the job market of today, must follow the laws of the market, follow the law of education . the previous survey mentioned above, the network, asked, dialectical view to be reasonable also need step by step, ; of only 6.83%. shows, half of the people agree to market-oriented employment. In fact, in establishing and improving the socialist market economic system, background, talent market, the job market, which is also the general trend is realistic portrayal. Therefore, even if the Government to , l Chikamasa r two possible reasons, there may be need for some utility, it may be out of a . whether a rational approach to problems, not to oppose or support the government whether as a criterion. For me personally, I have been supporting the Chinese government made the people all useful initiatives, I'm just this issue in higher education enrollment on enrollment to the government blindly brought the issue of liability of many of my own independent opinion, that was the result of many problems today, because even though showing a wide range, but the main responsibility is leading the government, because the Government had the enrollment a I did not stand, but did not escape the table does not mean I'm the provision of public services, and this grateful our government, but these can not be my favor in any case to accommodate the Government in the . In short, every one of us Chinese people should look forward to the goal, I believe it is the same, said the big point, which is to our country more beautiful, more harmonious, more and more powerful.
but , expected return expectations, we must act. in the and strategies, respect education law, market rules and social development, proceeding from reality and rational layout of the educational structure, the ground can not be blindly professional, the school, recruit students. At the same time, to effectively correct the structural imbalance in the areas of employment, scientific control the job market, and guide the orderly development. Otherwise, just naive to expect college students admit that they are , can not cure. If we allow such ideas and concepts about the government's employment guidance, rather than to find out from the source of the conflict, and to cure and prevention and control of the crux, then, I can not help but wonder: Even if the students defined as 22.
[2] suicide on campus, I have used , in responsibility for correcting the main re-search ; often only concerned about the employment rate and employment intentions signature rate, even those who are not intent only in internships or work of a unit are counted as graduates of the is in no way be considered. I am concerned about recent college graduates and college enrollment problem is difficult series of articles, first mentioned the work on the employment rate. See Tushengageng: bring temporary happiness, but without regard for his girlfriend to the women after pregnancy, the pain! government mm that is irresponsible! At this point, we can not just condemn the girl had not considered whether a good sexual relationship with her boyfriend, can not condemn the pregnancy after pregnancy, why do not girls face reality,

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