Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ma Tianyu GAY denial about sexual orientation, claiming the body is a soft pillow

 Ma Tianyu (data map)

Jinyang - January 25 New Express reported recently, the concept of martial arts is the new hit drama hot, Ma Tianyu subversive in the play Yesterday, the reporter interviewed Ma Tianyu, he said they did not agree with


In the Ma Tianyu this to grow delicate features, and when he put on women, based on the heavy makeup, coupled with the wavefront flow when speaking, hands Alice orchid fingers, looks Especially the mention of

this, He Xiaomei Ma Tianyu think first of the play is a sense of justice, the flower of youth. Four Vigilante In The Mask play different characters, different, He Xiaomei was then the largest and most active one, compared to laugh from the song (Wallace), a Bupleurum (Yu decorated release line), the more gentle scholar temperament. As for the gender playing a play, Ma Tianyu story and characters that are based on characteristics of shape needs. Seduction in Japan such as messengers, Yan Song stealing birthday tickets to that scene, because Yan San Niang's handsome features, not too early to let her wear the dress, and posing Mei Fu's fall played female roles, articulate speech of the He Xiaomei body.

Ma Tianyu play female roles are several stunning performances, director Li Guoli expressed as the scale of just the right place, specially invited for the Ma Tianyu guidance of professional teachers, but also repeated his observation Ma Tianyu Ma Tianyu that appeared in both the female roles, or gender playing a, is only the play within the play, does not endorse He Xiaomei is

They Women more than this time there appeared, Ma Tianyu, said: The good, nutritious, roles and challenges, do not mind playing a similar performance.

(This article Source: Jinyang - New Express)

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