Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eastern affairs Interpretation March 6, 2009

 Kyrgyz Foreign Minister says U.S. will work with the Manas base in Kyrgyzstan to negotiate
news Bishkek, Kyrgyz Foreign Minister 5 Saar 5 Nazarbayev said the recent United States is prepared to close the Manas Air Base matters relating to negotiations with Kyrgyzstan.
Saar Nazarbayev Defense Committee who attended the meeting of the Kyrgyz parliament, said he last month on the 20th Ambassador to the U.S. ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, Ms. Ge Fale submitted a diplomatic note formally notified the Kyrgyz side on closure of the horse Nass Air Force Base's decision. After that, he held a meeting with Ge Fale. Gefa Le said she had received the instructions of Washington, the United States for short-term and Kyrgyzstan Manas Air Base Close to commence a negotiation. < br> NATO foreign ministers to discuss whether to resume formal contacts with Russia in Brussels on the 5th
news Brussels on March 5 news, the NATO foreign ministers at NATO headquarters in Brussels on the 5th informal meeting to discuss whether to resume and formal contact with Russia and Afghanistan.
NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer urged the foreign ministers agreed to reconvene the Standing NATO - Russia Council formal meeting. his speech at the beginning of the meeting said that although NATO and Russia there are serious differences between, but there are also obvious common interests, including peace in Afghanistan, counter-terrorism and preventing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. He said that NATO foreign ministers should consider the relationship between NATO and Russia, Europe and the world safe for importance.
NATO spokesman James Apa Sulai Yi on the 4th, said that if NATO foreign ministers agreed to resume formal contacts with Russia, NATO - Russia Council, immediately held a formal meeting at ambassadorial level, NATO has also as soon as possible will seek to hold ministerial meeting with the Russians.
Comments current affairs commentator in the East seems Kyrgyzstan released at this time, ; the news release with NATO to be a brief review of related discussions.
talk about , we have given so few points, both:
First: We believe that the situation in South Asia is temporarily stabilized, has already begun in Washington, the nature of the EU is still a warning, but problem Kyrgyzstan is still U.S. troops in Afghanistan in transit from Russia to provide NATO forces (U.S. military)
Russia, Russia said that the Manas base in China issue in closed did not mean to remain silent, emphasized that We clearly pointed out: to a large extent, the agreement is international political and military situation NASDAQ base did not mean to remain silent on the issue, In the Russia that, once NATO supply channel big trouble in Pakistan (after the U.S. troops in Afghanistan once the large-scale, it is extremely likely), then, as long as the EU's strategic cooperation in the EU come up with enough sincerity level (please note that this a prerequisite), it .
this view in this brief review, we come back to read just received, on Interfax news agency reported, the Kyrgyz parliament on the 6th plenary meeting, considered and submitted by the government involving the abolition of the 11 bills Manas air base agreement.
11 agreement is the Government of Kyrgyzstan in 2001-2002 years, with France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Norway, Turkey, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Denmark, the 11 countries participating in international anti-terrorist coalition air base in Manas signed a lease agreement. Under the agreement, the State may send military or civilian personnel stationed in the Manas base for U.S. and NATO military operations in Afghanistan, providing logistical support. These agreements are the Manas base in Kyrgyzstan and U.S. based rental agreement.
Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Saar Nazarbayev day in Parliament, said the bill, when the threat from Afghanistan signed an agreement that the direct cause of 11. Today, 7 years later, Afghanistan adopted a constitution, elect the president, the formation of the government to protect operation of national regulatory agencies of all necessary conditions have been met. Therefore, these 11 agreements should now be repealed.
NATO's decision to resume the formal resumption of normal contacts with Russia ministerial meeting in Brussels on the 5th
【news, according to media reports because of the war between Russia and Georgia NATO suspended 7 months m-Russia Council (NRC) will resume ministerial meeting, which is 5 in Brussels, NATO foreign ministers will make the decision. It marked the NATO and Russia normal exposure.
NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer at the press conference after the meeting said that NATO foreign ministers agreed to restore the NATO-Russia Council, the specific time of NATO in Strasbourg in early April Kyle m after the summit. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said that NATO and Russia are still many differences between the first, the Russian recognition of Abkhazia, and second, Russia does not fully comply with commitments made Georgia. NATO, Russia m The Council restored, NATO would like to urge Russia to continue to fulfill the obligations undertaken before.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said that NATO foreign ministers also discussed the Russian President Medvedev's New European Security Framework Agreement, NATO willingness to discuss the issue, but need more details, and hope to m in the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) or the European Security Cooperation (OSCE) within the framework.
Prime Minister of Pakistan's internal affairs adviser: No rule out foreign forces involved in attacks on Sri Lankan cricket team
【6 Islamabad, according to news reports, Prime Minister of Pakistan's internal affairs advisor Malik 6 eastern city of Lahore in Pakistan and the media that Pakistan established a high-level Commission of Inquiry Related investigations have made significant progress. He believes that foreign forces can not be ruled out the possibility of participation in the attack, but in order not to influence the investigation process, he can not reveal yet have mastered the details.
India on a ballistic missile successfully The intercept test
】 【New Delhi 6 News reported that India's eastern Orissa 6 successful test interception of a ballistic missile.
Comments】 【current events for attacks in Pakistan, Objective
First of all, like the terrorist attacks in Mumbai last year, it was a A similar tragic results, The purpose of stability.
day (Beijing time on March 3), the Indian media (The Times of India) first disclosed in the international community a (Beijing March 5) at the Brussels meeting of NATO foreign ministers convened to discuss the requirements regarding the supply line and opening up of China.
and the next day (March 4, Thursday) of the We also combine Special Representative of the Sri Lankan cricket team in Pakistan attacks can adjust its policies in Eastern Europe for a certain space
In fact, in control in front of Washington has started rule out the involvement of foreign forces (Pakistan Fang Gaoguan point of view), suddenly after a few things (see above), in essence, is people, the intent is the same
East commentator noted, there is news that the U.S. is considering anti-missile system in Eastern Europe and Russia on the question of the possibility of comprehensive cooperation, and Russia put on a pair of guidance system out a Russia to talk about combination ; to continue In the We do start later.
Mumbai terrorist attacks on the relevant discussion has just happened, that since the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, Eastern commentators it through a lot of discussion had a very clear qualitative. Clearly, the time has past few months, the attacks not completely subsided, the evidence to be collected, carefully verify the present, with its It is worth emphasizing that, In the so a few details worth noting:
A: A few months ago, we believe that: the financial crisis broke out in the Atlantic case, such as seen in Western media reports began;
is worth emphasizing that in time is very close to the to the sight, however, ; Mumbai terrorist attack A few months ago, we think: As China refused to support the elaboration of the European Union, aims to Through this part of the Chinese purchasing delegation to Europe, we believe, have been ; north strategy , can expect to get from Beijing than G20 financial summit in Washington, a choice
C: A few months ago, we think: Since the Bhutto assassination, Americans have been the hands of In our view, the Americans play this card although the process of harvesting, but unsatisfactory:
the one hand, the Government of Pakistan in Washington, According to our observation, because of Beijing's influence in Pakistan is very strong, very difficult for Washington on the U.S. policy-makers, the Pakistan Council completely mess it would have action), but the current situation, due to anti-terrorism resolutely oppose the U.S. military into Pakistan's Pervez Musharraf has been Now Pakistan will also complete chaos is equivalent to U.S. troops in Afghanistan, NATO troops in Afghanistan, the main logistical supply line (after Pakistan) to completely mess, and all major political forces in Pakistan will push the Beijing side, or even ; on together U.S. forces in support of the Sharif camp to participate in government is an example), tens of thousands of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, and NATO forces in nature to non-US forces the role of Pakistan, to above 80 century when the > So far (a few months ago), feel reluctant to Washington, in the use of the death of Bhutto, Government of Pakistan continues to allow U.S. troops from the to this change. Before proceeding, let us read a news.
【comprehensive news, according to the British Great.
Dell told larger population, also has nuclear weapons. If domestic political instability will cause more serious effects. ; be sure that radical Islam has now become an integral part of political life in Pakistan, Palestinian political culture or even an element of deep-rooted. world peace posed a greater threat than Afghanistan, the U.S. diplomats and Obama have privately expressed great concern. Obama's recent appointment of Richard. Holbrooke, special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, to fully reflect out of such deep concern in Washington.
the recent two incidents Gengrang Americans have more reason to worry about .3 morning, Sri Lankan cricket team in Pakistan, Lahore was attacked by unidentified gunmen. This makes the United States to question the Pakistani government's ability to handle the increasingly rampant violence of religious extremism. Even worse is that the expansion of radical Islam has threatened the United States in the region's overall strategic layout.
the 3rd has been reported that in northwestern Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Federally-AdministeredTribalAreas, referred to as the FATA), the original three different political forces decided to put down their differences to form a united front to deal jointly with NATO forces in Afghanistan. And the region has been including the : Dell In an interview with , also has nuclear weapons. If domestic political instability will cause more serious effects. ; be sure that radical Islam has now become an integral part of political life in Pakistan, Palestinian political culture or even an element of deep-rooted. The two events Gengrang Americans have more reason to worry about .3 morning, Sri Lankan cricket team in Pakistan, Lahore was attacked by unidentified gunmen. This makes the United States to question the Pakistani government's ability to handle the increasingly rampant violent religious extremism. Even worse is that the expansion of radical Islam has threatened the United States in the region's overall strategic layout.
very clear
pick good, point, commentators in the East, the U.S. embassy in the Afghan capital of Kabul, has been head of pick very clear, namely: The recent spate of two things (a Sri Lankan cricket team is attacked, the other is the western media reports of coalition forces in Afghanistan), it not only ; reason to believe bad situation.
impressively between the lines of the second paragraph of text with a flashing with an In particular, the situation has been considered and submitted by the government involving the abolition of the Manas air base 11 of the Act after the agreement; , NATO's willingness to discuss the issue, but need more details, and hope to m in NATO-Russia Council (NRC) or the European Security Cooperation (OSCE), after within the framework; to Americans for the manipulation of the as Russian strategic coordination The Third important
intention, I am afraid is to test the European Union and other major powers (such as Japan, India) in the intention alert
four important and most worthy of attention is Beijing: I am afraid it is to test the the it to China, the European Union, to not in the can clearly feel the loitering.
However, in the previous comments, we have said, although Brzezinski won the certain results, but the East commentators have to Sir, broken, real pressure, he set of reluctantly, Below, we first of all, the factors of the collision was it follows that the direction in Eastern Europe. Specifically, this may in Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania direction. As for the so-called anti-missile system in Eastern Europe, it is never a various issues, br> In the East commentators seem, in these two days, the direction of the press coverage of Georgia: news, Russia's decision to deploy a large force E Buzi, but NATO's and ; B (EU) being Russia's Here, we again go back and read the ; spreading rumors a > Please note that resume resume normal contacts with Russia ministerial meeting,

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