Monday, February 28, 2011

Business plan - how to start new

 You good friends, good evening!
Today, I'm going to talk about the future of your life is very, very critical. I wonder if everyone realized that we had just entered the time from an industrial to an information age . this change, our lives will have a huge impact. from 1989 to the present, in the United States, there are already 36 million jobs disappeared, many industries have been lost forever. As science and technology continue to development, this phenomenon also has affected many countries in the world. In China, we have seen very large companies are downsizing after another, the media reported 1,600 people laid off in 2001. WTO into China, has set off a new round of enterprise mergers, but also lead to more industrial workers lost their jobs. In this regard, we do not need to complain. This is actually the performance of social progress and development. United States has a well-known news agency mmCNN (CNN) reported that: In the twenty-first century, we will not immobilized in a professional society. That is, all of you today, whether you are the boss, or salaried, since if you think your current occupation or career, is can life constant, it would be very dangerous and unrealistic. futurists predicted that the vast majority of existing human occupation, in 20 years, will be forever in the earth. unemployment and closure will be necessary our lives will be filled.
back in history, mankind through a major change every time, always old the opportunity to disappear, but also the opportunity to herald the new generation. Only those who have the foresight to tightly to seize these opportunities to succeed. and those who hold the old ideas about who will gradually be eliminated by this community! early nineties, when this change occurs, many Americans have to consider the re-start. In today, there is a very popular book, is said to be the circulation of a one row up, can be discharged from Beijing to Guangzhou, this book is called first century, Mr. Kiyosaki. He wrote a series of financial education book, and {m Rich Dad Poor Dad}, about his story (the content of the book). In his first, he's highly educated, high titles, and a lifetime of education for the money, poor dad embarrassed him to study hard, work for money; and his education in general, investment philosophy and full of rich dad said, study hard, make money work for you. In his second book, that B, I in one of four quadrants. E on behalf of employees, S on behalf of freelancers, B is a business owner, I on behalf of investors. you are now living with you in which situation has a direct bearing quadrant.
If you want to change your situation, you must change your quadrant in which (on paper can draw four quadrants on the board, and details of the rules of the game). He concluded that the best investment is to a successful system with you to carry out mutually beneficial interactive cooperation. with little investment as the fulcrum, with the advanced investment concepts for leverage, to leveraging private investment in this major issue. ;, this is the famous physicist Archimedes, it is worthy of taste, is that Archimedes was taking a bath, we found that the buoyancy of objects in the water suffered the quality of water is equal to its row and suddenly ran out shouting I know the man. in the world are very great achievements have been treated as a madman. I again encourage you to share successful school Chinese teacher Master Chen's words, that is, simple-minded press ahead ! Why is it so difficult personal business do? There are two problems: First, people often start before the wrong industry. We Chinese have a saying called ;. (Here, let me a single example, such as the gentleman sitting below, have been appointed senior engineer in a factory, your business goes bankrupt, you have to re-select the cause, under normal circumstances, people are willing to choose that they are familiar the industry, you may re-open a similar plant, do you have to grasp than the original factory operating for decades do a better job? I do not think. your choice with the habit of thinking of a business is being eliminated or industry, and ultimately could not escape the close bankruptcy.) Second, many of the status quo. This is the twentieth century has left people with the biggest trap. When you wake up one morning, suddenly found themselves unemployed, you are faced with to survive the crisis, had to consider the personal entrepreneurial boss, the boss and you lack the mental models and ways of thinking, especially the boss's mind, this is very bad. Once opened, the business is not successful, there is frustration you all think is the fear of losing money, so enter a negative attitude, you want so capable right? This is the second reason caused by the insolvency.
when the world has such a big change, U.S. President also deeply worried. He found a well-known economist, Dr. Bieltz. He was twice President of the United States, the economic adviser. the president asked him, the arrival of the information age will cause the United States and the world what kind of impact? world Where the wealth is hiding? he let Dr. Bieltz for this research, and write the report, as the U.S. government a major decision-making. now this report has been made public by. Bieltz Dr. is also the study in the United States advanced. Today, I am all for a simple introduction, the purpose is to let everyone on the future of the world understand early changes in the economy.
Dr. Bieltz tells us in this report: human from the beginning to about 200 years ago we are in an agricultural era. In this era, who owns the land, will have power and wealth; with Watt invented the steam engine, we entered into an industrialized age. In this era, who owns the machinery, natural resources such as coal, oil, gold, will have the power and wealth; to the early twentieth century, with industrial development, large industrial era, when the major manufacturers continue to plague the development of the important reasons is that product sales poor, the backlog of goods. To solve this problem, we generated a large industrial enterprises and supporting the circulation, thus, the true sense of the market economy started. Manufacturers have been forced to sell his product agents, then sold to wholesalers, distributors, wholesalers sell to retailers, and finally sold to consumers by retailers. (Note: the middle of writing on the board of circulation).
Bieltz, found that: When the large circulation just born, or more reasonable distribution of property. He made a statistical, when someone like commodities, ex-factory price is 50 yuan if, after the intermediate links, to reach the hands of consumers will, generally sold for 100 yuan; to twenty century, the fifties and sixties, with the chemical industry, especially the plastics industry, a dramatic drop in the cost of products. Over the past 50 products, now down to about 20 yuan. But after the intermediate links, the then product sales to consumers, product prices have not dropped it? no! Why? because more and more link in the middle, and a growing appetite for business! they want more luxurious decoration commercial buildings, increase the larger the business area. ( Do you also see the past five to ten years, the city where we are, the renovated shopping centers and shops, more than any other period in history.) In particular, as the market competition becomes more intense, the advertising industry there . Some companies accounted for the cost of advertising for 30% of its total sales. These increased costs will be added to the who? must be added to the consumer. So you buy something, they will feel more and more expensive price .
this time, the U.S. has a very smart businessman, he manufacturer's products directly to his own retail stores, the middle part of the money saved, none other 3% to 12% to consumers. consumers the benefits, have on his store to buy things. in a short period of time, he became America's richest person, that person is the warehouse-style chain stores, Mr. Walton, the founder. At present, this the rise in China, just marketing, but I can tell you that in the United States has already begun in this way downhill.
Bieltz doctoral research here, he found a few surprises: First, the human era in agriculture and the early industrial era, wealth is tangible, it can not touch, such as land, oil, machine. But with the emergence of large circulation, the vast majority of wealth has become invisible. For example , this gentleman is a billionaire, opened a large factory, he decided that I do his agents. In the moment he made this decision, I was a millionaire. because it is the middle of the circulation wealth! So when we found the vast majority of human wealth is already in the intermediate links, and brokers have accounted for 60-80% of human wealth. This explains a problem, why people like crazy to do business! When Bieltz know where the hidden wealth of the world, and after research, he had a second discovery. He made a famous point of view, that is: the consumer to create the wealth of mankind! each of us to survive, you must buy daily necessities, have to pay money to purchase goods. That money comes from where? it comes from our work. When we bought something, we want to leave money, it means we pass on the business of labor next month. We have to go to spend no money in our hands, and that only go to live, to make money is to go shopping again. For in this process, we created the human wealth of the consumer.
Bieltz by Dr. further research, he also proposed a third view of the famous: the process of consumers in human history, in addition to wages, few have the opportunity to participate in the distribution of wealth in the world. As a consumer, if you want to participate in the World distribution of wealth, nor is it not, but you have to have two conditions: First, you must have the capital, that is, you either have money or a relationship, or experience, in short, you have capital. Second, even if you have the capital, into the channel distribution of wealth, who can assure you that you will make money? No! This is the market risk. Just because these two reasons, the vast majority of consumers blocked by relentless distribution of wealth in the world outside the gate!
Bieltz doctoral research here, he was surprised to find that in 1959, the United States was born of such a company, its products do not put it directly through the circulation sold to consumers, and consumers made it to the solemn commitment of the two: First, people in the world to provide the best quality products and services: the second is for everyone in the world to provide the best career opportunities. Bieltz put this cooperation, Dr. called to consumers, who want to earn money for consumers. of course. If the companies do not make money, it can not be maintained. and as every consumer, is not also want to create a truly their own career? certainly want the . but why not do it? is because we do not have the capital, but also can not resist the market risk. And the company gave consumers a chance each: he almost does not need your money, do not ask you the academic and social relations. he just needs you in the use of its products, if very satisfied, you can put your feelings and experiences to share to others; when people under your influence, particularly in your professional After promotion, he will buy the product, so there will be a lot of turnover generated. The company will put all the intermediate links and advertising money saved as bonuses to you. just because this small change, the company nearly 50 years in time, in over 80 countries and regions to create a lot of miracles, as the world well-known company and a well-known brand name of. in the , the author also talked about such cooperation, but also referred to the company. The book predicted that in the future, this mode of operation and franchising, chain the way for human consumption will account for 50% of the total value of retail sales above.
in 1995, this global multinational companies also entered into China, if you also want to participate in such cooperation, the development of a career, you can take the following two ways to cooperate with this company: < br> First: You can find a friend introduce you to attend. and you have to spend 60 yuan to the company to do some of the relevant procedures, so that you become the company's offer of clients. What good would that do customers it? after when you become a Preferred Customer, within a year, you purchased this product can enjoy all the 8 fold:
can save some money at the same time, the company will give you 11 a year for free magazine. In addition, your enrollment procedures, the company will also give you a coupon for 60 yuan. let me explain what use this coupon? If you become a Preferred Customer within 60 days after, one-time purchase price of 500 yuan more than the customer products, the company first give you a 8-fold, that you just spent 400 yuan on it, then 60 coupons to be used as the top cash.
now Let me tell you about me for another career, I Jaeger international companies in the United States Department of the Chinese market, a consultant, is specializing in the information era and how people should think how to start. In our study found such the question: in this world, people are so divided, one side is 95%, while 5% .95% of the people put their life who rented a 5%; and 5% of the people in this world has than the sum of the wealth owned by the person 95% of the combined wealth of more! this point, you know, this 5% of the people is the boss, and that 95% of the people are wage earners. to know every one of us came to this world, but at most a hundred years, your life is your greatest asset in the world for decades. your biggest business is how your life will be paid, you will get what? me teach you how to calculate this big business. If your life working for others you get paid more than the basic cost of this biggest business even if you win, if the basic fee paid is not enough, even if this business is the largest lost. Now we spend a little time to work together to count a person of ordinary income in life. people generally before the age of 20 to 25, there is no income, only to spend .20 to 25 years old to work, start when the income is not high, with age and work capacity, your salary is increasing, to the 50 to 55 years after your income will decline, because when you're retired. about 70 to 75 years, income immediately stopped by. please calm down, think about it, let's not think about the future price increases, not taking into account the future will not increase wages, we in the city where we are now the average wage earners, for example, to count a work of this life income? generally a normal average monthly wage earners, we first set at 1,000 yuan, and that you are 20 years old from 50 years to 70 years of age, your annual gross income is 1000X12 a X50 years = 60 million in January, under normal circumstances, this is the life of an ordinary wage earners! If the money people look to you, you can also do something big. can be frustrating is that people are people that pay you a monthly little bit. Now, please allow me to ask you a few questions first, you know do not know do not have a welfare housing? If you live in the city you want to buy her own Ershiyiting housing, coupled with the general decoration, and its geographic location, you buy this house about how much money? have friends say, to use 150,000 to 200,000! second question, with the public health system reform, the future of your medical expenses have you prepared. a person's life is longer several large patient. Now comes a major illness, a serious illness that are each calculated using million. Some experts predict a person's life to give yourself 15 million more than the cost, as a medical guarantee, is relatively safe. the third question, how much money their children's education? authorities recently conducted a survey, they predict a child from birth to college, about to spent 15 million. We calculate the three combined have 50 million, and that we have food, clothing, weddings and funerals, it seems that by wage income, which 60 million is obviously not enough! that someone will ask me, my parents past wages are very low, there are many children that they could live to, why make life difficult? me tell you a secret, any country, when housing, health care, education costs, to make every individual and every When a family themselves, the pressure immediately! the past, in our country, this pressure is borne by the Government and the country. With the arrival of a market economy, everything changes slowly, so each of us every hour of each moment are nervous! felt a strong pressure. We fear illness, fear of unemployment. fear no accident, but that happened or will happen.
general talking about this, people often ask I have two questions: First, this business is not sustainable? Second, the business is not suitable for me? in answer to the above two issues, I introduce to you the first two large multinational companies, they are you are in the business of two powerful backing. Now, let me introduce you to the first cause of backing, you heard of Amway? I really want you to know. because in the world, Amway is a company being talked about most , but very few people understand the company. In 1959, in Ada, Michigan Island, a 223 square meters in the basement, there are two young men, a man named Van Andel, DeVos called, With them a has developed into an area of 28 square meters of large enterprises. In addition, other regions and countries have set up factories and farms cultivated raw materials. opened at the beginning of the first year, his turnover is 50 million, after 40 years sustained and stable development, 97 of its turnover for the financial year has been as high as 70 billion dollars. in the United States authority, Amway Corporation in the United States set up 57 first-class science laboratory, employing more than 400 scientists, for its development, development and improvement of products, Amway's own products are 400 kinds, and also the agent of a variety of brand-name goods in recent 20,000 kinds. For details, see such a high reputation, prestige and power, the current chairman of Amway Corporation, Steve. Mr. Van Andel has been elected 2001-2002 President of American Chamber of Commerce, American Chamber of Commerce represents the interests of the United States 300 million medium and small enterprises. Mr. Van Andel is Members of this organization long. Association of American domestic and foreign direct impact on political and economic policy-making. In recent years, Amway Corporation, one after another in Guangzhou, Shanghai Economic and Technological Development Zone, the largest outside the established local production plants overseas. can be seen, the company is ready for long-term investment in China, greatly optimistic about the Chinese market is full of vigor and vitality. Now, let me introduce Amway products. Amway own production of 400 products divided into five categories: Home Care , personal care, beauty skin care, nutrition, family and kitchen appliances. Let me first to talk about Amway household and personal care products. Some will say: Is not selling detergent, laundry detergent, toothpaste, soap it? This is a small business, I'm not interested to do. Then I would like to remind you that selling cars, selling home appliances are not big business? but I would like to ask all of you, who you buy this car? who bought the same home appliances ? No, you do not buy it. The business of each business turnover looks are great, the number of transactions is too small. then I ask you another question: Who did not brush your teeth this morning? not wash your face? your home do not brush the bowl a few days? How long did wash clothes? we carefully think will understand, daily business should be the world's largest one of several business, because everyone has to be repeated daily consumption and use of these . You see the first floor of each mall is selling what? is sold daily. A lot of the first floor of residential buildings are equipped with a small shop, they are not selling cars and appliances, but selling daily necessities. We must not underestimate This store, each store can keep a few people, even family. According to my understanding, there are several companies in the world is doing very well-known commodity, turnover is enormous, Amway is one of them . think we have only 60 yuan to buy a commodity in the world renowned brand of distribution rights, you worthwhile. I come to talk about Amway Artistry skin care products mm series, and she is the world famous skin care 10 product brands, or that the same 60, bought a famous brand franchise, you worthwhile. In addition, as people's living standards increasing, more and more people began to pay attention to nutrition and health of the .
Some people say: the twenty-first century will be an era of bio-engineering, nutrition will be the most promising one of the industries.
nutritional supplements called Amway Nutrilite. Nutrilite is the world's largest nutritional supplement manufacturer and distributor of food, nutrition is the world authority in the field and the first major brand. the same or that 60, we bought a great brand franchise, I think you will understand that this what it means to you, which means a tremendous asset. Now, more than 80 countries and regions, the Amway Corporation and more than 300 million households during the interactive cooperation. The United States recently, said a statistical report, produced the most millionaires in the United States is Bill. Gates of Microsoft, and the second is the Amway Corporation. now. the two companies to cooperate in the establishment of the air department stores QUIXTAR. It addition to selling Amway products, there are 1200 several well-known online companies selling products through the QUIXTAR, the Internet every day in the United States over more than thirty million people, if not a symbol of the identity of Amway sales representatives can not come in seven digits. After China's accession to WTO,. QUIXTAR net sooner or later will enter the Chinese market, you will find that he will dramatically changing your lifestyle. in today's world with many famous companies like Amway marriage for themselves to a high degree. For example, Amway co-operation with IT industry sector, you and consumer communications in your department can get commission. In this way, or other parts of the country have started operation. Therefore, in a sense, Amway is not a production of famous brand products company, and give more meaning to be ashown all over the world, Dr. Bieltz research report said: century, the world's largest companies are no longer looking for large distributors, wholesalers and retailers, manufacturers and with every family and every consumer cooperation, which will become a trend. According to the latest statistics, in the United States 50% to 60% of the people at home. Amway is such a new way of working and entrepreneurship In 1995 April Amway officially operating in China, and its headquarters in Guangzhou. The factory is located in Guangzhou High-tech Development Zone, the factory The total investment has reached over 100 million yuan. Amway products sold in China now has 200 kinds. and more than 100 major cities in China with stores. Amway's total investment in China has reached 16 billion yuan. by the State Council Amway's business in China is the nature of the present: a large Sino-foreign joint production enterprises, set up shop, you can hire sales staff. Now, I tell you your second partner: Jaeger / English Te Laide companies, but also called Jaeger system. This is your training in this new business system. The training support system is called De Shite. Jaeger husband created. Mr. Jaeger joined Amway in 1964, he was just a delivery of beer The truck driver, the only high school education. After he joined Amway has created the miracle of .30 many years, Jaeger system to produce a diamond of more than hundreds of leaders in this book are more than 240 leaders of a number of diamond. When they successful, Mr. Jaeger and these leaders did not leave us, they formed a company, the company is British Te Laide company, we also call him To Jaeger system. This is a mega-rich of the joint venture, is a university without walls. this company within its worldwide team of sales representatives and the many friends of the community, providing a wide range of advice and services, providing a wide range of books, audio tapes and a variety of training, there is a crystallization of the wisdom and valuable experience successful. It is to help us to success in the navigation map, and its training area in the world of marketing leader. American writer Paul. Conn wrote in his diamonds and thousands of sales representatives who want in, under the leadership of Jaeger. His system is a longer time than others, as more people create more success, this very few people dispute. The system of learning, which challenges you to face the future is certainly beneficial.
of you friends, coming in the next century, we have felt strongly that each of the pressure of life, each of us are challenges ahead, some people here may have to re-select their career, some people may have to reposition my career goals, and here I must tell you, if our ideas can not meet twenty-first century, then Tomorrow, we will all be brutal to stay in today, we should learn to think, and to constantly think about. In the twenty-first century we will do three of the most important thing, please be sure to write down, that is: Learning, change, start! I repeat, three of the most important thing is to learn and change, entrepreneurship. In today's update their knowledge, with each passing day, even though you just got today, the university diploma, you want to catch up with the times pace must continue to supplement and update new knowledge and to develop a lifelong learning program. If you want to succeed, only to learn is not enough, you also have to change. I know that change is a painful process, but a person unwilling to change. will not be able to make progress, can not succeed. Here, I want to remind you: The real change began to dry a sense of change from today, every little thing from start to change, to change from their start. change is not mentioned here to try to change other people want you, but I hope you change by itself, thus to influence more people to make changes. People do not listen to what you say, they will see you do . As time goes by, more people change, can form a kind of atmosphere to form a team. so we have a chance to improve the quality of the life of the whole nation to work. In addition, I have to tell you, the entrepreneur should follow such a process, learning, change, and then start. but not unprepared, drowsily go to start, until the failure, bankruptcy, and only think of it to learn, to change; that you will bear a heavy burden. Some have been made in the sitting friends will ask my boss, I have created a personal cause, need not have to learn, here, I can honestly tell you, you also need to learn, you want to use one eyes staring at your business, one eye to observe the changing of the times, otherwise, no matter how much your family business, a decision-making mistakes will let you go down the drain all previous efforts.
Finally, I sincerely sit in the hope of every individual and every family dreams come true. as long as you have dreams, goals, and willing to learn, willing to pay, willing to continue operations, continuous improvement, you will be successful.
as long as Do you believe you do that, you will be doing that in here, I wish you an early dream come true!
Thank you! I wish you good night!
a rapid Professor
1, the team Education in your rapidly. Quick, quick, quick! teach every success in learning new eight-step immediately.
2, from the continuous review and inspection team with the leaders of the eight-step implementation of the work.
3, seize every opportunity to teach eight steps. such as: one to one, training will be in.
Second, master the five basic
about programs, product demonstrations, family gatherings, one to one communication, Eight Steps to Success   c, to help couples lay the foundation launched
3-6 months 15-20 months in the front legs to the further development
3-4 goals: 3-4 months to find the leaders of the horizontal and vertical The 3-4 leader
Conclusion: The company itself will not bring you success, successful eight-step itself does not give you success, just keep doing to be successful. I wish you all a dream come true

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