Monday, February 14, 2011

Exposing the inner world of a virgin

 Study: vixen Published: 20040309 19:55:37
This is the end of that, you might unwittingly stuck in the trap of a virgin. sheltered by Mercury, Virgo is far from simple people think of then!
virgin explicit world and the inner world of the two different world, she has shown more than real, and real and almost impossible to be the world know.
to fall in love with a virgin is very difficult, because they are too realistic; to virgin confession to a loved one difficult, because they are afraid refused, so that hurt his reputation; to virgin lovers sweet talk is difficult, because they are extremely shy, so even if say, also very contrived, like the book determined in the study. However, virgin and was born half a man - he will put in bed most pro-attitude or the best martial arts tricks, he would one day write a poem for each other, moving in super soft ultra soft eyes staring at each other's say love hh If you like the Virgin of Love in the romantic Pisces, then the situation is only one, that is profitable each other's body. The understand. but it does not matter, as long as the virgin that advantage on the line.
Virgin need a reason to love a person, but this reason for not including virgin who can not find the lens. virgin even at the end love you must have reasons, which reason may be because you are very wise and look also had to go, more importantly, you will give him stability. The total is well known, Virgin and the Taurus, Capricorn is a perfect match, because the Taurus is probably the virgin material to give stability and spiritual stability and Capricorn give virgin.
virgin if it is really love someone, you will watch in secret each other's every move until the other person and other people into the wedding hall. virgin if it is really love someone, then Virgin is likely to leave that person, because he knows his limited capacity, can not let each other so that they are forever happy. In fact, the virgin heart of hearts exclusion However, Virgin has a dark romantic in nature, in order to prevent any defect in this romantic, romantic virgin will be staged in his own heart in silence, not in real practice.
virgin very fragile, can not withstand any harm. He Ruopi the rider, and then this road scars linger in the mind of a lifetime, unless he lost his memory. However, he never let people know that. If you are a virgin to break up, he may ask will not even ask you to break up, then the work is still serious, quiet life, smile and laugh, if you like his hair, your loss will not have any impact on him. Then, after a few months, when everyone around him forget this lost love, the virgins will have sufficient reason to cry in a situation (such as a memorial ceremony, watching sad movies) cry, crying is then the sad, desperate cry was then, so people are secretly surprised that he turned out to be re-defined so Emotion, sentimental person, and only a virgin he knew, was crying because it hurt too much romance!! the pain and death will always follow the Virgin, most are getting dim, but never erased.
If you are ready to abandon the Virgin, then you have to do to be a virgin forever cursed preparation. Virgin narrow minded, very vengeful. Virgin's vicious than you can ever imagine - - he generally will not condemn you, but curse the person you love, because virgin believe that your greatest pain is the pain of watching his favorite people, the pain was rather die than live to make you a virgin, a virgin you can lift the curse Only people who love the pain of a virgin, but he does not control you. For example, he will curse your only child had leukemia, and only a virgin world with your child's bone marrow match, but whether you Zenmo knees seeking virgin, Virgin will not give your child the bone marrow. Virgin will this evil curse your life. However, Virgin is the kindest, most selfless. curse a curse after all, is to stay in the virgin heart. If you children really had leukemia, a virgin heart will gradually softened, anonymity, do not pay their own bone marrow will be donated to your child, then a person walking in the wind, silent tears, they can not retaliate because he hates you, Can not make you suffer! Eventually, you will happily reunited and children, and Virgin can only be removing the bone marrow with the body of a person living alone - he is more unbalanced than the original, and his hatred more was. But again, if your child needs the bone marrow, selfless virgin still will give it to your child - is a virgin sympathetic and no one could match, virgin have
Virgin is tyrannical, the more you love him, the more he abused you. have to fall in love with a virgin friends, we must remember here the following: First, no matter who is in, and always their fault, If you can not admit that he is wrong, then you have to have extraordinary eloquence and with a virgin to the theory of speculation - like Virgo Mercury, no reason, Virgin also reason to pull out - use this mode there will be two kinds of results - if you do not argue over a virgin, the virgin would have hated your emotions; if you argue too virgin, so do not turn inside out over his defeat, then you will be better from virgin dead set, see you as a heart idols, but also better than the previous tender, considerate, absolutely love you; second, and if a virgin and your odds, do not call you back, dodging you, and your fit of anger, you do not not moving, or else Virgin will be more angry. Virgin not return phone calls, hiding, because they want you sad, make you pain, if you show a nothing to a large degree of attitude, but they can not stand. The best way to Virgin is pursued, plus meal burst into tears. virgin nature to hurt you and you whine like a virgin - virgin tired of living outside the home is the style of seriousness. But people have loved, pet, was concerned about the need for virgin this need may only be satisfied when the fight - a virgin material is very strong, this world of ordinary funeral can not catch their feelings even at the end, only those deeply hurt, maltreat, to let Virgin find some even at the end.
virgin kind of heroic sentiment, always make your own arrangements when needed most. You may complain to focus on the work of a virgin, virgin cold may not complaining neighbor, But the virgin heart, has his own thinking - The exceptionally good! only I'm the most loyal! Diary of the barely disguised pleasure, or you became on the virgin. Virgin not a diary, because they fear being caught even the end of the handle, be aware of their true thoughts in mind, but as long as they dare to write it no one can find the world. If you are a virgin's diary to be seen, only one possible, and that is a virgin out to get you to see. virgin love to write something, to portray themselves as certain types of people, some write their own These ideas, and then deliberately put these things a chance to be other people to see, let someone else look after mistakenly think he is such a person, or he has this idea, visual disturb others.
Virgin never front of the mouth do not mind, unless it is out of courtesy, because naturally shy virgin, I am sorry to my heart's true thoughts about them, especially the praise, like the kind of thing. But if you did a very perfect, impeccable, a virgin will heartfelt appreciation to you, with no taste to please. For example, a dish you do, feel virgin taste good, but the taste if you ask how the Virgin, Virgin will be very serious but said: !, said: they love to put on a gentleman's face, holding high the banner of anti-yellow! Virgin often hide in a place where no one watching pornographic videos or pornography, even if their sexual effort has reached super-class level, and still others talk about love When asked solemnly: Despite the heavy virgin color center, but they did not had enjoyed more because of Virgin's ambitious, care about other people's eyes, a little afraid of his own act, error n years after their cause, so the Virgin in the act itself is still relatively disorder.
Virgin worldly air, completely in his own logic. virgins do not know, love a person is to do with each other's standards, rather than to their own standards to do it. For example, the Virgin that make lot of money, a lot a lot of tickets will be handed the other hand, is the greatest love for each other without knowing, in fact, really want is each other and their own romantic tenderness. because Virgin do not understand what he thinks is the most valuable given , in fact, is precisely the people do not want, so every time with each other breaking up, odds, the Virgin will be a kind of a great sense of imbalance - ? to start saving money, then buy my brother favorite pistol for my birthday. but if it is to the golden September - Virgin his birthday, but doors to deserted, no one ignored him - a virgin will not get together over at the / Tomorrow is my birthday, Who is it?!
Virgin's inner world is very complex and can probably say that, but can not think of coming.
reason for writing this post, there are three reasons: first, that Virgin bad reputation in the forum, and too many people misunderstand virgin, hoping to improve; Second, many people have asked how to chase a virgin, so want to give these people some help; Third, people The relatives and friends have always found in the virgin, to know them, may enhance each other's feelings, right!
These are just my observations perennial virgin, virgin experience some of the conclusions drawn, Wang pointed out that the place is not correct. I also hope insight give more insight.
alternative neurotic traits) show a very strong virgin;
second phase of natal planets (especially the phase of the Sun) a serious criminal grams virgin;
Third, inter-planetary disk phase flow operation (in particular, phase with the sun) a serious criminal gram virgin.
typical example of alternative virgin:
artists: Leslie Cheung
lines Experts: Goethe, Montaigne, Hegel, Debussy, Lie Futuo Ersi Tai, Emily, Lawrence
characters in literature: Understanding:
First, the so-called Second, from the that is a virgin may be found in any particular time and space conditions, or light or heavy showing different kind of as mentally ill as people of the best. human nature, personality, etc., in general, the performance of humans is not obvious, as obvious, so people know themselves to be difficult; psychiatric patients with mental illness is the reason why is because they will be human represented the ultimate in nature will be personality to the extreme expansion, so the research can help humans understand their mental illness. Similarly, the Virgin of the characteristics (such as perfect, rational, narcissistic, neurotic, obsessive, etc.) in the general performance of virgin is not very clear, as obvious, so it is difficult to know a virgin, virgin general understanding of itself as a virgin is not very deep; alternative is an alternative reason why virgin virgin, because they are the characteristics of the virgin to an extreme, perfect rational neurotic fully demonstrated, because of various characteristics of the surface, so it would be relatively easy to know more, it helps to understand the general virgin virgin alternative understanding of themselves, also help people experience a virgin.
vixen need to remind you to is this: after all, there are very few virgin alternative, an alternative is not a virgin and your life together after all that virgin. Alternative virgin land does not belong to any person, alternative Virgin God of heaven belongs. so what good quality alternative and if a virgin, I hope from the heart you do not lust, because he's such good quality service for the gods, many will not work for you; alternative if a virgin any bad quality, hope you are not afraid to curse, because he's the bad quality but also for the gods services, and more not to harm you. vixen believe that every life is cursed with the gods came to this world. Maybe, god love who will curse Who Virgin; days who who most love to Who will be cursed virgin alternative. Perhaps, Virgin and Virgin do not want to do, and do not want to do alternative alternative virgin virgin, because it is virgin, virgin too tired to do an alternative, too painful. In this regard, reference to Christianity, the fox just one sentence: Alternative virgins, they almost always say: words was: ; a young man suffering made me understand what is happiness, I am extremely happy, every minute of living in peace. Italy, not in bad pain when the curse curse their gods for the kindness Virgin mm it is a sin ah!
alternative only in the mind abstracted from the model of subjective, there is no scientific basis, data statistics, it is hoped that the people concerned to consider seriously the reference (or the consequences be conceited, do not have any relationship with the female fox), but we hope readers will see when critical .
from the outside view, the alternative has a strong temperament more than a virgin, confident, optimistic, cheerful, generous, is the focus of the crowd, mostly kinds of representation, many people are blind in mind that the alternative is their own long-standing Virgin Prince Charming, Snow White, began to irresponsible and reckless to start the pursuit of alternative virgin. I did not experience or the experience of love is not love alternative and more easy to get in each other's virginity is a caring, considerate, they will be captured immediately (contact with each other, not in love with each other), which is related to personality traits of alternative virgin:
First, the alternative is of endeavor more than a virgin, so things like their own carrying, any anxiety not to friends and family talk. They do not want to let others worry about, worry about, just one person to solve all problems, the happy, peaceful life to others. For example, two alternative constellation Virgo, and tt individuals at the same university entrance exam, the results will get the job on the college. tt constellation will Grilled front of his parents in bed crying, spit appeal to parents a wide range of grievances, constantly complaining, let them come comfort him; and Yan Lei will be installed alternative Virgin Huan, laughing and joking pretend indifference to comfort anti-parent: would like to open points, what school is not on it? the future development of the work or by individuals, with nothing to do does not go to college! when alone in bed virgin alternative silent tears, and even blowing his nose should be kept in the quilt inside, for fear of hearing parents having a hard time hh
inside the second, alternative virgin's body almost without exception, flowing love the blood, it is the kind of also consider how to effectively back to society, the benefit of mankind (Khan ~~~)!< br> However, people need to live in balance! perspective from the inner feelings, one who does not care about others, not the spirit of fraternity, the pay Love, therefore, I need your love is less relevant; alternative Virgin of family and friends, do not know who paid so much love, love is the corresponding need to be more than one mm to love them they needed to make up the imbalance. very interesting The phenomenon is almost invariably the choice of alternative virgin love object to give itself a love lost from them to grab their things. Many people do not understand why the alternative exchanges but kept their virginity and did not like or do not know whether their like themselves. it is far difficult to understand, because of alternative virgin too need love, and you just give him. They need to understand what is like a baby from you, what hither, what is true. they are looking for a standard object is not you sensitive nature was fully aroused, they will groundless suspicion. the other a casual look, a slow movement, the body can be brought back all the fantasy of alternative virgin cells, and for its endless pessimistic interpretation. For example, an alternative to virgin sent a text message sweetheart, sweetheart, if no response within 30 seconds, then he would fidget, anxiety heart out: So, if you suddenly received a phone call the other side, but not on the alternative virgin say attention to me? is not he hate me? to leave me? taste good, so the loss of these alternative virgin afraid; and because the nature of alternative virgin perfection inherently lead to pessimism, he always suspected someone else to leave him.
Second, the dependence of alternative virgin, loneliness of fear are aroused. With the deepening of exchanges, alternative sense of dependence began to appear a virgin, he never did not want to leave each other, always trying to closely aligned with each other, so that he could not help but work is always free to send text messages to each other, endless hair, even to the point where a pest. If you can not get in touch with each other or together, then the alternative will appear virgin loneliness, he began to feel uncomfortable, loss, emptiness. and then, a strange fear, fear began to hit. When a person Alternative virgin, he often felt inexplicably cold, helpless and afraid. If you ask him . It is a no name like fear, from the heart, soul, did not experience simply can not understand people who have imagination, people who wanted to did not eat pears never know what acid the same! cite an extreme example : alternative dating virgin female, and BF, BF suddenly something happens, put her on the left side of the subway, and she because of separation produce a great fear. She stood motionless beside the subway, as if they Shan Dian, surrounded by cliffs, a step no matter which direction will be killed. Last call to her in tears BF BF to pick, BF hurriedly rushed to save the United States, and take it to the door. In BF to pick before the full 4 hours, she did not move a step stand still! -_-:< br> Third, the alternative virgin sadistic (like soil) characteristics are aroused. At this point a special alternative to hurt each other virgin , the other more painful the more he pleased. First, in the flesh, the alternative to the other party to impose a variety Virgin violence mm pulling each other hair, stretch to play the other 17 ears, and will bite each other black and blue, can not wait to eat the other side or, worse, a knife to cut each other (more can be found in The fact that he compared to you like your friends, or he will say to you go to bed that night and his MM / GG looked pretty / handsome, worse, will you issue a notice, with other GG / MM to go to bed, I hope you do not interfere , the other appointments late or no intention of irony at him, his mouth does not say anything, but my mind was very annoyed, not looking for revenge is not. For example, the next date he will deliberately late, encountered something else He will be more bitter irony of the other mm short, the other party can not underestimate him, to the absolute attention to him, his first, when the king / queen-like worship of the, not a little care and attention. the other party must meet his All the wishes, demands, or he felt insulted him in the other; (2) In order to upset the other side, in order to get the feeling of being taken seriously, he would suddenly disappeared, disappeared. At this point, the other party if the movement did not respond, he would very angry, that you do not care about him, then there is the impulse to end a relationship with each other; (3) finding fault, manufacturing, non-deliberate quarrel hh However, all of which, if understood as an alternative virgin if you do not love you, I am afraid that a big mistake Special wrong! is crazy in love with you alternative virgin or would like to be with you, he will torture you so.
the one hand, set off an unprecedented alternative virgin love the sensitive, suspicion, loneliness, fear, these are so stuck in a spiritual virgin alternative state of high tension, the direct result of the inherent induced nervous virgin. At this point an alternative and more frustrated virgin, boredom, the tears often unconsciously up. This inner disputes can not be digested in the body itself, so getting inside the skin of aggression, so the burden of unprecedented increase the skin needs to be something inside the skin outside the skin can diverge, and the methods to achieve this effect is applied child. If the balance of yin and yang of Chinese medicine theory with the words spoken, that is an alternative at this time virgin blood disorders mm body they often feel a huge column of air inside a unit did not break out, these groups need gas to resolve the violence, so they are destroyed other physical instincts (in fact, even if they do not abuse each other, they will abuse their own mm his body with a knife, or smashing the windows by hand, or with the head against a wall hh short, the final number to be bleeding, bleeding after of the gas along the wound shed, Virgin will temporarily calm down alternative, which is called in Chinese medicine can not remember the hh: p).
can also be understood: Alternative virgin at least one dual personality mm self-confidence, cheerful, optimistic, healthy personality, the moral control; one is violent, crazy, neurotic split personality, controlled by the instinct. Two personality exist, but what what the problem of weak intensity. in love before, Neuroticism is subordinate position, so the more normal virgin alternative, easy to get along; and love, the neurotic personality gradually gained the upper hand, began to violence to create an atmosphere of repression. need idea is that this time, not altogether healthy personality, but some relatively weak force as long as it somewhat forces will immediately appear, and neuroticism to fight! This is why alternative virgin heart in the whole process of violence are quite contradictory mm to start with, because his command of neuroticism start; but all sorts of healthy personality but block, making his pain at the start, but this time prevail neuroticism, so eventually the violence. violence, the spirit of ease, Neuroticism and in a subordinate position, and he began all sorts of self-blame, that their not playing each other how should hh
common alternative chart, virgin this situation: Moon / Saturn / Neptune / Pluto / Chiron fell Gemini / Sagittarius / Pisces, respectively, showed a square or opposition of the sun with a virgin phase, which is dreadful it! !! mm Virgin perfect neurotic, twin dual personality, mental striker gathered, sensitive Pisces; self Zhang Xian sun, the moon tidal wave, Saturn suppress himself, and Neptune illusion suspicion, Pluto destroy subversion, Chiron sting damage. All of these hash together to not only a question of dual personality, he is likely to be re-N personality, neurotic and schizophrenic, sensitive to the suffocation point hh suspicion when coupled with a Taurus / Capricorn rising ~ ~ ~ Thus, alternative Virgin's day is very unhappy, very bad off! from 1976 to 1982, Virgin Sun and Uranus Sagittarius Neptune, making seven of the Virgin was born in this split personality, intertwined in the subconscious desires, behavior and speech height unity, Duirenduishi flow in demanding unrealistic.
other hand, the You do not know how the sun off the virgin is what the person looks like the pursuit of perfection, then you never know what the real sense, the ultimate pursuit of perfection mm on the pursuit of perfection you just subconsciously, while Virgo is instinctive pursuit of perfection, perfect the pursuit of perfection. Now I come to the general virgin, non-virgin friends describe what is meant by a real sense, the ultimate pursuit of perfection on:
love to a virgin one alternative to normal contacts with a person difficult, but not impossible, the key to see if you can accept it he absolutely loved him. What is sure all of his speech, behavior mm you can put him to bed with another MM, you must be able to put her to do prostitution, do you get to be able to put up with her chopper castrate you, you must be able to put up with his / her humiliation in front of you, you must be able to put him / her like your friend, you must be able to put him / her to commit suicide you hit the wall, you must be able to put up with his / her back to you with a bastard hh short, you need to have changed his / Her awareness of the slave! what he said is what, you can not have that or not, fail to comply with! if you do have this awareness, so docile and obedient, so good, congratulations to you, you will get a pure pure pure slaves, he / she will pay everything for you, never betrayed, till the end!
Virgin appears in the alternative, if love is conditional, then is not pure, there are flaws, you The relationship between the relationship is not love, but interests. So often, when he / she told you, First, he / she does have such a plan, he / she is to inform you in advance! However, if he / she so inform you, then I congratulate you, because it proves that he / she cares about you, love you, want to and you continue to associate with; Secondly, he / she say this in to see your reaction, see you love him / her degree. Alternative virgin logic is this: If you love me, and I will not tolerate people go to bed, or just do not love me, but love yourself; if you more love is your own, then why should I love you? Why should I love a selfish person? hh So, if you do not comply with the alternative virgin, he will think you selfish, so do not love you, will not pay for you; if you follow, he will give everything for you, because he thinks you love him, you would give anything for him mm to give everything for their own people, the alternative is always more to pay Virgin to return. Thus, the pursuit of alternative virgin love is perfect love, ultimate love, unlike most people did, that selfish, there is no alternative to a virgin who would give up everything; people are timid in the face of difficulties would instinctively run away, No one virgin facing the alternative of here, I think of a more extreme example: one, an alternative to the house BF play with a virgin, the results just a door, BF was smoked out, and then bite the bullet and go: Yves Saint Laurent house full of smoke, a chamber pot in the There Banpen urine, dirty socks piled pot, pants, underwear thrown all over the place, the furniture layer of soil, banana peel are flying insects above the table is also placed on the stack in the bed quilt group did not egg, there is no place to step foot walk hh later, that man is not flattered by alternative housework virgin ability to break off. So people say alternative virgin: Virgin argue said: do not love me! he loved the maid will clean the house! then let him find a good old maidservant married, I would not wait on him it seems like the analysis of !!!~ ~ Oh, Fox MM strengths than the limited room, because my wife has every day to I sweep the floor, wiping the table, empty the garbage, doing laundry, I do not know the future will become a life Sha Yangzi?! ha ha, please Aunt Nanny ~)
As mentioned health problems, it would take the opportunity to say that Virgin's ;, however, 99% of alternative virgin who is absolutely not sweep the house, but their

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