Thursday, March 3, 2011

Application of EM fungi treated straw feed method

 (A) of the straw chopping straw used as cattle, donkey, horse fodder, can crumple machining, in particular the more stiff corn stalks, straw can increase the utilization of crumple. If used as a sheep, rabbits, geese forage, can crush straw crushed into coarse powder machine to Hunban concentrates. relatively soft straw and wheat straw can be chopped with a chaff cutter, a length of 1-2 cm.
(b) the preparation of bacilli bacteria take EM stock solution 2 kg , with molasses or brown sugar, 2 kg of water (tap or well water) 320 kg, at room temperature, the fully mixed.
(c) of the bacterium Hunban roughage the prepared bacteria solution sprayed in the processing of 1000 kg good roughage, the turning stir.
(IV) pit mounted, sealed, anaerobic fermentation will Hunban good feed, into layers of brick, stone, cement brick permanent cavities, artificial foot reality. raw material to be filled to 30-40 cm above the Jiaokou, covering plastic film, then cover 20-30 cm of fine soil, beat tight, and prevent ventilation.
(e) open pit after the pit closed in summer to feed by using 5-10 days, 20-30 days in winter can be used to open pit feed. rectangular pits dug from the pit end of the 1-1.2 m long, remove some soil and surface contamination, from top to bottom, a layer of feed use. Jiaokou use Gaiyan bale or wood to prevent the falling sand. EM feed with apple flavor, slightly sweet and sour. the majority of livestock on the normal food intake by the trainer, but a few animals after several days after eating.
EM bacteria for silage, the dry weight of raw materials increases by a fraction of EM stock solution, other methods produced the same silage.

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