Monday, March 21, 2011

Thought not to be lazy

1, aim high, lofty, this is the basic quality of people into the event. Zhicungaoyuan is the basis for optimism, their eyes there is nothing impossible, there is no feasible, no not as such optimism is to help them the success of power.
2, I define to do, like the power of large-General overwhelming to see the coffin I do not shed tears, have to open to see whether the person still alive inside?
4, young people, should have a strong sense of participation, not because of the immediate a little depressed not meet expectations or the present to give up, even pour some tea in the team play a small role along the way to do the work is a contribution, but also a sense of pride the team, if there is no such participation is tantamount to no life, because everyone do not play with you.
5, to work in a company, the platform itself through the company to contribute to society and realize their value, while the value of the contribution to enhance their value, so that life is very meaningful. If the value of not only enhance their own output, or the light output was not to enhance their value, which is not normal is not sustainable.
6, to encourage our team to succeed, would rather guilty of refusing mediocrity mm growth errors, rather than having to make progress in mediocrity.
7, a person in the team, if: a good thing he did, he did a bad thing, his team can not be reused.
8, a person often do not understand , the guidelines not catch the team, then have to consider your own execution problems; a person who can not often affect others, that have to consider how they can affect other people?
9, God does not leave from here God has to stay at the mm who say this often difficult to find a is also very necessary. then good people are faulty, then the trees have thick branches of a tree oblique, oblique branches of a tree can guarantee to pay attention to destroy the tree upright. criticized the sometimes unreasonable, and sometimes unreasonable, like branches of a tree sometimes oblique destroyed to cut out, sometimes to cut down, but as long as the tree is tall and straight in order to ensure the surgery, what kind of approach can not be overstated.
11, I understand the sense of inferiority, low self-esteem a little bit of people, or will Endeavour will work hard, but not too low self-esteem, low self-esteem to the people once despair, it will give up.
12, led the trust of his subordinates, not completely let go, no inspection and supervision of the trust is laissez-faire. who once ; was laissez-faire,
never do.

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