Wednesday, March 2, 2011

S Ministry of Industry and still no licensing of 3G

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reported: the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Xiefei Bo, deputy director of Radio Authority on 16 May 10 Product tender time, What products planned frequency, but the operators in the use of 3G frequencies, they must be submitted for approval. br> As for 3G license issuance time, Xiefei Bo and others involved in the Forum of Industry and Information Ministry officials were not mentioned.
Logically, if the 3G licenses will be issued in the near future, then deputy director Xie Feibo is completely no need to stop mainstream standards, and TD status of the standard is: is at the initial stage of industrialization, as compared with the WCDMA or CDMA2000, one kindergarten children, the other two are adults, so that kindergarten children and adults under the same conditions competition, is clearly not fair. Therefore, the Chinese have to do is to give time TD, the incubation of TD, let him grow up, and then with WCDMA and CDMA2000 to compete on equal terms, in fact, do indeed meet the fair and equitable species point of view, in fact, the Chinese government, including himself, had expressed on many occasions, China has adopted a technical standard is neutral, it will be fair and equitable treatment of each standard. September 26 launch WCDMA tender, WCDMA up to 200 cities in the tender range, the scale close to 70,000 base stations, at present, China Mobile's TD 8 cities nationwide are about 15,000 base stations, two of 28 cities bidding for the size of 23,000 base stations. in accordance with the calculation of the current size of China Unicom's WCDMA base stations will reach 2 times of China Mobile, China Mobile, city size is 5-fold. Before bidding, China Unicom has selected seven or eight in the country WCDMA network test cities, the average for each device are responsible for 1 to 2 cities. China Unicom Chairman Chang Xiaobing said, China Unicom in the country issuing 3G licenses, China Unicom plans to launch next July in Beijing, trial commercial WCDMA services to the country in September. WCDMA technology and the industry chain itself than the TD-SCDMA mature and improve, if the scale more than another TD, then the TD can imagine the pressure, therefore, reason to believe that this action Unicom TD will be the development of a lethal threat.
not only in the licensing of 3G, China's 3G only TD as the only product, there is this scenario: China Mobile, Ericsson CTO Hou Xinli National Business said Ericsson is hoping to extend 2G and China Mobile cooperate times and become the leading operator of China Mobile's TDmSCDMA industrial chain, a major partner. Houxin Li first review of China Mobile TD a bit tender in a tender Ericsson is not alone participate in the bidding, choosing instead to conduct a joint bid with ZTE. , sparrow may be small but complete. mature third-generation wireless communication products based on the research and development, the platform has been used for many years in the current network, and has been very mature. Ericsson's wireless device sensitivity is excellent, relevant standards much higher than the industry standard, this can effectively resolve total of site operators, the problem of total stations, saving operators the cost of network construction. Meanwhile, Ericsson also has extensive experience in 3G network planning and optimization, Good one: Ericsson also has extensive experience in 3G network planning and optimization, will undoubtedly increase rapidly throughout the TD industrial chain of China's technological strength.
TD is now the main problem is technology issues. mainly in the terminal design and production above the standard for support of his point of view, multinational telecommunications He basically giant adopted a TD against the attitude and the accumulation of domestic manufacturers lack the technology, making the production out of the TD terminal users who use the words is , ask, if you are a user, would choose such a machine based? or to vote for the production of transnational giants end it? after the 3G license, there will actively participate in the multinational companies to fight their own TD terminal standards?
Nokia Siemens Networks Greater China, Mr. Zhang Zhiqiang said: really want to be 3G, 2G seamless convergence, service, 3G is actually a lot more complicated than the 2G is a very complex technology, network planning and 2G, operational experience of 3G in terms of operators is a very important advantage, not just the hardware strengths. These, in fact, experience problems, technical problems that have accumulated.
give an example of Huawei: Huawei distribution generated from 2002 solution, the failure rate was such a curve. since 2002, the failure rate of 15%, 20%. to the second generation came out a distributed base station, the failure rate of 5.6%, the third generation on the Singapore network construction, the failure rate of 1.3% in the fourth generation of the failure rate of RU can be less than 1%.
these, it is lacking in China, only to be used for me to let TD be more effective, if Once the licensing premature, no doubt, these can only be used by opponents, and if there is no real world-class companies involved, TDmSCDMA difficult in the short term has first-class network, technology and processes.
instructed by General Secretary Hu The ministers held in the imperial sword Li said only eight words: TD standard In the WCDMA and CDMA200 invincible under the double impact, then on to China when the 3G licensing time, otherwise, TD Should it fail, then the government can not explain to the people, Li can not always explain to Hu. < br> So, from the pros and cons of licensing or analysis of the situation, the near term, China can not issuing 3G licenses.

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