Thursday, December 2, 2010


 After a bad feeling adjustments Festival (and students to talk), now well, yesterday, love travel, little niece back in the evening to drink some red wine with chicken, halo home almost dry cleaning, send text messages to her husband, told him he would most like to get drunk. Speaking of wine culture that is a long history, people recognized me drink, I'm sure my awed by lying to the people, I am actually not interested in wine, drink a certain extent is drinking does not go in, so had never drunk before. I remember once in 2000 and love pique bubble ginseng drink liquor at home 60 degrees, a tongue to speak a stiff drink straight, gentle lover and grabbed the bottle is still obediently surrender. once again bring back a box of love Qi strong drink 11., almost all with the love I have trouble in the middle of the night will lead to insomnia, a person holding up a screwdriver Bang Bang drink it through a bottle cap bar, and then love will do nothing I went to ease the breath to calm tension of war, said the truth of this wine, very good drink, a bottle of the just go halo almost nonsense. But I have never been the extent of drink spit, then that is the work of feast, remember Taonan drink dizzy last year, but there is no clear-headed radical words and deeds. people sometimes need to do the catalyst wine - wine there is truth and speak out. in your career, your side will have a facilitating role. remember when in love, drink large Ding Ming drunken dare to pull my hand and my sister after a few times when he was drunk, insomnia to want to get drunk the wine, the wine had too much experience.
or talk about the baby it, yesterday was to pour the wine and she said: ; drunk just a good deal with you (creak her).

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