Sunday, December 26, 2010

Still wait and see on the weak! (0202 assessment revenue)

 In the Jan. 22 article Transfer the broader market has been formed to effectively break this trend to light in the Zhou Bowen expressed very clearly in the policy side of the high uncertainty and the Fund continue to adjust positions to run is the main reason for the broader market!
sharp rebound in U.S. stocks overnight, especially The dollar index began to appear after the continuous adjustment of strength caused by a rebound in commodity futures prices, in the opening 9:30 before the Shanghai copper, Shanghai aluminum, etc. have opened higher (futures from 9:00 am onwards), seems to presage the short-term non-ferrous metals and coal sector will lead the broader market started a rally, at 10:30 before the tape is indeed out of the wave guide of the stock market heavyweights, Zijin Mining, Chenzhou Mining is the impact of the daily limit was also oversold the real estate sector led to strong, But from 10:30, the market has not enlarged the amount of energy, we can see a lot of stocks have a pulse then the rocket launch, but the amount of energy has continued to shrink, which also foreshadowed the afternoon diving, time-sharing map this time from 11:00-11:30 am the first hour of the market's Liangnengbuzu half of the index adjustment did not have too large, which is bound to the market two signals: one is not the main funding in rebound, the second is ascribed to shrinkage choice to lighten up a rebound. This is probably the vast majority of investors the morning of the disk to the most intuitive feelings, and if the opening afternoon of the main launch an effective attack can not, lighten up position is still full of many fund-brainer choice, which is also a recent survey on fund managers to reduce their positions before the biggest surprise is the ; rebound, the reason is very simple!
tape that does not rise up from the other hand, the Fund that have not yet shaken off the things, the opportunity to take advantage of the best policy is no new negative external surface of the stock market rises sharply, so today, no matter from which funds are reducing positions in terms of a decreased while finding more tray. intraday we see whether it is represented by ICBC bank shares to Ping An Insurance shares represented or represented by Jiangxi Copper shares are out of resources to open higher, pull high, the trend of heavy volume adjustment, indicating that heavyweights can not get rid of short-term pattern of weakness, the market is still active in the major thematic investment products, the focus of major aspects of the market continues downward, the market has been completely formed on the 120 the effective date of the line break, step back to 2849 points in line has not much suspense, so we still have in the recent operation was on the cautious! the middle, I still think 3000 is a rare middle Jiancang the following opportunities, but not a good position to cover short positions, especially for buying rallies in the 3100 points or more investors, the author's proposal is short positions, or wet storage of investors on the current position or the center line near the line are better Jiancang location, high quilt is not necessary for investors to cover short positions, even as the broader market this critical line in the vicinity of the trend may be!
two heavy equipment that is broken on the first day the issue price has reached 4.2% decline, I can not help but sigh, the market Shares issued 60 times earnings is to do the deserved IPO and other large-cap stocks are in high spirits and I'll wait for the issue price of broken ware, anyway, grabbing the money has been achieved at high prices, the way to
my link: Bo's personal website

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