Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Han prayer will be recorded - actually coincide life workplace gossip (9)

 Ninety-three: hold a good job
ninety-three refers to the third root Qian Yang Yao, ; Li , at risk. as long as the image of a gentleman to deal with this situation, during the day to self-improvement, but also act cautiously vigilant at night, so, even if the risk, you can avoid mistakes.
from here, Ti Lung The reason why Ti is due to lack of potential, so will be wronged and injustice, then complain about not only useless, or even come to naught. but by rational thinking, so that the upper ranks who think, read the boss at the same time, the first sense to do Run a few horses grazing can also create impossible to achieve results, not only to secure good jobs, better for the next phase of the , but also can Han east of the base, so that Han Xin initially demonstrated its military prowess, but is not followed by triumph, but a period of lackluster, almost nothing to do.
cold Han Xin to Liu Bang Han felt wronged and confused. Han also started to complain about the natural, however, a long time This is very scary in terms of Han Xin. To understand why do this to ourselves Liu, Han started to pay attention the boss's every move.
success after winning the Guanzhong, Liu hopes to see the east, are suddenly the desire to defeat Xiang Yu between the expansion up. are exactly at this time, Liu Bang got a great opportunity mm grandson of Emperor Yi Xiang Yu assassinated. So, Liu seize this opportunity to avenge the name of God under the banner of righteousness, be of dysfunction assistance, joint resolution against Xiang Yu.
first, Liu Bang very well, riding on the attack Qi Xiang Yu and tangled, it is very easy to hit the capital city of Xiang Yu Pengcheng mm. But to sit in the Liu Xiang Yu chair when the dreams of the King, Xiang Yu killed suddenly back. Liu was beaten a hasty retreat, all the way to race back Xingyang.
At this point, of dysfunction both ways, then flew away from Liu Bang, Xiang Yu had defected to .
Liu suddenly dropped back from the dream reality, and quickly found themselves faced with Han Xin Xiang Yu, the former thanks to the familiar feeling of the time.
all Han is within sight, he quickly learned to stand on the boss Liu's point of view the problem. Han understand that deep down, the military commander of Liu Bang did have considerable expectations. when you think the opportunity comes, he will personally set off to prove his military skills. In other words, as long as Liu did not give up this dream, Han difficult to obtain from him a real military power. This is the reason for doing nothing Han Xin. When understood this, to no longer complain that Han Xin tired.
complain about their lost due to The great general position is not easy, it is better to help employers understand the facts, change their views, to gain more and greater opportunities. So Han Xin mm silent action began restructuring the armed forces to help Liu Bang, Xiang Yu, to resist the invading.
Han immediate action to let the boss induction.
Along the way, where are Liu Bang, Xiang Yu to kill where, out of Liu Bang find any. but one of Xing Yang, Liu immediately see hope, feeling a sudden from hell back to the earth. because Han is here. And so Liu puzzling is why he and lax discipline in war, one to the hands of Han Xin, immediately become orderly? and, seeing the past crazy Chu, Ying Yang on how one can become so general, and actually there are several war also directly Han defeated, had to rally down with the Han.
this short period of time, Liu Bang, the movie-like from went to heaven to hell, and quickly fell from the heaven to hell, then there's a false alarm. Liu Bang finally reluctant indeed not aware of their genius, garrison war, military strategy is far less than men in this Maoxiao Zi Han.
One day, Han Xin, Liu asks: the time required in the attack order, and more importantly, when the withdrawal order. Zhang Han in the attack, I have specially trained in evacuation and transmission of information gathered when the army approach. So, when the army retreated to the Ying Yang, I They will be able to quickly gather, re-order, into battle.
At this point, although Liu Ying Yang temporarily stabilize the foot, but of dysfunction have been playing their own small thinking. 204 BC, the king and the leopard to the ground dying parents, leave their hometowns. he got to the Wei States must immediately destroy the Yellow River crossing, openly put up the banner of anti-Han Chu help.
famous Bang sent its lobbyists to persuade Li Shi Wei Bao Guixiang, he was turned down. Liu Bang was furious, command to wipe out shuaibing Wei Bao Han Xin.
2. reassert their skills and enhance the status of
to the Han Liu Bang despite three fifty thousand troops, and counterparties rather, it is a very difficult task.
Geographically, the North and Zhao Wei, on behalf of the two-phase, natural barrier to the west of the Yellow River barrier, Wei Guoan Yap is an important strategic location east of the river. Once Gong Wei Han, Wei Zhao is likely to connect quickly and on behalf of the States to jointly resist. that Zhao Wei took the backing of the north and west along the Yellow River based on the importance of the ferry and to Yasumura as command centers, we can firmly guards along the Yellow River, to prevent cross the river Han. From the geographical point of view, Shou-Wei Yi difficult to attack, dominant.
In this case, hatred and Han Wei Jun fight a protracted war, caused the collapse of Han; and from the Han perspective, it is desirable that a quick fix, Wei Jun surprise to Jones's command center mm Yasumura.
So Han Xin shuaibing proceed straight to the Yellow River guarding Yao Jin Wei Jun Jin mm linjin.
to linjin Han Xin Jin, and chose to camp, high-profile time for troops to do deliberate vessel, so that the opposite Wei Jun Jin of the Han to storm linjin convinced. secret agents posing as detectors are sent upstream situation. Soon exploration soldiers return, the opposite is almost always a lot of Yao Jin Wei Bing bank guard, but in the upper reaches of the summer sun, as too close to the vessel less inconvenience to cross the river, so little guarded Wei Bing, garrison empty.
Han and Guan Ying Tsao immediately ordered a lot of the large wooden vase made raft. day evening, Han suddenly the Troops. leaving thousands of troops and horses , to the Guan Ying, and stressed that emergency line, to Hsia. one to Hsia, immediately brought a large wooden raft into the river in the vase, each vase carrying two or three soldiers, a well-cross the river without overturning. soldiers in the vase, the use of armed paddling water, natural too River. two or three million troops under cover of night to sneak into the Yellow River mouth surprise summer.
then, Han army Youyi lightning speed from the rear side of the raid linjin and defeat Wei Jun Dongzhang areas, attack points the need to place Yasumura.
Han Xin, this series of raids, so the king and the generals Park straight off guard, forced to transfer troops hurriedly to save critical eup, leading to the main army of travel back and forth, constantly on the run.
Han Army attack accounted for Anyi, immediately Youxiang Osaka from north of the Wei Jun Po attack. armies Yasumura played against Southwest. Han Tsao Department of attack from the front, Guanying cavalry surrounded the sideswipe. Jun Wei Tsao quickly defeated infantry, cavalry also Guan Ying hit by scattered, Wei Jun gradually into a siege. Wei Xiang captured the king, the king leopard rate defeated the East to go Quyang, was again broken up, Wei Bao fled Higashigaki (now Hill Shitan song) by Han Suoqin, Wei Jun annihilated.
Yasumura war is Han's second classic examples. By this victory, he not only captured the king, put down the Wei land, let off the threat of a sudden lift in the dorsal, actually lifted Liu to worry about, so that it can concentrate on fighting the forces of Chu. This leaves Han Han Xin in the initial set up his military position.
3. read boss, complaining about
Han radical away from the grievances of out, but this process there is a problem it is necessary to analyze: why the reluctance to military power to the Han Liu Bang?
the answer to Liu Bang who want to go, because we have the flow line, and this stage potential mainly in the boss, if the boss is not inclined to chance, then we have to be Wu place, in addition to the military commander of the dream of Liu Bang made for personal reasons, they also need the background from the era of big deeper to determine.
the background was large, like a lion (Xiang Yu) and between a group of dogs struggle. which have a relatively strong dog (Bang), the occasional call of his hunting dogs to form a large group, take the initiative to attack the lion. When the lion angry when any one of the dogs can not match it, so get a group of dogs were driven apart. the entire battlefield is everywhere, a group of dogs harassing the lion, but can not beat him, but confused the lion mania endless.
for Liu Bang, the first key problem is that he became a group of dogs The stands out, and now the lion has been locked in, and is tightly pushed to Xing Yang. In this moment, a big military power will definitely not be easily lost, or there is fear for their lives immediately.
a second a terrible problem in this moment, no one, no matter turned out to be officers and soldiers, or even just a bandit, as long as have the military power, it is likely to become an independent dogs. tetrarch of dysfunction by Xiang Yu has actually Xiang Yu did not fully listen to the (meaning is clear, do not have repeatedly said, not to mention just said above, an attack him. In this case, Liu mind very clear, Han's military power must be concentrated into their own hands, no one can have a slightly larger military power, especially as Han did so with large-scale military generals, not only military power can not be easily given, it must strictly control the scale of his troops, otherwise, no end of trouble.
In this case, the Han period of time without military power is normal thing. And if Han Xin had at this time more demonstration of complaints expressed dissatisfaction and contempt of Liu Bang, then the great general position with great difficulty be afraid to immediately lose out.
So why Han has got a chance? In addition to Liu Bang, broken dream, but also A more important reason: a dog attached to Liu's (the king and Leopard) actually rebels, left him. This is a terrible thing to not to give a little color, a warning shot, Liu Bang's troubles will be greater. So, to Han Xin small (less that he is not a separate hunting dogs) and forces the dog to pick up only mutiny.
read the boss is complaining about the medicine cure
First, read the boss, is to find the root cause of the means necessary. only to read the boss can understand why by the had complained that disease, many people are and more, eventually directly affect their behavior, resulting in the loss of good jobs.
Second, read the boss, the treatment complained of medicine. because once we understand the boss, you'll be able to figure out how to get a chance, to find the right way to hold a good job. to wait or even create the opportunity for more and better opportunities.
reality, gives us a are for the is an effective means of radical complain, or even the only means.

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