Sunday, October 24, 2010


 Soldiers Story - 1985 I was puzzled for that matter. Today, I received a letter from him, apparently this letter is to explain the reason. I quickly opened the letter and saw the first to read the paper crooked:

instructor Hello, I gave you gifts, and this time I hope you do accept it.

Korean soldiers salute Hill January 10, 1983

Han Shan, is directly under the authority of our team has four ex-soldiers. In recent years, this comes from an ordinary farmer Yimeng mountain shadow warrior families, often emerges in my eyes.

I first met him, in 2076 he was assigned to the team from the recruit training the first day of our team. That day, as usual, see the old and new comrades to meet each other. I suddenly heard the veterans sent a team twitter buzz, it was also titter with. I looked down their eyes and found them to discuss the team's last recruits. His name is Han Shan. He was not tall, thin face with high cheekbones to prominence, a thick dark lips, rough skin with it the impression that he had exceeded the age characteristics of the soldier. A little too fast military jacket to his knee cap, a pair of bare feet is clearly wearing old shoes brought from home. When he realized that everyone was watching him, bowed his head would be very embarrassed. In addition to his slight stature and homely looks aside, I did not feel anything, because the new recruits from the armed Ministry of shoes do not fit and not because of wear is common. That night, after lights out, I came to the recruit classes. The soldiers were asleep. The light in the flashlight, I saw the quilt from a bare upper body exposed half, I came closer, it was him.

next day, I told the recruit class president, told him to Han Shan shirt to wear while sleeping, also told the quartermaster to his tune about the cotton-padded shoes that did not fit, because the weather is getting colder the. But the answer I got was his shirt and cotton-padded shoes are to remain in the home. I am very angry after hearing. Management of recruits to be strict accordance with the

he timidly stood before me, two hands'm lost in Cuonong the dress.

He did not move,UGG bailey button, just head down, silent.

This constant changing of the strategy of shock me really angry. Still not reflected. A real capability, we just confront each other more than twenty minutes, he had said nothing. This silence seems to tactics he not only used once, and each time ended in his victory, and naturally, I am not his opponent. When I let him go, he eyes filled with tears.

No way, I had to tell the quartermaster to him to solve it.

files from his year in that I knew he was nineteen years old. Households with only a mother and a brother, educational level are illiterate. Fellow from his mouth I learned his family was poor, his father died very early, the mother is often sick, to the livelihood of the family, he had worked in the fields early. It is this manual may be premature, and the pressure of family life, the cause of his age and appearance of the contrast.

two weeks after the recruits to be assigned to work, some people going to learn driving; some people going to learn repair techniques; there and laborers who go off to work. In order to enable them to correctly deal with the division of labor, after carrying out ideological work a lot, I asked them about their ideas forum, at which, some say the truth, some people say lies. The last turn of the Korean mountains. The repeated urging of the squad, since he was out of the thick lips, the words of an irrelevant: I do not know who scrape together the sentence: small, but very firm.

he really is assigned to the Chuishi Ban.

instant six months have passed, and perhaps are getting familiar with the military life's sake, he is always a little afraid of people that look gradually disappeared, the body has a lot of strong, rosy face often Yang Zhao smile. Chuishi Ban's staff shortage, they often have less sleep to the comrades to spare for cooking, sometimes even late at night. He always worked tirelessly these things scrambling to dry, and no one heard what he said. Because of his simple and honest character, team of soldiers are willing to joke with him, even though sometimes after a fire, and he always hehe smile, as if he was born without capacity for resistance.

But once, he lost his temper. For a soldier to eat the leftover half of bread thrown into the wash tank, and he and the soldier had a falling out. Although he was justified, but the stupid Zuiben tongue was busy helping his back, anti-ridiculed by the soldiers of the meal. To stop this waste, I have talked many times before, to little effect. Appeared after this, I emphasize: those who eat the bread, must be sent back to the canteen, and then from my next meal is eaten hot. For several days, I always saw a man hiding in the Korean mountains between light a fire to eat, as if fear of other people see it. Him for what? I decided to find out what. He saw me coming, quietly hiding behind the bowl.

I took the bowl from behind him, and saw a bowl of steamed bread bowl full break it into pieces. He had sent back the remaining people to eat bread. Seeing this, a surge of heat struck me, and I stared at him, but he as done something wrong like, face up in the red.

people, ah, what should you in the end! ?

Gradually, I found him outside in addition to buy some daily necessities required almost no cost, and always give Jiali Ji once every few months.

His answer is naturally we already familiar with.

the end of the year, I travel, happened to pass by the home of Han Shan. The way to his home to go again.

village he lived there tens of miles away from the county. I rented a bike on the road early in the morning, near noon, came to this small village surrounded by mountains.

and most Yimeng mountain villages, as demonstrated in front of me was a cover up with uneven adobe houses.

rural areas, on the Shandong Peninsula, the growth of my people together is not new and beautiful home that robins Valley mountains and rivers, and that was row upon row of cottages painted golden sunset twilight smoke, often remind me thoughts of home. The immediate landscape made me think something is missing.

in under the guidance of a fellow, I found a Korean mountain home. When I walked into the courtyard of his house and saw a young man is filled with a mud hole in the wall broken. He wore a shabby coat, from the upper half of the gap where there is no button to connect, can see his bare chest. Han Shan that weight loss was similar to the face and told me that he is younger brother of Han Shan. He let me into the house. This is a set of three premises, by the middle of the floor of the north wall of the house stood a dilapidated old chest, sprawling above there are some household items. Stood by the side door of a mud-like paste special treatment Yimeng mountain, the walls had been smoked not see the original features, kitchen side stood a pot and some burnt firewood, a number of production tools in disorder to pile up the other side of the door, chickens are foraging on the ground digging east west plane.

I went into the house, an old wooden bed and a forty-year-old woman, and that weather-beaten face filled with a sickly beat. See me in, struggling with himself and sat up. When she knew I had come, haggard smile on his face immediately.

front of the house, along with the mother of the frail body, to the gloomy mood I was added to a hint of bitter meaning.

her son called in, said a few words down.

I took the opportunity to look around this room, in addition to the bed, the other wooden furnishings and even the floor of the chair I was sitting.

She seems to see my face, I am sorry to say: No soldier, the family thanks to his ground. Paused she said: handed me a cloth, He.

At this time, his son came in from the outer room, holding a steaming bowl of eggs.

holding her hand was red with rage suddenly brought the eggs, I actually feel it is cold or hot.

Before leaving, she deliberately the package into my hands, I'll take it.

Oh Han Shan, Han Shan! His family was so impoverished, can not hear you about, you can not speak like a stone as the heart is as hard as a rock it? !

out from his house, pressed on my heart like a piece of rock. Winter darkness and dreariness of the scenery gave me to add a layer of Chou Chang. Looked at a west east hillside surrounded by a piece of land, the village looked far away, have blurred.

home based on the case of Han Shan, his team decided to focus on care branch.

Spring Festival, has just sent a relief costs, Han Shan to the team to find me. He slowly buttoned

untied from the inside coat pocket and pulled out twenty dollars, his hands to my face.

the face of this simple soldier, at the moment, I say? Can I say?

he saw me do not speak, then continued,

He nodded solemnly to put money back into the pockets of underwear.

little people have little to big things, but the Korean mountains is a major event is ridiculous.

a Sunday afternoon,UGG boots, Chuishi Ban long-distance running to tell me that Han Shan lost something I do not know, is everywhere, not even to eat dinner, and asked him what he did not lose that, the class the comrades who also do a Xinhuang Huang's.

I quickly came to the dormitory Chuishi Ban, see Han Shan is Fannong own drawer, what a mess stall inside a table to see his look of this security, the truth of what is lost jewelry.

I thought the stone off the ground. He joined the army and know a few words, but I'm sure it will not record on paper what important matters; will never be the kind of young people in love precious love letters.

have come to help him look.

He paused thoughtfully, looking from under the bed out of a cardboard box used for holding clothing, takes out his small burden, which turned up in the the middle of a pile of clothes, he found out an old envelope.

out of curiosity, I grabbed the envelope, reaching the stuff inside is taken out, turned out to be a few old calendar page. I carefully looked at his baby, in addition to a pen at the date written on the edge of a few figures, nothing. A false alarm. I laugh and cry, throw it in his arms.

him away and put away, is still silent.

three years pass. Complement the work of the annual re-started. Han Shan has also been identified from active service this year. As I talk to him, he suddenly received a telegram from his mother was seriously ill. From the team some time, let him go back and look branch to discuss, and discharged him to tell him so that he had a preparation.

into account his family situation, relief that he decided to branch forty dollars, and told him that if the mother's condition improved to rejoin time; if sicker to advance to a telegram. He silently agreed with.

few days later, he returned home. I think his mother's illness must be better.

I found him in the dormitory. Only a few days of effort, he lost a lot.

He stood staring for a while,UGG shoes, suddenly turned and pulled out a cardboard box from under the bed, takes out two bottles of wine and two cartons of cigarettes, like I committed a crime similar to the front. I saw his hands shake.

I inspired him to move inexplicably. He also pointed that carton, Others, obviously referring to the team in several other cadres.

he sat on the bed, his head buried in low between your knees.

An fire straight to my forehead.

I tried to calm himself, staring at him coldly, and said sternly: on the ground.

so I did not finish, his

big head about it. God! He should get? I do not know too much of my impulse to self-blame or pity for his situation, pressing my chest like a heavy stone, the weight to my breath, an unspeakable surging rapids in my heart, and even I do not know, this torrent of fire or ice.

Yes ah, his future could have a family it? A poor man like him, someone's girl and he is willing to form a family too!

is the year to keep him longer, but the command has been down, well then swap. We can only do our best to help him do some work before leaving the team. Perhaps not so much point to help him busy, as it is like to take this kind of helpless to fill our own psychology.

before leaving the team, and we give him the Trustee of the county authorities wrote several letters, hoping through them to change his situation. We are aware that this can only be hoped that most of hope. We took him to return the money to buy gifts with several of our cadres from the dozens of dollars to take care him, but that money can give him much help yet.

send soldiers drove away, he stuck his head out the window, watching us Leng Leng, seems to want to leave something.

he is gone, with nostalgia for the troops left. Left to us is heavy for you.

few small pieces of paper between the swift fall from the envelope, thinking with my attention back to the eyes.

I picked up the paper, the original Korean mountain that is looking for the old calendar. Just a few more than the original.

The following letter was written by someone else:


But now well, in recent years, the team implemented a contract responsibility system, nor the light intensity to grow food. I contracted a piece of fruit, harvest a few years. Our village is also rich more, and you come to a big difference that, if you look at will certainly be happy.

to repay what, today, I wish to achieve. the years the money sent to my relief branch, the date on the calendar is the time to me, the bottom number is the amount of money to me. available to you, and may be able to help other comrades.'ve heard of dual-use military personnel in training now, I think a long time, decided to buy some books, to give you, and may be useful. Today, I may not directly participate in the construction of military , but I think I should build out of the power units, or loss of a military training me. Tobacco is my own species, and be a little something for everyone, ask you to accept. behind the inscription,UGGs, there was his crooked handwriting: This is what I secretly written on, so you be assured. smile, smile through it, I saw a real person, an ordinary man.

I'm sorry, because you released the album in the NetEase illegal information, account blocked. Others can not be blocked during the visit to your album.

to help the Center to learn how to restore service.

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