Friday, October 15, 2010

Chinese territory Diaoyu Islands has always beenAbout Diaoyu Islands

 Chinese territory Diaoyu Islands has always beenAbout Diaoyu Islands

latitude 25 degrees to 26 degrees north latitude, east longitude 121 degrees east longitude 126 degrees 30 minutes to four lines between the covered cages from Taiwan mountains until the North Sea Ryukyu Trench (commonly known as Black Ditch) to the west until the red end of Lantau island all seamounts to form a rock sea chain, referred to the Chinese seamounts, Chinese foreign Hill, formal geography claim as , vases Island,UGG boots cheap, Plum Island, Peng Jia hiking, fishing, islands, the Mount of Olives, yellow tail Island,Discount UGG boots, Lantau Akao, etc., ancient Chinese history and each other's land, was first discovered by the Chinese, the first named, the first operation, governance, control defense, and the first official history and official state map to load nationality, and is the first to be published in Western Asian countries map of China, the Asian map, map of the world used and recognized.

Diaoyu islands northeast of Taiwan island core subsidiary of the main island, 120 nautical miles from Keelung. Located in the eastern edge of the East China Sea continental shelf, attached to the geological structure of the continental island of Taiwan. Something from the Chinese mainland and Okinawa, respectively, each about 200 miles, 100 to 150 meters water depth near, the interval between the Okinawa Islands, there is a more than 2000 m deep trench. The area for the new Tertiary sedimentary basin, rich in oil, it is estimated that in 1982, when the 737-1574 million barrels. (

renowned historian and authority of the Diaoyu Islands issue, Professor Jude Yuan from 1982, took 19 years, running in, the United States and Japan a number of leading academic institutions and libraries of a broad array of historical documents, collect, organize a mountain of historical data, and finally completed in 2001 the world's most authoritative academic masterpiece long? Professor Jude Yuan, complex to the evidence collected is divided into six categories: Chinese historical evidence and legal evidence, evidence of physical geography, maps and foreign evidence, evidence of Japan, Okinawa evidence. It basically encompasses 'the Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory' of all the evidence. Iron eloquent testimony to the historical facts: China's territory since ancient times the Diaoyu Islands. Mr. Wu Sirui

following is based on the writings and interviews, Professor Jude Yuan talk about finishing the historical overview of the ownership of the Diaoyu Islands [Note 1]:

satellite account, referred to 'Chinese seamounts', or 'Chinese foreign Hill', the ancient Chinese dynasties each other's land, was first discovered by the Chinese, the first named, the first operation, to rule and control of Royal's introduction, Marine officers and men of China must pass through. Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Fujian and Zhejiang coastal residents around the island in accordance with the production of high Chinese bonito, with the fishing method most likely to succeed, so learning to use the common name From Soochow to the Ming Dynasty, the sea route via the island fishing has been controlled by the Chinese people.

from a satellite from the Ming Dynasty under the jurisdiction of the fortification, fishing out entirely in China's coastal islands within the jurisdiction of the Wei. Thus, the Chinese fishing out on the island have the right of first discovery, naming rights and jurisdiction, has no doubt that the legal effect of the Japanese so-called

Ming Jia Jing four years (1561), Cheng was drawn to After the Ming Dynasty in China on Fishing Maps countless islands and western Asian countries was published in the first map of China, the Asian map, map of the world used and recognized. UK Chart in Pinnacle Islands, is a map of China since the Ming Dynasty in the Mount of Olives, one of the earliest translated as .

Japan and China look at the history of communication and transport routes, from the Japanese Yayoi to the Heian period, Japan and China all to line homing ship, the sea areas in Fujian and Taiwan are Chinese with the Chinese island of Taiwan and seamounts Fishing line, including Lantau island where all the navigational channel affiliated miss Japan so-called

1945, Japan surrendered, in the From the post-war period until 1971, published in Japan, Northeast Islands. Such waiver policy has been implemented in the official end of 1969, civil implement between April 1971. Fujian and Zhejiang China Taiwan Area and the land areas of the public solely on the identity of the owner to the fishing line fishing operations and other islands in the production of labor, has never been any interference from outsiders.

but a committee in 1969 declared the United Nations and the East China Sea continental shelf waters of Harbour Island Fishing out of oil rich reserves after Japan, the island then the original will show that these islands belong to China, marking destroyed, put on the islands indicated Okinawa Prefecture is Japan's licensing sector, and ordered to be added after the painting a map of The purpose of burglary squat. and then a large number of recently published a map with a stolen land, the family line, as the 'Land obtain evidence' and encouraging the Gentiles 'patriotic' in-kind materials, and this is their 'stolen land atlas' strategy. br>
As for Japan in 1972, the jurisdiction, Island, the Mount of Olives, yellow tail Island and the red tail Island. Okinawans and the East China Sea within the Chinese sea-rocks-chain has no master soil relations, and China the Diaoyu Islands, the Mount of Olives, yellow tail Island, Akao Island also there is no direct relationship. br>
In summary, the Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory since ancient times, it is indisputable historical fact.

II. Great strategic value

(1) huge economic value of the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea

the eastern edge of the continental shelf in the geological structure attached to the island of Taiwan island is offshore and deep sea fishery resources the intersection, the island has precious medicinal herbs.

its rich marine resources, fisheries annual catch amounted to 15 million tons.

fishing waters for a new three-column satellite Sedimentary Basin, rich in oil, it is estimated that in 1982, when the 737-1574 million barrels. Some people have concluded that the oil resources of the waters near the Diaoyu Islands to make it This enticing vision, enough distressing adventure.

accordance with the 1992 combined. based on the Diaoyu Islands, Japan and China can partition the East China Sea continental shelf, grab the East China Sea will be at least half the oil and gas resources.


great military value in the geopolitical, fishing out of Taiwan and Okinawa Island is located between the first island chain in the Western Pacific line is off a springboard into China but also to prevent the Chinese navy access to the Pacific region the barrier depth. If Japan complete control of the area, not only the Chinese Navy was strangling the throat, and enable them to make China an ideal forward base attack.

modern high speed aircraft and missile development, more conducive to attack the party, and is easily caught in a passive defensive side, keep track of. Therefore, the possible expansion of defense in depth and space to have a more significant military strategic significance.

Japanese inland anywhere because no more than 120 km from the coast, the defense in depth is very limited, vulnerable in wartime in all directions from the air and sea attacks. Japanese occupation and control of the Diaoyu Islands so-called defense can range from Okinawa, more than 300 km farther west, and all of a sudden our defense in depth is reduced more than 300 kilometers, so I'm east coast and Taiwan, direct exposure to the Japanese (U.S.) close reconnaissance and surveillance under the threat of air strikes, hostilities, greatly reducing the anti-reflection enemy raid valuable preparation time.

the other hand, the enemy bases in the Diaoyu Islands, will allow me the direction of military operations in Taiwan under severe threat and contain the enemy from the waters near the Diaoyu Islands and its maritime movement of my troops to attack Taiwan , or are landing in Taiwan island and air and sea forces to combat,cheap UGG boots, reconnaissance and surveillance is ubiquitous. I greatly increased the difficulty of resolving the Taiwan issue.

Japan is recognized the military value, it will be back in the 70s included the Diaoyu Islands and adjacent waters alert zone, and the Diaoyu Islands included in the circle of Japan's military control.

hill famous Japanese military commentator noted within the macro, both for the Diaoyu Islands to establish an electronic warning device can also be set up missiles. In fact, this is also not only in Japan now has a heliport on the island, which means this will be the establishment of a local military base outside, which I have no doubt is a major threat to the outcome.

Thus, at 120 nautical miles northeast of Taiwan, between mainland China and the Ryukyu Islands and I have little Diaoyu Islands between Taiwan and its military value of the future will be more and more, enough to make people stare. In strategic terms, the Japanese archipelago can use me as a unified resistance, threats of aggression again, I'm east coast and Taiwan, a bridge or forward bases; also the East China Sea could be the direction I defend the country's security forces to curb Japan's southward expansion of the outpost , and taken the first island chain of the bridgehead.

From the above analysis we can draw such a conclusion, the strategic value of the Diaoyu Islands is very, very huge. It is not only the sovereignty of the island itself is 7 square kilometers signs, but also in its huge economic and military value. As Professor Jude Yuan said, legitimize occupation, which was bound to the fundamental interests of the State requirements.

III. Japan's occupation of the Diaoyu Islands Diaoyu Islands

because of its enormous economic and military strategic value of the Japanese caused endless greed.

effective management of long-term continuous , academic treatises, and various compilation methods claimed sovereignty over the map, and several islands in the fishing line or set up the lighthouse island, the shrine with the flag, or the construction of an airport, runway repair, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Forces have repeatedly driven in nearby waters Chinese fishing boats, to block Chinese Diaoyutai Movement. in the official pace with the private sector, the Japanese showed a striking coherence. They have gained the right of the island the various steps taken by the persistent, careful, consistent, powerful, and private and government tie together. Of particular concern is that some scholars in Japan, land theft, and advance the process as a vanguard role. academic article, to recognize China's sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands. But this is only a few.

in Japan deliberately carries looms before. We often take into account the Sino-Japanese friendship, this situation, only the government statement expressed I not only failed to influence the sincerity of Japan, but also contribute to its arrogance and its action to accelerate the pace of expansion of effective occupation of the territory and territorial waters from.

particular spring of this year, the Japanese government to declare a despicable way to take over the Diaoyu Island Lighthouse announced its actual occupation of the Diaoyu Islands and the jurisdiction. Official to openly steal the Diaoyu Islands as their own, completion of the aggressive steps on the Diaoyu Islands.

IV. Japan has posed the most serious of

the threat of war after World War II, the Japanese militarists have not been completely liquidated, it is impossible in Japan to seriously reflect on its crimes of aggression. Japan's World War II did not reflect the meaning of repentance guilty. But two of its so-called self-examination: a. Should not go to war against the powerful United States, if the United States go to war, might now be able to keep in northeast China and Taiwan. II. China is too big, then Japan should not rush to swallow the whole of China, but should be divided and eat. Postwar Japan's China strategy, but its long-term strategy to consider as part of the world, is based on errors of World War II on the basis of understanding and reflection. In fact, this strategy did not get rid of the world's old-fashioned Tanaka Memorial, but adds the contents reflect the Second World War can be said that a modern replica of Tanaka Memorial. Therefore, the Japanese economic and military strength as the development is bound to have to re-take the old road of militarism. Unless once again been a major setback or a complete failure.

like to actively support Taiwan independence secessionist forces after the war, militarism trumpeted the sixties began to fanaticism, and later continued the revision of history textbooks, deny the Nanjing Massacre, stir the arms (actually its spending power of the world's second-armed), I occupied the Diaoyu Islands, a variety of civil war victims rejected the claim, revising the pacifist constitution, the Prime Minister and other dignitaries visited the Yasukuni Shrine, for me to fully penetrate all areas, with China's revealed not only the economic relations and harmful self-interest of the heart, etc., are nothing but a long-term strategy for its militaristic shown inevitable.

even in the China's economic interests and other interests. On the other hand on my fruitful ideas, culture, education, economic, diplomatic, military, full penetration of the fields. Especially ways to buy corrupt officials and scholars and gradually penetrate to the top. Create the conditions for the day to split China.

the mid-nineties after the opening of the revival of militarism in the face of the United States the green light to the face once again become a world military power of the explicit in its Asian strategy and the world will be China as a major strategy strategic enemy. World War II, particularly in Japan two points based on reflection, when trouble in the Sino-US relations will vigorously promote the Japan and the U.S. objective of splitting China is not restricted to Taiwan, but rather to make China a similar kind of disintegration of the Soviet Union to complete the Japan also actively organized the Vietnam and India to contain China's attempt to provide comprehensive, even in the back of my tradition and the Russian Far East, Central Asia is also an active wedge issues of oil, check on me.

in the EU and Israel, the issue of arms sales to me, the Japanese government openly opposed the EU ban and Israel to me for my conversion UAVs. This is Japan is ready to go to war again with me, but conclusive evidence. If I intend to go to war, the European Union and Israel Maibu Mai weapons to me, off what he Japanese?

Currently, Japan has been openly hostile to me, not only openly declared that the occupation of the Diaoyu Islands to me, and publicly pledged to defend Taiwan, I have great cause of reunification by force resistance. Despite this threat diplomatically now comparatively euphemistic expression, but the Japanese support for Taiwan independence by force strategic intent has been shown. In view of the Japanese militarism since World War has been Weiwang revisit old dreams over fifty years in Taiwan spared no effort to split penetration, not only foster independence from the large pro-Japanese forces, and help it came to power for many years, just waiting for one day fruition will be able to return to Taiwan, to recover Therefore, the reunification of Taiwan move me no stand, and let the plot halfway truth. On the Taiwan issue, Japan more than the United States has the inherent power to split China and the for cover, afraid to lose the economic benefits in China and to avoid damage to the penetration of eliminating traitors my results. This regard, we should have a clear understanding of whether or not involved in the Taiwan Strait and then deposit them any illusions.

Clearly, Japan has replaced the United States and became my greatest threat to national unity and security of the enemy. And the most dangerous occupation but also the most ferocious enemy of great strategic value of my territory? ? Diaoyu Islands.

Japan and the United States different from China and the U.S. thousands of miles away, no territorial disputes. The United States to maintain its hegemony in the world Suiyu split our country, but the strategic interests of the survival of its national territory and has nothing to do, so do not want to pay the cost of major casualties. So more is trying to use infiltration methods such as the Cold War And Japan are close to me, and my hegemon of Asia as its biggest obstacle. So will the full-fledged effort to me after the expansion, division, subversion of, infringe upon our territory and resources. Such as the Diaoyu Islands and East China Sea continental shelf is only the beginning territorial dispute, Japan is also actively involved in a Taiwan Strait war inevitable thing. If I compromise in their retreat before the advancing step by step, its more and more insatiable, aggressive, but will on the Taiwan issue ... ... actively involved with impunity, until I'm completely split, misappropriation of resources will be exhausted our territory, must not quit halfway hands of the reason, unless it was a complete failure. And I, if their protest, their will to exert more pressure on me, such as incitement to anti-Chinese sentiment and militarism, fanaticism, the use of its production capacity to accelerate expansion of armaments, and for me to take a more hard-line policy and so on. Therefore, the contradiction between Japan and my Chinese is difficult to reconcile is the nature of life and death. I have to do with the preparation of a long and difficult struggle.

should reflect that, because I study in Japan (and are subject to the Japanese-funded) academic institution failures, we have been on the road of militarism in Japan has become increasingly clear illusions. Militarism in Japan is limited to verbal warning and preparedness in Japan on the Taiwan issue and danger level of involvement was significantly underestimated. While Japan had several years of my solid preparations for war (including my penetration). I order not to offend Japan, the Japan-US to avoid the two major powers to compete at the same time, the issue of the Diaoyu Islands and a series of Yirenzairen order to differentiate the Japan-US alliance, Japan is the glimpse of me through this to avoid the same with the two strong proposition and do not want to increase the difficulty of solving the Taiwan issue, the psychological, full use of its alliance with the United States, for us to play the U.S. card, forcing us to continue to maximize their yield, insatiable, proceeded to march, the encroaching I have significant political and economic interests. Since the fat loss I, and created one day or a battle won for me, or I do not the soldiers fighting the enemy conditions, to achieve its strategic objective of splitting China. In the face of increasingly serious threat of war in Japan, we still can not because they have sufficient knowledge of the tit for tat struggle.

five. Diaoyu Islands Dispute and Sino-Japanese relations

growing because of Japan's war of my attempts and threats, a huge strategic value to the Diaoyu Islands will be used to block their full uniform and threatened me me and rob me of east coast maritime territories and resources. Of great strategic value to this battleground, we must not sit by and watch its occupation of Japan, which was of major national interest, must be tit for tat, couch dispute every inch, recovered the Diaoyu Islands.

inevitable as the rise of Japanese militarism as once again I'm the biggest obstacle to its hegemony in Asia, it will have long been my secret as the primary enemy carried out two or three years of all-round preparations for war. (Including political, economic, military, diplomatic, legal, ideological and cultural, educational and infiltration and sabotage, and so the Chinese.) Power but also because there is not enough of the Japanese militarists to stop aggression on my new plot, the Japanese national conflicts therefore difficult to reconcile with the nature of life and death, as the majority of the people have long predicted it: the day there will be a fight. (The number of civil judgments than it was the Japanese-funded research institutions and scholars do not know how many times brilliant. Lowly are most intelligent are most ignorant.) Thus, in the current aggression of Japanese militarism to me when the plot is very clear and then talk about As in the previous section

said, and if I fight the Japanese aggressive policy of aggression, its also available in the program will be tougher against the upgrade, Japan will take the opportunity to vigorously promote the China threat and inciting militarism, fanaticism, manufacturing public opinion to support its expansion of production capacity starting a huge military. Will further rely on the U.S. card, to me more and more menacing. I Ruopi intimidated and their retreat, then the trick to succeed, more insatiable, unscrupulous. And if I go on with their hard-line policy against, not buying it, though short-term will face tremendous pressure, and even in the military there will be temporary setbacks, but as long as the long struggle to mobilize people to persist in Japan but also the capital of the number of hard-line in the end? Although the Japanese are still not too stupid arrogance, and the 1.3 billion population, the largest market for hard-core Wutai Guo and in the end, what the final result will be a consideration Is the uncertainty about how to pay? Really willing to The status of U.S. The performance of what are often outside the contrary, the Japanese aggressive look fierce as a bull, in fact, Li is the color within the crop, luck to succeed in a performance graph.

Japan dare to me looms, wanton threats, misappropriation eating my territory, not because there is now conflict with my full commitment and preparation, but because of the glimpse of me to do everything possible through the avoid having to contend the United States, Japan and the two powers and the fear of the psychological impact of resolving the Taiwan issue, was convinced that we not only issued a statement protesting, there will be no substantive action. They are clear about our end, both of which analyze and judge, we do not rule out seeing the cards. Comprehensive history, we can even say that the other party is in the cards at our bottom line.

like This is not their intelligence network in China, Chiang Kai-shek and Zhang Xueliang not recognized firm resistance.

and often the implementation of the current invasion of the Japanese territory and resources of interest and I support Taiwan independence and other deliberate openly hostile action, always first to the media carried out the Japan-US alliance for speculation, bluff, trick to comment on some Japan-US Security Treaty What terms of cooperation, what meetings, what a joint statement to me subjected to intimidation. Then do some test in the comprehensive analysis of various aspects, to determine its next step I will not have any substantive violations of the reaction, I immediately started to implement its damage to the interests of premeditation. The interests of each of its violations of the practical steps I have is a limited goal, and then try to keep a low profile in the implementation, dilute its impact. And then lost no time in the United States engage in a worrying me worthy enough to stimulate the action taking into account pain, but go beyond that (fear of losing its economic interests in China, for fear I cross under the stimulus of one mind preparing for the pro-Japanese collaborators and the elimination of forces). So while I was worried about the occasion, seize the opportunity to verbally expressed to me by After a few days before starting a new round of provocation ... .... The whole process was the United States to maximize brand, and its infringement of my timing, sense of proportion, hard and soft changes and extent of relaxation, and various co-ordination, grasping figure out just right. I have great interest not only invaded, causing me great physical damage; can be continued in the So again, actually applied successfully, such as camel, slowly simmered stew live frogs will die but I cook I try to resolve the resistance. Without sustained and effective penetration of its effort, could I have nuclear weapons on a large country bullying so art? Transgression against me later I can make my social security is not as intense reaction?

Sadly, we often played by the Japanese case, the State territory and the continued loss of interest in a little bit, I still uphold the relevant departments are fortunate that there is a surface of each storm considered . So hard in Japan to use every opportunity to create disturbances incited fanatical militarism, I except for a few publications, most of the media on the national territory are still serious violations of rights have been keeping a low profile, the angry protests of the people remain silent. (Fully in line with the Japanese try not to cause a strong reaction of the Chinese people the purpose.)

Always bully the Japanese and proficient in calculating the stakes, if their compromise and concessions, only to attempt to very low aggression costs that get great results, and thus stimulate the greater greed and ambition. On the contrary, only the tit for tat struggle to understand that violations of the firm to pay the heavy price of China and the destructive outcome is possible to force them to weigh and caution, to forego unilateral expansion of operations with my negotiations. And I have no real military, economic, and diplomatic actions to show strength and determination of the case negotiated settlement of disputes and the so-called shelving disputes and joint development can only be my fantasy and unilateral diplomatic, opponents will not be ignored. Japan's territorial sovereignty and resources of my aggressive violations of rights, in fact, what I forbear undeniable low-key approach so again succeeded without pay the price to be encouraged results.

In summary, we can conclude as follows:

(1) invasion of the Japanese aggressive pace, but not the actual fight only a verbal protest to the minimal cost of only robbers get huge dividends, thereby stimulating the greater greed and ambition, to do whatever they want, insatiable. The Diaoyu Islands and the event still no real action, as we fight ourselves to give the Japanese will be the long-term presence on the island, and is building bases to consolidate its actual control, a fait accompli. Next will be a second, third Diaoyu Islands, Taiwan, I will be subject to its East China Sea resources and increasing threats. ... ...

Obviously, This is a dead end,UGG boots, million undesirable.

(2) on the Diaoyu Islands and East China Sea continental shelf, territorial sovereignty and resource rights, etc., must be tit for tat with Japan, couch dispute every inch. The performance of the Chinese nation to defend the territorial sovereignty at all costs, sacrifice the strong determination and will. Make offenders suffer significant losses to greatly increase its aggressive policies of the risks and costs in order to force them to balance, restraint. Only with strength and determination backed the initiative will have diplomatic negotiations and room for maneuver.

not Dengxianzhibei Japan, and the enemy so insidious evil does not pay the price strongly fight terrorism unrealistic. But fear not pay the price and corresponding competition will ultimately be more painful to pay the huge price. To compromise security at immediate concessions can only be a dead end. Only afraid of a powerful enemy, the courage to struggle in order to survive development. Only show firm determination to defend its territorial sovereignty in order to deter Japan and the U.S. on the Taiwan Strait dispute cautious about intervention.

(3) in the struggle against Japan if the other hard-line upgrade, resulting in large-scale violent confrontation and conflict, I must at all costs, to resolutely fight to the enemy, do not take account of the Sino-Japanese relations and the Taiwan issue. Because the day there will be a war, will certainly force Japan to help defend Taiwan. (The only way to stop the Japanese military to help defend Taiwan, to me is my strength and determination, rather than me as to whether patient accommodation.) Battle their choice in Taiwan from Japan, it is better for me to choose the Diaoyu Islands. War with Japan on the Diaoyu Islands is more favorable than the war in Taiwan. Let us see the next chapter of its reasons.

VI. Diaoyu Islands and the Taiwan Issue

Taiwan and the Diaoyu Islands have something in common and associated problems, but also has its own particularity. Therefore, the overall balance should be put together.

first Diaoyu Islands and Taiwan are Chinese territory. Diaoyu Island regardless of the geographical context and the administrative divisions and is a subsidiary of Taiwan island. The second common denominator is that these two islands are Japan's occupation of the object conspiracy. Diaoyu Island which has been off the enemy, while Taiwan is Japan's split plot was calculated, and danger, risk if the Leiluan. Since these two points in common that the two islands were the territory and I fight the enemy and I are in Japan, the Diaoyu Islands issue and the Taiwan issue has been a fusion of Japanese aggression against the territorial waters east of the problem.

, of course, the Taiwan issue is the most critical factor in the United States. (Diaoyu Islands are also factors in the shadow of the United States.) But the Taiwan issue will thus be simply attributed to Sino-US relations, it seems inaccurate place. In fact, the Taiwan issue, Japan gave me trouble, and as much as the United States, the motive to obstruct my uniform more strongly than the United States. Sino-US confrontation in the Taiwan issue, of course, the U.S. strategic intention of blocking I reunification, but it is Japan, Asia and the world to fulfill their dream of hegemony and total weight between China and Taiwan in the mines (by supporting Taiwan independence) . U.S. separated by vast oceans, no territorial disputes. U.S. Suiyu even split of resistance to my uniform forever, according to overlord of the world, but do not want the independence from the blood drip pointless, unrelated to the war caught. Therefore, the But to die for decades in Japan its The sinister, depravity between China detonated mines, the United States for blocking reunification my heart ignite the flames of war by the Taiwan independence, the tired, leave the United States off me, leave me loss of beauty. Japanese World War II allies to make this two enjoy each other Rush, then can enjoy the benefits to fishermen as their achievements, and then accounted for Taiwan.

once I achieve reunification half a century to see the Japanese Qiren penetration effort, split the effort of several generations, with its large forces and more than a dozen pro-Japanese traitors island of the puppet regime set out to usurp the foundation of all pay the east. And the pains can be ignited by the United States buried in huge fights mine also will be destroyed. Its hegemony in Asia and then, according to Taiwan's If so, almost willing his mind? Can take depends on? Therefore, Taiwan, Japan, a special We must not keep their luck is involved in the heart of the Taiwan Strait and then, out of thin air for no reason reported fantasies.

Diaoyu Island is my subsidiary islands northeast of Taiwan islands of Ilan County is under the jurisdiction of traditional fishing grounds for my compatriots. Because the Japanese occupied Taiwan compatriots can not go fishing for many years. So hope I can recapture the Diaoyu Islands. There is no doubt, to recover the Diaoyu Islands, the Taiwan compatriots on the mainland increased sense of identity and solidarity; traitor forces of Taiwan independence, then not only will it not be made public because of opposition in an awkward position, and will make it politically isolated and dealt a heavy blow by the . Taiwan is not a good direct the war. not to mention Taiwan. Therefore, rather than let the Japanese use of my siblings kill each other, Xiong Dixi in the wall, the flow of blood for our compatriots Huozhongquli, integrated into the Fisherman's my long-standing grievances of both sides was, Morrow choose not to hurt me I took the initiative beneficial to Taiwan compatriots of place and time to be determined on the fight against Japanese invaders. Have been all-time, geography, and achievements. This one also. 

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