Sunday, October 17, 2010

A moon hanging in the western sky hook

 A few bright stars are trying to gilded brilliance, few seem to know their life, and runs through the Milky Way has stars dim night sky, waves of frogs had relented, and the occasional bark of thought of several more sporadic, mortal was boundless The silence engulfed, Songnen plain quiet and peaceful summer.

people have already gone to sleep, after the House sent the two sons of yard minor Hansheng, his wife tinker for a while, while children cough, fatigue is also amused by this time, but the old man could not sleep Hailin , turn over stressed in the past, several Moqi pipe and down several times to see his wife frustrating disease because of cough pale gaunt cheeks, and he can not stand the smoke choked him to cough up. The old man never like today limbo.

refreshing sleep to those who eat three square meals a day and do no work of man, who was proud of belonging, a successful career politicians, who are innocent, naive flower children, tonight is the Hailin old man asleep in the luxury of wireless.

day, Hailin old man to raise children's school fees, visiting friends and relatives to run around all day, feeling uncomfortable as the San shelf general, people do not speak the old bones as can be, after all, old man of sixty , the original body is very weak. Would have to squint to sleep, to relieve tired old energy back, but not sleepy, he used some hypnosis: count, twist his beard, flexible palm of the hand to no avail, his efforts failed, and he missed sleep tonight .

endless troubles, like waves, like waves to impact on Hailin old man, he was very helpless, subconsciously 'magnetic Rights' rowing matches, and lighted Smokeless tobacco residue left over pumping, a surge spicy 'toad the first' smoke immediately filled the air off, his wife is extremely sensitive reaction, immediately issued a pass coughing, gasping and said:

? smoke signals burrow pits five-star middle of the night, crazy! trouble, he went to pieces, forget three thousand five hundred forty-six, Getting his wife to complain to him not say anything, but quickly withdraw Shimoji, pushed out the door, his wife is a pass a bad cough. West fall of the Crescent Moon

curved like a boat, sailing the deep blue sea, a few bright stars in the Milky Way seems to want a partner to maintain the same luster has faded, the old man took a deep one Hailin cool summer night, a little easier for psychological depression. He then forced in the soles Kediao Yanguo soot and smoke residue left, and then pipe not in the belt, walked to the stables.

horse barn chandelier has gone out, Mucha, unlatched the door, driving mosquitoes, horse tail lashing 'pops' sound could be heard clearly. Dove on top of unstable stable trouble started the night, issued a string of child cooing lingering affection. Old Yeller quietly nestled beside the old man in Hailin, gently wagging his tail. First came to the stable door, once inside, came twice 'loud whistle'.

Hailin old man had an uncontrollable urge, hand pushed the door into the stable Mucha, his exploration into the crib hand, feel mixed evening in a manger that is not less forage, he burst sad, neat hand stroking the horse's mane, which he Zhangdeng time to trim, the old white horse with the head rubbing shoulders Hailin old man, watching the horse, thinking after dinner to discuss the decision with his wife, while Ai Qi my heart.

After dinner, the number of Hailin, and his wife had some money from tuition fees for two children, the total number of two thousand dollars short of the two thought to want to go, it had nowhere to take rectifiable. Relative silence might be about five an hour, Hailin said his wife explore:

one said:

.. br> look slightly Deng Hailin heart, his wife is marked with the idea of the old white horse, and he glared at his wife a very angry and said:

turned eyes, this horse and we are like brothers, folks depend on it to the ground Moreover, also saved my life, I could not bear to sell it then?! , and tears, After a child, says profoundly:

language, thought a moment or two mouth that spat:

, then hear back from you one!


Eleven years ago the deepest winter, Hailin Shangfen old man returned to the South Pasture, livestock play all the way saw a car pulling a white thing next fall, but the driver who not found, straight left. He came and saw the old man is a white pony, children, children saw the foal Hailin old man tried to stand up, stand up and fall several times a struggle, beg for black and white eyes reveal the light. With years of experience in horse Hailin know that children's pony fell, breaking her leg. He did not say two words, immediately picked up the children marching colts went to the house of snow.

children not yet weaned colt could not resist the cold of winter the Great Northern Wilderness, can only be kept in the house. The two have been very narrow and small room look more crowded. Hailin old man brought in veterinary

connected to pony broken bones, marked with child, foal reduced pain, no seizures, no mare's milk, the old man to his wife boil point Hailin millet gruel , and then spoon fed a mouthful of a small pony. Dog goat milk from time to time to discuss points of aid to it. The same as keeping the kids serve. To be grazing when the old man has made a difficult Hailin. GOT ponies eat too hard, a heartless wife with two hens lay eggs for two with two crooked back chinensis, the meticulous care in Hailin old married couple, the little colt has become increasingly sterile, covered with all-white. Hailin old man give it a big names:

quietly faded into the cold winter, spring is subject to the call of the red earth mother, she walked into the light of the pace of the arms of the earth, Xianxiansushou wave gently, mountains of water beauty smile , black soil Chunchao downtown. Green grass, the trees green, flowers are blooming. All vitality, all thriving.

knots of people in taking the portal and into nature. Breathe the intoxicating fresh air. Looking for a charming little green. City people pay attention to an outing, country people call a walk. But the hard-working people for thousands of years to develop the habit of frugality, even in the play would also like to get points in the harvest. Most people are digging a wild mother --- D. Scientific name is called dandelion. His wife is also a spring season Hailin Yang, relieve asthma, she also Stock your Xiaokuang, basket mounted a sickle head, led her team to dig wild happily marching to a small South Pasture.

Hailin walk in front of his wife, followed her as younger son, a man named NANHUA, called drizzle. These little guys were in the house hold in the cold winter almost one hundred days, in the spring season seems a long time to come out in the custodial confinement of birds in the forest like the back, jumped up and down the cheerful, small brown dog crazy while children ran, but also a child a pony. Pony children a vertical to a vertical jump, from time to time Liao two pins, to show the dog's back. Summarized from the mouth of two little boys blowing the whistle sounds. Yangko tune sometimes, and sometimes pop music.

to the South Pasture, four little guys started their own familiar game.

two children standing in front of the dog and pony standing behind whistle sounded with the children, one dance, one drum, puppy pony danced along with children, puppies rock bigger way,UGG boots cheap, pony tap dancing vividly.

then the hide and seek, with a black cloth to the eyes of a mask, a good position fixed stations, and Mongolia who are looking for three other partners under the breath, ponies are often the longest time,bailey UGG boots, but always all to find.

horse race is a long term, it is time champion when the race started, pony and not to the finish line, often turning halfway children, light rain on the patient over and over again to lead to the end of its run. Finally left behind the pony is not halfway, when the end of every two children cheering on the hands in the air, even the dogs bark to bark, whistle broke colts are straight.

together with the children due to frequent play, pony become more spiritual. It is not only a race, but also understand NANHUA whistle, understand gestures rain, more interestingly, can also complement each other and the small brown dog caught the hare, there is a small brown dog found a gray-brown hare , flying in the pursuit. Little white hesitated a little startled, but also casting its hooves washed out, the little white quickly than the hare, and then shoved turned to intercept the hare rushed back channeling, just, and a small brown dog clashed, into dogs mouth.

more than a year, children had fun, long dog pony spirituality, Hailin old man see in the eyes, joy in their hearts.


horse, after all, is the horse. Moreover, the old man's family is too poor to feed Hailin pet. Little white two year old when the old man began to teach it Hailin manual labor of the. On the sets, drive shafts. Listen to what the password in the street, and listen to what the password outside the cis, children less than three months of effort, migration, I, too, driving, these passwords to remember the little white thoroughly. Then he taught him to farm, plowing, violation of the rules, playing monopoly, playing field. The way out of patience at the old man under the guidance of Hailin, had more than a year to be well versed. Old man psyche happy. This is uncommonly well-informed on the horse. Hailin

follow the old man since Shimoda White Horse has been sent from spring to autumn plowing manure to pull in the summer to the winter playing field, never stop. Through rain and wind to go without the slightest fear, the whole body seems to have made endless effort. As owner of asthma, twenty acres of land full of people relying on a Ma Momo this work, although the use of vacation time for children to come back a hand, but after all, sometimes noon of.

Hailin old man affectionately call the White Horse for the old man, when the old man busy trying to fine white horse grass fines, but also from time to time add a little sorghum or oats. Slack time, this person on a horse to the meadow to Liuwan often over the years, the old man did not step onto a horse.

Hailin people to laugh at the old man once had been 'stupid', one day, at sunset, from sunset to walk out of one person, one horse, Hailin old man walking in front, his face sweaty, shoulder carrying two bundles of grass, followed by a white horse, as in leisurely walk. The village with two twisted greeting everyone:

This is an interesting look at one person, one horse, talking about, some laughing,UGG shoes, some curl one's lip, and some pointing. Some people shook his head and said:

Ten year old man dictating to the White Horse whip not used. It had been listed as a great miracle of Victoria Peak.

weathered four years of blowing

years old. Past the little white turned to today's old white horse. Hailin half-white hair old man has been full term of the present white, many years of fatigue bending his waist, he wanted to bend beneath, however, does not allow the fate of the responsibility is not allowed. Sick wife to take medicine, school children to school fees, the older children pulled the product of marriage should be returned to the people shortage. He is the head of the family wow, Zaikuzailei have to bite the move forward.

last summer, over and over when two positive shovel dog days of summer, the sun Laodulaodu, and Hailin old man holding an old white horse facing the rising sun to walk to their own corn, along the way, Birds twitter in the woods, the road on both sides of King's soaring riveting humilis, commonly known as Grasshopper insects occasionally Jiaoji Sheng. Tree Kong Xijian hard busy spider webs, chasing mosquitoes, horse, horse casually swinging little hair of the tail, the tragic death of a few greedy blind midge under the whip in horse tail.

to the edge of a farm, the old man to a horse to the woods next to the green meadow, and suddenly hit a two-horse sound whistle, the old Hanna Han to look all around and found that the way in to the old yellow dog came bobbing to the.

Hailin old man smiled, turned and went inside geotropism, hoes just take the edge of a farm, he felt a bit dizzy, hard stare Deng Yanjing muttered to himself:

This damn bones, how charming of you?! raw so the old man back. He quickly sat in the shade of a breather. Old white horse nibbling grass in the leisurely, the old yellow dog in the crawling next to the old white horse, a long hot tongue sticking out panting ha ha.

old man migraine see the sun, the heat has not diminished, he would like to shovel a while Come on, get home, hide it hide a sinister sun. He leaned up a hoe to the station, suddenly felt dizzy. A black eyes,UGG boots clearance,

old white horse is still eating grass, I suddenly heard the old yellow dog's sounds. Maradona played two loud whistle, as if once again return to the agile, it Liao quickly rushed to open sub-kick master of lying in the shade of a tree, forced to rubbing with the head master, the owner is unconscious. Horse pawing the ground force, the old yellow dog owners living hum mouth hundred hard pull a few clothes, see the owner did not move, turned around and directed at the horse barked. Old White Horse Changsi soon, bent head, mouth hundred living masters of the belt, the vibration coming from the Young head, casting its hooves went to the village, the old yellow dog owner hoe thousand live closely followed in the post ......


several more loud crowing rooster, Hailin old man interrupted the thought. Dawn of the sky according to the Hailin old man old man in tears, sadly the old man stroking Hailin neat old white mane, choked, said:

my heart feel better! >
the body's blood scab, my heart just as bad as the needle wow. But you never once stop labor so, old man ah, alas.

Hailin old man wiped the tears, rub with the old White Horse a little face, then said:

Spring and summer species hoe, harvest, winter provisions you do not stop to bloody sweat. You pay for this house too much, you saved my life, so fall disability, cervical spine injuries, rotation is not working. Endure the daily pain, did not have the good, sleep good. Tomorrow they take you away, my heart hurts ah!

Yeah! a bar! ooo, ooo ......two nose ring, laid the first draft to eat.

sun sets and the sky filled with orange West sunset, setting sun refused to concede defeat, although covered by mountains, but also try changing the color of divergent spare capacity, to weave beautiful clouds of cotton, presented to the artless sky and optimistic people.

Hailin old man wearing the first time ever to the horse halter, bridle decorated with four golden brass ring, halter ring under accompanied by two small bells ringing, the first horse to hang chest, Temporary out of the door, looked back for a while it had lived in the adobe houses and no longer familiar to the familiar Mucha door. Then Changsi heard, played two nose ring, followed by Hailin old man to march into the sunset in the ......

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