Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Aries has been very fun for a variety of festive fun atmosphere of Kazakhstan

 At a time on Christmas Eve, and together with you all the reasons to Lele, blooming in early Aries himself, will begin to look forward to a few days earlier on a variety of rave wear to how to how to play. Aries is also quite easy, but in fact, one to get carried away into the population, especially the booze under the ball dropped index increased immediately and was caught playing with some loss of disgrace faithful face the possibility is very great. Victory Aries can not stand the friends attempting to rally, especially once the big drink, reason has long been out the window, along with Aries You Dewan is also very relaxed to a crazy, fun friends who will feel much more it anyway So to the climax moment of the Christmas party, often saw some men appeared Superman underwear modeling, and some, began to show hot pole dancing, these drinks high on most men and women who are tricked by false friends Aries Oh! Just wait until morning sober, Aries have to move out of line on the last night of regret not cope.

said playing Taurus, Taurus is still quite conservative, Christmas Eve, we eat together on the line Lele , so the Taurus was too busy on Christmas Dance Party Not very cold, warm hand, prefer family peace party. However, most of the usual style of steady moderate attitude of life, the Taurus is not easy to reject the general's party invitation from friends around the following dilemma arises. We went to K Song, CP song to sing high, when the sudden a bitter love song adagio, this time saw the beginning Jimmy Taurus unparalleled investment to pick up the plight, singing ... ... but it really first-class atmosphere of Christmas would be too do not take the. And we drink and chat in Diba, began feeling ran to put the dance floor to the old gods saw a person Taurus sat in the stool to eat and drink. Summing up the above ball dropped the embarrassing situation,UGG shoes, in fact, Taurus and lively party or gas field or not, since it is happy on Christmas Eve, Taurus and prefer their own little warm, it is better to spend a warm invitation to a party at home two or three friends.

embarrassing index: ★ ★

★ ★

for Christmas, Gemini, Gemini may not fall much attention, but during the holiday party so much dazzling heart of the play is Gemini Holy Land, to playing with friends, but also see many new things, most important thing is like the sniffing all kinds of gossip information can take time to gather Gemini separate ways just news. If there are two places at once, Gemini is simply hoping to do a clean sweep of all parties! Under normal circumstances, usually on Christmas Eve Gemini is speeding up into a person, each friend of the party wherever he goes, all go along for the ride, and with a variety of occasions to the theme, they do not care about rapid change, but loaded. Fast is fast, but Gemini may belong to carefully camp, amusing incident normally produced at this time, if the clothes do not simply take the shoes Daohai easy to handle, the biggest Accidentally forgot about Oolong is fastened buttons, pull a good zip and other small details, it is easy to become suddenly and the audience burst point. But the good news Gemini usually rapid response strategy, and lay ha ha 忽悠 the past, but will not index too embarrassed.

embarrassing index: ★ ★ ★

★ ★

Cancer Cancer is actually part of the party where the crowd is not a cold one, after all, usually used to enjoy the warmth of family, exposure to that kinds of noisy situations is not great to produce a warm aura. At the same time because it is too sensitive to the small nature, the nerve is thin, not quite able to open afford to joke, so even if his friends are in bragging Tucao make fun of, Cancer is also very difficult to mix with everyone. But party occasion, we once opened can not help but wander chat Cancer past embarrassments, although the nature of nostalgia is a Cancer, but the nostalgic return of nostalgia, was Jieduan,cheap UGG boots, and Cancer always or let it go. Cancer or be silent this time, his face overcast sat silent, or will be excited to continue to justify this problem haunts. Appears in Cancer, disappointment is a small matter, shame something big, the whole atmosphere of the stiff off the inevitable, the worst is Cancer in a good mood, but will take some time to recover. To avoid embarrassment, the proposed Cancer Christmas party in the choice of the time, or as he can fit in better.

embarrassing index: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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Leo Leo Christmas is still quite a duck to water, and from all parties invited to fly open daily interpersonal Leo, they will likely be Anshuang own mind how much by the positive interaction with others. Although the behavior of Leo style party like party animals do not necessarily elated to join the fun, but on the personal style will be quite pay attention to the party theme. Style, Leo will always be able to seize the dignity of this indicator reflects the personal status, while an infinite magnification. But occasionally overly gorgeous costumes but will have the opposite effect, if mishandled, it touches will make people feel very funny. Leo is her face, but fortunately relatively bold aesthetic personality, the fitness of various parties and participation are high, so the moment of encounter friends joke Tucao but will not as sensitive as the Cancer excited. Dignity, except of course, a big joke Leo stepped on the bottom line, they will take into account the image is not freak, it is estimated that people who step on the bottom line has been black-faced lion in the heart of the Curse of ten thousand times.

embarrassing index: ★ ★ ★

★ ★

Virgo Virgo gentle appearance on the daily performance, it seems crowded with Christmas party this occasion entirely two of the world, but in fact most of Virgo heart has bloom, love the visual enjoyment of them, generally will not miss the Christmas party can openly enjoy all kinds of beauty in this handsome guy a chance. However, due to personality shy shy guy when Virgo really met or approached by beautiful women take the initiative when approached,Discount UGG boots, red in the face, at a loss is a common reaction of Virgo, worse, will even have lost the usual glib, tongue-tied, lisp. Chaos for a time loss to the Virgo will have lost even the usual carefully, and behavioral style not appropriate to speak of. Excited under the cup accidentally knocked over, hit the chair and other embarrassing own goal to not act would be undesirable as a conversation, a party within a period of time after the Virgo can only assume to be made fun of fate. This time, only the hate Virgo heart Na, does the guy own the only look beautiful, can not move even approached are connected life?

embarrassing index: ★ ★ ★

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Libra as a social maniac, Libra anything too do not enjoy the party atmosphere of the reason? Christmas has not arrived yet, my friends started to see Libra for the non-stop party for the first line, and every day, took friends to go shopping or face a week early to start doing maintenance, all to a Christmas Eve party to radiant brilliant light . This behavior is indeed in the eyes of some people bored enough, spent much of the money to order the party to let everyone feel very nice, and Libra's friends can only watch, shaking his head, while fun, while that alternative. Party date, most of the women Libra as Chuanhuahudie flying over the court, Libra men are suddenly everywhere Caichang into the superficial and see them so freely at the party turned social little sun and wonderful Antan public relations industry rising star was born. Christmas the next day, embarrassing stories to tell here, meet people who know the party, Libra will be generous deal, but asked who they are, Libra could not answer I am afraid, you can only shake his head, this is really meaningless social ah!

embarrassing index: ★ ★

★ ★

Scorpio Scorpio man or woman, are quite confident of their own taste, style must have a Christmas party goods, to be unique, to be enough like! And focus on quality of Scorpio treat their love of the East, but do not have the habit of not good things, so in fact they are very concerned with their own form of Christmas is not able to excel. This is probably due to mustering the dice effort, usually the shape of Scorpio in the party will not disappoint you Tell me, fire or personal luxury too far, in any event can become the focus of all the arguments, in fact, the Scorpio to do to send the usual deep, We'd not dared to use language to embarrass them. The more they will think they enjoy this feeling more attractive, and it will look more dare to challenge the party in the scope of most children of the opposite sex. However, all staff Christmas party this fight style fight grade occasions, Scorpio this old bird is also inevitably makes mistakes, embarrassment and easy to produce in this one makes a mistake. Either the number of segments experiencing higher than their own also can not handle, or really Zouliao Yan pick on rookie down the appetite, Scorpio can only be in the heart Jiaojiu Ming had.

embarrassing index: ★ ★

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Sagittarius Sagittarius is also a merry Christmas party on the squad member, they do not care about their party will not be the focus of , but do not care how many people can get to know, if you happen to be sufficient enough lively fun Christmas party, they themselves can be high in the side to not work. Of course, high There is also a necessary condition: there is beauty, handsome present. Neural some big beautiful guy Sagittarius article when the current, it is difficult to control his character in the Inferiority of the opposite sex immoral, open mouth began to boast, or buddies with impunity to random broke little secret, she spoke their own also unable to control posture, the gossip around the inquisitive crowd would get together more, Sagittarius has become a small focus. Sagittarius If we do not at this time the convergence may become careless, angry loyalists rushed to the extreme of the big concerns of scolding, fell out, as usual leave staged a series of moves in turn, how to apologize to restore the relationship is still second, get out of matter, and was Sagittarius surrounded by busy people, or think about how can I find a place on the seam getaway.

embarrassing index: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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Capricorn Although Christmas is the time the scope of Capricorn, the Capricorn often is not recognized with the festival Great tune the crowd, not that they do not love fun love solitude, but they are stubborn personality, bad joke is still followed, from the axis of stubborn Capricorn made it awkward to make everyone silent. Capricorn's performance at the Christmas party is usually eat and drink, laughing, This is indeed much to complain problems, but when it comes to play, may be triggered at any trial of strength Capricorn axis. For example, they think they sing nicely enough, then I would ask them to open up to sing it was a myth, if they think that their strange dance, then no matter friend or pleading laws, even attempting to rally all the stops to make them difficult to call step into the dance floor, good party atmosphere to the whole interest in that between the stiff out. Even on weekdays, no matter how high their own request, but the Capricorn in the party that we all play the occasion of the bold, it is the serious attitude to their own vacation, you know, entertaining, although not as entertainment has been the theme of life, sometimes able to add color to life.

embarrassing index: ★ ★ ★ ★

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Aquarius numerous Christmas party, where the strange unique theme party night in the carnival fun elements to attract the participation of many . For those who blame the party planning is coming from, of course, a different type of Aquarius to come out! Strange new man and more a part of Aquarius, so before Christmas, Aquarius have put my mind one after another non-stop jumping up and good ideas to decorate the Christmas gathering Party. But sometimes it is not an alternative too far too meaningful, for example, to take a Christmas party for the whole Aquarius hand look into a Halloween carnival, people's enthusiasm that is would definitely be cool. When Aquarius post a picture of a Christmas party sent to friends on hand, please make individual friends will not be psychologically prepared to participate, after all, not everyone likes to try new and exciting, especially stimulating to the creative challenges of psychological limits Only a few people only pretend to be under the stomach. In particular there is no doubt the creative life can be embellished, but Aquarius, it is essential to grasp the scale of an alternative!

embarrassing index: ★ ★ ★

★ ★

for Pisces Pisces, Christmas in addition to the warmth of Christmas hats and dark red dark green Christmas tree vitality, but also warm and romantic Christmas party. Pisces life fairy tale is a small dessert, whether it is upright to save the princess fall in love with beautiful beautiful tramp or a prince in love with Cinderella, the drama often takes place at the ball, so Pisces to find their little dessert, Christmas But the party is on the appetite. Pisces shy by nature always inevitably linked together at a party with about twenty-three buddies, but their attention is not necessarily in the same conversation on eating and drinking buddies, of course,UGG boots clearance, play is not the focus, to see them flying over the court's attention, How many buddies are also guilty of fairy tale began to guess Pisces complex, the heart may be brewing in a romantic Aventure. Miaodao in Pisces for the object without prior Pisces buddy who is responsible for doing a good foil to the responsibility of it, as long as they did not find a target the moment, it will not let you get out of the moment. Sometimes even the best buddies their minds can not help but be Fufei Pisces accompany this animal in nature but also a problem for people.

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