Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Huang Ching-Sheng Dalin revised manuscript should be sentenced by the judge after the Q & A

 Sheng Dalin revised manuscript: Huang Jing case, judges should Huang Jing case, judges should So many questions paper also requested to re-paste what Shaohua. trouble you.
I feel, before many commentators may not have seen the full text of judgments, including Mr. Shi Yifei. (should be Mr. Gao Yifei) I think this change is reflected not only the text of Stalin's serious, contrasting with the view also makes sense, so I did not re-posted the original location of the new, but keep the old, the new single posted. In addition, judgments of the text, Dalin's blog, links are received in the form of Here is the article
Dalin although he later changed the judge should be also suggested that the authority of the judiciary should be respected, it was considered Jiangjun Wu acquittal is respect for judicial authority does not mean rejection of public opinion. questions or to express anger is a citizen's freedom of speech, the judiciary must not say: presumption of innocence challenged the authority of the judiciary, and no one questioned ? Court has announced that, as the case involving personal privacy, it is not heard in public. But this argument puzzling. the so-called right to privacy, of course, for living purposes. every citizen the right to privacy will be with the people disappear and go away. The victims of the case although he was dead. Of course, Jiang Junwu have privacy, but as the case only on-site parties, in order to wash their own innocence, the most effective way is completely open, that is to give up part of the Privacy. In fact, the prosecution and defense arguments and the media interview, Jiang Junwu was described in detail many times after sex, and body characteristics, judgments have made a more detailed description of what privacy does ? Therefore, as a judge, should be judicious use of no public hearing, but suspected of killing his ex-wife the famous OJ Simpson case and the Kobe Bryant rape case is suspected of an open trial, but also an exception to allow audio and video recording and live.
Second, the fact is how to ? the scene, only two parties, there is no , touch, the proposed sexual intercourse with the yellow, yellow clamp the legs, pull with both hands, yellow ginger is the double leg back of knee, yellow non-compliance, that such re-marriage, the event, Jiang will use a more special way to ride across the chest in yellow sexual activity in vitro, and then they go to sleep. sleeping Huang Ching-breathing, spray saliva, the limbs twitch, although he asked Jiang woke l discomfort where r, Huang did not answer, ginger sleep right again. 6 am Xu, Jiang Junwu quarters although he got up to leave returned to their parents home hh this, a little common sense will make life Even if it was not sleepy or careless neglect, before leaving the total of the wake-up and although he asked about it (even if no accident, her boyfriend left his girlfriend say hello when they should be playing)? However, Jiang Junwu did not do anything, which can be believe it? trial, Jiang Junwu has never admitted that he forced Banguo yellow legs, but more serious injuries during his lifetime is irrefutable facts, the court eventually found Jiangjun Wu Banguo Huang Jing of the lower limbs, indicating Jiang Junwu Caesar lied. That being the case, the above statement that was unreasonable, the judge why admissible?
Third, why is the Supreme Court adopted the judicial identification of the letter? on the death of Huang Jing, the court has commissioned the Xiangtan Municipal Public Security Bureau, Hunan Provincial Public Security Department Hunan Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Centre, the Supreme Court had identified forensic center; victims of Nanjing Medical University was commissioned by one forensic center and the center of Zhongshan University conducted a forensic identification. The results of identified several very different, even contradictory. such as , the Supreme Court concluded that the forensic center, Identification results also higher than the expert opinion of the Supreme Court. It is worth noting that the Court identified three commissioned, although the results are not the same, but are beneficial to the defense; and identification of victims of the two commissioned, the result is the same, but not conducive to the defense. according to common logic, should be more reliable identification of the two identical. So, the judge why only within the political and legal system commissioned by accreditation bodies and ultimately the Supreme Court adopted the identification of the letter say? judgments the reasons given : foggy mysterious statement, but can not imagine a youthful, vibrant, and to killed.
four, Jiang Junwu why the behavior is not subcutaneous bleeding and skin exfoliation, and skin and subcutaneous medial right lower limb blood Why not adopt trust? civil liability. actually innocent, would not Guaizai?
five hearts were in the custody of Huang Jing Why was destroyed during the? soaked in formalin in the body although he will corrupt Why so fast? After that, why did the police forced cremation Huang body? formalin soaked although he would not be a fake? destroy the hearts were harvested and forced cremation of the body is not to destroy evidence? particular note is the identification of the cause of death of the presumption of the Supreme Court is, the objective fact that there is disease noted that no? If you notice, how the mind? However, there is no argument.
although he was to take the case compared with the OJ Simpson trial. In fact, these two cases can not be compared. OJ Simpson trial have become the also did not find evidence of that. However, although he is still the case both in the entity, both in the program there are many problems, but the judge did not give a reasonable explanation.
According to the level the full implementation of the court will judge ? . the real fair decision, and can withstand any questioning. If a case series of questions left after verdict, then the fairness of the case will always be questioned.
Therefore, if the judge ruling the case although he really enforce the law, and asked the heart worthy, it should face the public, confidently to a ) Rain Criminal First
No. 6, Xiangtan City, the Public Prosecution Yuhu District People's Procuratorate.
incidental civil plaintiff Huang Shuhua, female, 1951 June 27 was born in Xiangtan County of Hunan Province, Han nationality, junior college, Xiangtan Union County Department of Education school teachers affect water, shelter floor of Xiangtan manganese Dr. Chen, Jing Huang, Department of the victim's mother. incidental civil plaintiff Placid, male, 1951 February 6 born in Xiangtan County of Hunan Province, Han nationality, primary culture, drivers, address above. Department of victims Huang Jing's father. legal representatives Wu Ge,UGGs, Yang Zuofu, Beijing in the News Law Firm. Department of Civil Procedure with above two agents of the plaintiff. defendant Jiangjun Wu, male, 1978 Born on January 22 Xiangtan, Hunan Province, Han nationality, college culture, Xiangtan City, the IRS Yuhu three Deputy Chief of Branch Manager,Discount UGG boots, live in Xiangtan City, Yun Tong Lane 4 Golden Phoenix city streets IRS Quarters 3, 2nd Floor, Unit 3 . suspicion of rape, June 2, 2003 by Xiangtan Municipal Public Security Bureau Detention Yuhu branch, the same year, was arrested July 8, March 5, 2004 decision by the Court to be released on bail.
defender into E flat, Yan Jun, Hunan law firm with the rise.
Yuhu district of Xiangtan City People's Procuratorate Tam word rain check Prosecution (2003), No. 219 Jiang Junwu indictment charges the defendant guilty of rape in 2003 this court on December 22 prosecution; in the proceedings, with civil plaintiff Huang Shuhua, Placid filed with this court on a civil cause of death although he also victims of this court to apply for re-appraisal, commissioned by the Supreme Court Center for the People's Court carried out forensic identification. After accepting the case, according to the law as composed of judges Fan Jianyang
presiding judge, Judge Zhou stream, participate in the Full Court Zhou Xinmin, in December 7, 2004 closed hearing of the joinder the case. Acting as a record clerk willing to wear. Xiangtan Yuhu District People's Procuratorate appointed procurator Dengchun Yue, Deputy Prosecutor ANHUI BUSINESS appear in support of public prosecution, with civil plaintiff Huang Shuhua, Wu Ge Placid and its legal representatives, Yang Zuofu, the defendant Jiangjun Wu and his defenders into E flat, Yan Jun, the Supreme People's Court appointed appraiser He Songyue Identification Center, Liu L, Williams officials were present at the proceedings. hearing has now concluded.
Yuhu District People's Procuratorate in Xiangtan City allegations: May 2002, was introduced to the defendant and Xiangtan City Council Jiangjun Wu Feng Huang Ching-school music teachers understand women, two had intercourse in the subsequent romantic relationship established on February 24 .2003 at 3 pm, Jiangjun Wu Feng in the Pro within the school dormitory Huang Jing Huang sleeping in a bed, Jiangjun Wu proposed a sexual relationship with Huang Jing, Huang agreed. Jiangjun Wu forced to have sex with Huang, Huang Ching-clamping legs against, Jiang Junwu pull with both hands yellow nest lower limbs in an attempt to Bankai yellow legs, yellow is still not from the defendant Jiang Junwu give up adultery. day morning, although he dies. by the Hunan Provincial Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation forensic identification: although he was due to lung infarction induced acute respiratory and circulatory failure and death. The lower limbs are small pieces fossa oval or elliptic shape for the lifetime of subcutaneous bleeding wound, the Department of the formation of others, according to analysis of injury characteristics inferred, in line with smooth surface like objects setback pressure ( effects such as a finger) due. the evidence provided by the Public Prosecution witnesses have ginger gold, Liu Po Ying, Yuan Jinlian, Geng Tao, Dai Yunfeng, Ganbo Qian, Xiao Mufeng, TAN Jian, Liu years and, Dai Canrong, Peng Chun-shan, Jiangtie Yun, Ye Jian , Placid, Huang Shuhua, Hui-Fang Huang, Yuan Zhijun, ancient Min, LI Chu Fu, Tan Ping's testimony, site survey notes, physical evidence, photographs, forensic identification, confession of the accused,Bailey UGG boots, the defendant's identity. public prosecutor that the defendant and the victim Jiang Junwu Although Huang Jing, Department of relationships, but contrary to the will of Huang Jing, used force to have sex, have constituted the crime of rape, but in the criminal process, to give up crime, a crime stop. drew the Court sentenced.
with civil litigation the plaintiff Huang Shuhua, Placid claimed that: the defendant raped and killed Huang Jing Jiang Junwu, defendant requested the court to investigate the crime of rape Jiangjun Wu and Death of criminal responsibility; also sentenced the accused Jiang Junwu compensation transportation, remains appraisal fees, funeral expenses, expert evaluation fee, a lawyer for filing a case, forensic appraisal fee, copy typing, telephone charges and 373,975 yuan; funeral remains custodial 100,560 yuan, 57,000 yuan funeral expenses, loss of working time costs 396,240 yuan investigation and evidence collection, training and education costs 273,000 yuan, maintenance costs 200,000 yuan, 500,000 yuan moral damage compensation for pain, death compensation 250,000 yuan, a total of 2,150,775 yuan. and provides 24 February 2003 to December 5, 2004 invoice documents by various types of expenditures, city funeral home show loss of working time and other evidence to prove charges. To prove that although he not died of illness, with civil plaintiff Huang Shuhua, Placid, Nanjing Medical University, provides forensic forensic examination of the submission of documentary evidence, Journal of Forensic Identification Center of Forensic books. When the defendant Jiang Junwu although he did not pull the state court to force the thigh, and Huang Jing Huang Jing sexual activity is not contrary to the will, there is no crime. incidental civil action in the absence of a reply. The defender into E flat, Yan Jun opinion is defense: the defendant Jiangjun Wu's conduct did not constitute rape. First, the defendant and the victim Huang Jing Jiang Junwu a relationship .2003 February 24 at 2 pm, the accused in the Jing Huang Jiang Junwu quarters, and although he had intimate behavior, hope and Huang Jing sexual relations between lovers which is the natural emotional development requirements, the performance of the instinct of human nature, which are adultery rape subjective intent is different; Second, existing evidence does not prove Jiang Junwu use violence. fossa wounds, although he is Jiangjun Wu pull formed when the thigh and did not identify the exclusive conclusion that there are still doubts the reasonableness of the conclusions; even if the evidence provided by prosecutors, Jiang Junwu pull the legs using the behavior only that he wanted to have sex with Huang Ching subjective state of mind, as although he said it can not resist the violence and the means, which indicates that the behavior of Jiang Junwu will not go against women. defender to prove that the defendant Jiangjun Wu and Huang Jing lover, a very good relationship, there is no subjective intent of rape, a witness to the court Jian Tan, Ganbo Qian, Geng Tao's testimony.
has examined: May 2002, the defendant was introduced to Xiangtan City Council Jiangjun Wu Feng Huang Ching-school music teachers met and established a relationship .2002 August to January 2003, two in Hainan, Changsha, play, and many places in a room with .2003 on February 23, Xiangtan manganese Huang Jing Jiang Junwu to her family for lunch, and although he and the sister vehicle connected to the Xiangtan urban areas. the same day, Jiang Junwu after dinner along with Huang Jing Jiang Junwu's friend's house to play cards until the next day at 2 pm, followed by two back to school although he Xiangtan City Council's quarters with the abundance of places. Jiangjun Wu and Huang Ching-kissing, touching, the proposed sexual intercourse with the yellow, yellow clamp the legs, pull with both hands, yellow ginger is the double leg back of knee, yellow non-compliance, such as marriage, said further part in it, use it more special ginger ways in yellow riding across the chest for sexual activity in vitro, and then they go to sleep. sleeping Huang Ching-breathing, spray saliva, the limbs twitch, ginger, although he woke up asked, . at 6 pm, Jiang Junwu although he got up to leave the hostel returned to their parents home. About an hour later, Jiang Junwu although he repeated phone calls no one answered, and returned to school, tapping Linfeng hostel does not answer the door, and although he has not found work in schools, ginger to the leaders of the school will reflect this. the school sent the rope from the roof windows falling into the Huang Ching-quarters, 9:30 Xu Jing Huang found naked in bed, dead. The Supreme People's Court of Justice forensic identification center, Huang Jing pathological changes in the underlying basis, for a more special manner Jiang Junwu sexual activity trigger death.
also found that, with the plaintiff's civil action economic loss include: funeral expenses 3,849 yuan; funeral costs 1530 yuan loss of working time; with the Supreme People's Court Centre of Forensic Identification typing, photocopying, transportation and accommodation of 2,500 yuan; death compensation 11O920 yuan, the total loss of 118,799 yuan. The fact, the following evidence by the court, cross-examination of the evidence that:
1, witnesses have ginger gold, Liu Po-British Proof: They are Jiang Junwu parents. Jiangjun Wu met with Huang Jing was introduced after the establishment of Dai Canrong romantic relationship, and Good relations between the two; February 23, 2003 at noon Jiangjun Wu Jing Huang her family to eat in the evening to play ginger ginger mobile phone, know that the two together in a friend's house playing cards; 24 at 7 pm Jiang Junwu home, no place anomaly; Jiang Junwu playing at home, although he calls unanswered, to the 7:50 separation of home work, more than 9 am informed by the people although he died.
2, witnesses Yuan Jinlian prove: May 2002, she and Dai Canrong Introduction Jiangjun Wu met with Huang Jing meeting.
3, Tao Geng witnesses proved: One day in January 2003, he and Jiang Junwu were playing with his girlfriend two days in Changsha, living in the Bank of Japan Hotel, ginger and yellow live in the same room.
4,bailey UGG boots, Changsha City Hotel accommodation bill the Bank of Japan alone, proof Jiangjun Wu, Jing Huang and Geng Tao, Tan Mingli on January 10, 2003 the fact that staying at the hotel.
5, witnesses Dai Yunfeng, Gan Boqian proof: 2003 February 23 at 7 pm, they Jiangjun Wu, Jing Huang at the hotel for dinner. After dinner the four men playing cards in the Jian Tan home to 2 pm the next day or so, although he read the card after a while the living room watching TV, drowsing, go back downstairs when the Huang Jing Jiang Junwu carrying. a good relationship with the yellow ginger.
6, witnesses Xiaomu Feng Proof: February 23, 2003 he and others in the Tan Jiang Junwu health cards to the home at 2:10 on the 24th, yellow ginger back under the floor.
7, witnesses TAN Jian Proof: February 23, 2003 afternoon, he and Jiang Junwu other four at home playing cards 7 pm When to go after the Changsha, the door key of the house at 8 o'clock .24 Daiyun Feng, Jiang Junwu call him advice, a good relationship with Huang Jing Jiang Junwu.
8, witnesses and evidence on Liu: She is a retired teacher living downstairs Huang Ching-.2003 at 2:00 on February 24 about the room although he heard someone walking upstairs. < br> 9, witnesses Dai Canrong prove: she is the principal of the school although he .2003 on February 24 shortly after 8 am after hearing Jiang Junwu reflect the situation when you find someone to open the door .9 room 30 minutes into the Huang Jing Huang has been found dead.
1O, 11O alarm information list, a police record, proof of application for assistance were unlocked, and Huang Ching deaths.
11, witnesses Peng Chun-shan, Jiangtie Yun, Ye Jian proved: 24 am they received a phone arrived Daijiao Chang Linfeng schools, rope falling from the roof into the hostel although he opened the process.
12, witnesses Placid, Huang Shuhua, Hui-Fang Huang proved: they are the Huang Jing of the family. Huang Jing and Jiang Junwu met in May 2002, is a relationship, In the same year in August they went to the Hainan Tourism .2003 February 23 Mn Huang Ching-Jiang her family in Hunan lunch, at 3 pm, and Hui-Fang Huang Huang Jing Jiang car ride back to town. Huang Jing Huang told the mother that night live at the school .24 1O o'clock in the morning, although he received a yellow mother of the phone incident, although he left wrist that finger print, purple marks on the hands and arms with red scratches, abrasions after the neck skin. although he was no medical history.
13, Witness Yuan Zhijun, ancient Min proved: at 8:00 on February 24th, 2003, Jiang Junwu report in the unit after the old say, 7:30 am Call the girlfriend to get up to go to work no one answered, very worried.
14, Central Hospital emergency center medical staff early Li Fu, Tan Ping show at 9:20 on February 24, 2003, by the assignment went to school although he Linfeng were examined and found to dilated pupils, breathing, heart rate Stop for cardiac massage and found his naked hand into the left leg touching the quilt, feeling the skin temperature as well.
15, site survey notes, photographs, building structure plan stated that: exploration time for February 2003 at 9:50 on the 24th, place of abundance of Xiangtan City Council the western end of the school dormitory unit of the South, 6th Floor, Right households, doors and windows in good condition, although he dead naked in the bedroom, double bed, Simmons, head east, feet to the west, was supine state, the north side of the body Youyao towels blankets with white sheets and women's briefs bra each one. the scene of the break-off roll of articles and 3 small group of web web.
16, Hunan Provincial Public Security Forensic evidence inspection reports: Extract the deceased Huang Jing vaginal cleaning paper on the floor beside the bed of a group and on-site toilet paper 7 group, extraction of a dead boyfriend, Jiang Junwu bloodstains, although he extracted the deceased, DNA testing of a stomach. identification
Conclusion: toilet paper at the scene of the 7 groups, 4 groups of people Sperm detection of sperm genotype and the genotype Jiang Junwu consistent, very strong support by the Sperm is Jiangjun Wu left.
17, Criminal Investigation Technology: (1), Changsha Public Security Bureau of physical and chemical examination report, the deceased was not detected in gastric tissue Huang Ching-tetramine, chloride, organic phosphorus pesticides. (2), Hunan Public Security Bureau of Criminal technical inspection report, the deceased's stomach Huang Jing, stomach contents and liver tissue were not detected in phenobarbital, stability, triazolam, chlorpromazine components.
18, forensic identification: (1) Xiangtan Municipal Public Security Bureau autopsy report, ① hymen intact dead Huang Jing , no rupture phenomenon. ② dead limbs fossa surface except a small chip abrasion, but no damage other parts of the body marks, no signs of mechanical asphyxia. Accordingly, the analysis that can be ruled out due to mechanical damage and mechanical suffocation; inquest in no obvious signs of poisoning, except heart and lung pathology tests are significant pathological changes, the other organs no significant pathological changes in the characteristics of toxicity and stomach contents were extracted by the toxic drugs were not detected in laboratory mice strong. Accordingly, the toxic poisoning that can be ruled out. ③ the deceased had suffered from rheumatic heart disease and coronary heart disease, this can lead to acute myocardial ischemia and heart failure and acute pulmonary edema and sudden death. anatomic see lung edema, There was a sense of twisted hair, cut, see the bubble liquid outflow, the signs of acute pulmonary edema consistent with special permits. ④ Conclusion: Jing Huang, Department of the deceased suffering from acute heart disease lead to acute heart and lung failure and sudden death. incidental civil plaintiff in Xiangtan City forensic against the Public Security Bureau, requiring re-identification, Xiangtan City, Hunan Public Security Bureau Public Security Bureau commissioned a new forensic identification. (2) Hunan Provincial Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation forensic books. ① body surface inspection, perineum clean, intact hymen No signs of rupture. ② body limbs were found in the back of knee and surrounding soft tissue contusion many small pieces, with subcutaneous bleeding, injury of note was during his lifetime, according to its character analysis, consistent with the formation of others, which were significantly minor injury, for non-fatal injuries. ③ organs have different degrees of pathological lesions, which are wedge-shaped hemorrhagic areas in lung tissue, pleural bottom side edge toward the hilar, microscope height congestion, edema, hemorrhage, necrosis of alveolar septum, in edema fluid and more scattered in the blood spoilage bacteria, which is caused by pulmonary infarction pulmonary embolism performance, according to medical pathology theory, lead to pulmonary infarction pulmonary embolism can cause acute heart failure and sudden death caused by respiratory failure, pulmonary embolism and other vascular emboli sources other parts of the more common the following vena cava, right heart can also be derived from the mural thrombus, the first autopsy in the body although he seized the right heart, see the mural thrombus, mural thrombus in the loss of the part can cause pulmonary embolism; also detected The mild heart disease, which can accelerate the occurrence and development of heart failure, and an explanation of previous chronic cardiovascular disease. other organs of change consistent with the pathological changes of sudden death. ④ Conclusion: although he was due to acute heart failure caused by pulmonary infarction and respiratory failure and death. incidental civil action against the plaintiff remains to this forensic identification, although he asked the third time identified the cause of death. Hunan Provincial Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation conducted a review of death although he identified. (3) Criminal Investigation Bureau of Hunan Provincial Public Security Department although he died on the review of expert opinion: ① According to the results of pathological examination of tissues and organs analyzed, although he was due to pulmonary infarction caused by acute respiratory and circulatory failure and death. ② small pieces dead limbs fossa oval or elliptic shape subcutaneous hemorrhage injury during his lifetime, the Department of the formation of others; inference based on analysis of injury characteristics, in line with smooth surface like objects setback pressure (such as a finger function) due. ③ Huang Ching-pathological examination revealed a certain degree of heart attack, mainly for the endocardium, heart valves, myocardial interstitial inflammation, edema and increased vascular wall and other cellular components, these lesions under certain conditions (eg, emotional) can cause changes in the cardiovascular system (eg, thrombosis) leading to the death results; its surface trauma in the process can become an indirect contributing factors. incidental civil action against the plaintiff on the review of identification of remains, although he requested identification of the death of the fourth, Xiangtan City Yuhu District People's Court Supreme People's Court commissioned the Centre for Forensic Identification . (4) The Supreme People's Court of Justice stated in the book forensic identification center, autopsy shows the man although he identified a wider range of both lower extremities fossa subcutaneous bleeding and skin exfoliation, and skin and subcutaneous medial right lower limb is bleeding lifetime damage, consistent with direct pressure fingers, the friction caused by injury characteristics. seize the lower limbs using nest in thick liner trousers carrying case can not be explained by way of experts to form the injury. dossier indicated in the attached photo families that the injury found by the review feature venous network of corruption, while one of the photos show the corpse right lower abdomen appeared green. shoulder and right upper arm the Ministry of superficial skin lesions consistent with death dorsal damage characteristics. On the death of the body by biopsy and re- inspection, past toxicological analysis, can be ruled out due to mechanical injury, nose and mouth and neck compression caused by mechanical asphyxia, a common result of poisoning and toxic shock, high temperature, etc. direct result of the death. the scene of the tissue groups tested by the evidence proven Sperm, DNA identification results suggest very strong support for Jiang Junwu legacy, combined with the case, the evidence test results confirmed by expert Huang Jingsheng in front of his boyfriend, Jiang Junwu been sexual activity. necropsy see is expert Huang Ching-hand nail cyanosis, apical and scattered in many places around the posterior wall of the tip chamber-like bleeding; pathological examination revealed lung congestion and edema and focal hemorrhage was endocardium and the outer part of the regional small focal hemorrhage of small blood vessels of organs obvious congestion performance. prompted by expert although he died before the existence of significant acute pulmonary edema and hypoxia. a combination of these pathological findings, Jiang Junwu statement although he appears to be expert froth at the mouth, limbs twitching symptoms consistent with acute heart and lung failure in the dying performance. repeat myocardial biopsy submission see there is a certain disease, myocardial hemorrhage showed some fang fat cell infiltration, some muscle fibers were separated, part of the disordered state of myocardial fibers, scattered small focal myocardial cells atrophy, reduction in the number and focal fiber hyperplasia. These microscopic findings suggest expert Huang Jingsheng was some degree before the heart of a rational change of potential sexually transmitted diseases. microscopy confirmed that after the death of intrathoracic blood clots blood clotting substances, and no coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease and pathological changes in pulmonary infarction. expert conclusion: although he is expert in the pathology underlying basis, for a more special manner Jiang Junwu sexual activity trigger death.
19, accused Jiang Junwu confession: 5 2002 months, the temporary abundance of school Daijiao Zhang Jing Huang about his acquaintance with the school teachers, and established the relationship. period, and although he he was traveling to Hainan, Changsha play, many sleeping in a bed, have had sexual intercourse, sexual activity outside In 2003 February 23, he was her family in Xiangtan manganese Huang Ching lunch, afternoon drive, and two sisters, although he returned to the city. although he and the students after the dinner after the play, to 24 at 2 pm and then back together to Huang Jing of the dormitory. dormitory in the Huang Jing and Huang Ching-sleeping in a bed, after kissing, touching, the removal of the yellow shorts, made to have sex. Huang agreed, and the clamping legs. He put his arms pull yellow The nest of both lower extremities, Huang stresses . although he's sleeping he was breathing sound, convulsions, and the action of saliva spray awakened, asked Huang pm to 8 pm, call several times no one answered the phone yellow, to report to work after school, although he knocked the door did not move, you see yellow does not work that reflect the situation to find school leaders, the school sent falling from the roof rope by the window and burglary, although he found dead in bed.
20, Hunan Province, Hunan Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Corps bus tube (2002), No. 155 file ...

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