Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Soft cotton cloth like a man

 Today bought a cotton T-shirt, it was like, soft and warm. Seems to give an unlimited sense of security. In particular is thought of in the world there is a man, like most of my love cotton. And I love how in that shall gentle man. as if the winter sun, can be lost from the glasses to see, never harsh.
has no immunity to the modest man, look no drama, just a little bit like seeing the boys show their softer side, the total can not help but be super-HC form. always felt a mild heart men have particularly soft side, like cotton, not so delicate, but always make people feel warm.
even fall in love with a man because I like a moderate by many despised Taiwanese accent, like listening to a man dragging a long tail of Taiwan, said, exceptionally idiotic endless love words, always felt that a man so modest in their statements to play to the till, I know that here, certainly someone to despise me, despise me, many people actually like to be do not like the Taiwanese accent, but I really think that other languages can not say that man is nice to say. I would also like to think that life is always north of men with moderate irreversible stiff soil and water related. (Oh, I'm not just being despised, or looking to play a ......).< br> Like the man a little rough cotton, not silk surprise; also a bit rough, because the cotton itself does not require too sophisticated processing; I often think about their fascination with the man's rough But the big warm hands (Oh, I really the king of a well-deserved YY), that specializes in machinery are also good at the computer with both hands, but also good at weeping and so on. always felt that big hands are soft cotton man.
always remember the time in the supermarket at the entrance to see the warm scene, because the two pigtail wearing cute little girls Naoqi a small temper, in the shopping cart pedaling feet, saw the young father bent down and gently patted her daughter's face, smiled and said something, even quiet down the little girl, but also mouth to rise. side of me, unprovoked heart is touched. the moment the young man my father pulled into the ranks of cotton. in fact, it is with some subjective , right?
think Zhouzhuan Xiong's a quite popular last year, are rough, and I do not know where the reefs, bright and sunny when people really thrilled, once FY pictures make for a loss. or I like the cotton is always soft touch will not hurt in any case the hand, and more washes will not be deformed shrink, I think that the good man should have the special quality that has always been so beloved woman feel safe, and his embrace of the beloved woman will always feel so warm. So let me watch a gentle man marine , or watch a slightly rough but very soft cotton cloth is more appropriate.
some of his hair is really nervous. from a cotton T shirt to YY in such a way, I really admire the dead. But God knows, I am What a gentle man in love.
to bed. I love everything.
Good night, dear Singaporeans. you must began to laugh at my words do not convey, is not it? recent speech always found myself The scarcity and pale, alas, do not want to, and so be it. hug and good night:)

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