Thursday, November 25, 2010

Learn to manage your money (reproduced in the river corner, thank you, highly recommended

 Often heard it said: to eat is not poor, not poor wear, calculations do not Zhouyi Shi poor. Means that we spend money to have a plan to live within our means. He gives us a lot of suggestions, such as the following are those recommendations to our financial experts : 1, you want to determine the reasonable expenses of the family. who is a social animal, can not do without basic necessities of life, all parties need money are inseparable in all aspects of money, household consumption, feelings of consumption, entertainment consumption, health care consumption, lower education generation, support for the elderly, and so are spending large sums, some are one-time, some accumulation of many, we have to do is flood control, the same as the various expenses to count to count, while the income is always a number of , so there must be a spending plan, there is a consideration, where the need to clear the increased traffic, where the need for closure should have a plan arrangement limits. 2, the money used in business, who has never to do some things In addition to eat well dressed, beautiful house and no less, ladies and need all kinds of cosmetic accessories, as the higher animals, people should also have a self-fulfilling desire for social Ye Hao, Ye Hao for their own personal satisfaction, the total is to vent out their own personal values, which is self-realization. people are animal desire, not only to meet the requirements of materials, but also need spiritual wealth. Therefore, apart from basic necessities to meet the necessities of life, the make money in business, life skills, labor skills and capital investment. 3, should have a contingency reserve. militaries wage war will leave a reserve to cope with various unexpected situations. life, too, who can not escape sickness and death, coupled with complex social environment, thousands of operators considered tainted million total count, not a phrase you: what's not sick, lacks not have the money. As for how many remain, the impact depends on your ability, and in general with age growth, the greater the proportion of the contingency reserve. Some people are given a formula of 100 minus your age with is your percentage of revenues for investment. For example, 20-30 years old, you can use 80-90% of their income on investment, 40 years old is 60% ,UGG bailey button,60-70 years old should be used mostly reserves. 4, there must be a future investment plans. want to make money should be your own boss, many people said. is indeed a truth, work for others will never be rich. From the perspective of business owners, put your fattening, who returned to his work ah??? of course, investment is not necessarily have to be your own boss, in fact, the narrow perspective of banking, How to take care of your money is deposited in a bank, or buy stocks to buy bonds or buy gold or buy real estate property preservation proliferation?? this society there is a risk everywhere, the old man told us: Do not put all their eggs into one basket. also shows the eight steps to become a millionaire, as we are now millionaires still be considered rich are not discussed, as the then still not a million million households as customers to discuss not make sense. The eight steps are: 1, start investing now, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow is so great?? all start now, start from today,cheap UGG boots, we will not As for Bruce. even if no money can not head the project but did not make a fortune concept. 2, develop a goal, people do not go without a head, the birds do not fly without a head. If you do not have a real clear goal, how to have power, how can we not lost?? so there must be a goal, it is best a long and a short-term and long-term hope people can have more of a fantasy and longing, a wish Buzhi Yu recent desperate people. For example: When I buy a 180-flat house, I was 40 years old 50 years old To much money. 3, we should spend money to buy stocks or shares in the standard fund, is to encourage investment in everyone, do not do not lock in the closet, to participate in the circulation. Although today's copy shares lost 2 5 earned, as well as 3 staring eyes, but it involved the flow of money into the stock market, for those who do business on the economy, and even the whole country is useful, can be said to be a patriotic expression, of course, can be said for those capitalists useful, but it is mutually beneficial, as you lose money is not your own personal ability to grasp, why do you have to fall at that point to buy ah, why do you climb again in time to be sold, ah, look not, I also appreciate this argument, I suggest those who want to participate in the stock market's Friends Do not just look at how much other people earn much, do not you also get a hot head, and what is the stock must first pass it out. 4, do not have unrealistic expectations that is valid and does that mean? I think for a long time, should also be said that the investment, just play the stock market, like, thinking about the big money, but do not think about whether they have share of capacity. arrogant hundredfold not overrate their own strength, club West home laugh at me mad. Fangweng brother really brave. admire admire!! 5, to buy blue chip stocks, to long-term holding. It is said that a major principle of investing in stocks. Many people look at stock prices will inevitably rise and fall emotionally,UGG boots cheap, playing short-term requires a solid financial, but also have profound skills. should be listening to someone else or a to see how the corporate performance, future earnings prospects? feel good that you will consider joining the bank is, let him lend the money back even the band edge, and he dare to lend to you. of course, except for some black-box operation. 6, the annual fixed investment, to develop an investment habit. It should be said that those non-millionaires who, you are a working-class wages each month to that point, it does not matter, as long as you develop investment habits, your money will go further out. a thousand miles begins with one step, our ancestors have told us. 7, the Internal Revenue Service as a partner, make good use of it. interesting, others are tax evasion, you also When his partner??? But I tell you, tax evasion will not let you get rich,Discount UGG boots, but will let you develop the habit of muddling along. After all, it is difficult to see the light of what the sly. In addition, I also told you, the state general economic development through tax regulation of the balance of the once, when the development of an industry that lags behind, often some tax incentives for tax reduction, which is to provide you with an investment industry information signal, no permanent enemies, no permanent friends. 8, limit financial risk, financial experts who found that many millionaires are millionaires living mostly simple, saying that white is very boring, not love for work, only married once, not a bunch of kids students usually do not move. We read, frequently changing work life is absolutely wonderful, that is no less than save money, and carefully counted the cost for the work of invisible operators in fact, it really is not low, the problem I understand from Shui Yebie and I fight; Everyone knows the cost of marriage, from love to marriage can not be ignored that it is a number; Health and a bunch of kids, just look at today's high tuition, I know how it happens, not to mention the daily also tending spending and things will get married; The move, you first have at least two properties, the other moving to make money mood often affected. pit in the bookstore a few days ago, dig something this board, the memory of clutter plus some far-fetched to understand this point make up random stuff to satisfy the right one. In addition, I would like to buy books millionaire it is not generally pit. HOHO 

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